Like said before.
The masses are more interested in a mindless "fuck-fest".(The horny horde)
-They don't want to think about a good story because that's way to complicated for them, they just want to see nude pics.
-And again t.b.h.. The greater % of people over here have the creativity and imagination of a Sloth.. So a line of dialogue that goes like "This is my mother, she is hot... I wish i could touch her" is oscar worthy for them
Some developers try to make a story based story, and some of them succeed but the greater % of them succumb to the pressure of The horny horde because again... They only want to see "the good stuff" .
There are a couple games on this site that have a decent to good story, but it's just like everything else relating to media.
You have to plough to a lot of crap to find that 1 that's worth remembering.
Simply put, many are just interested in the Adult part of everything and don't care about the Games part