
Active Member
Oct 10, 2017
Or you know Icstor just typed the name's alphabetically ? Just because you don't like a character doesn't mean anything. 0.7 will be Sara's 4/5 and only the first level for Judy. Sara will get a good chunk of content. Quit stating your opinions as if they were fact.
I'm not stating my opinions like facts. I shouldn't need to point out when I make an opinion either. It should be pretty obvious. Do I need to put an "IMO" or some shit afterwards so you can get it? or maybe feel better?

And nothing states that a character can't move up multiple levels in a single update. It's happened before. Judy could easily get two levels here. Be the primary focus of the update with the Gremlin being a throw in. It being in alphabetical order doesn't prove anything, and it could easily still mean the way I see it.

The names are in an alphabetically order.
Version 0.6 - CAroline, CElia
Version 0.7 - Judy, Sara
Version 0.8 - Linda, Yazmin/Liza

And to be honest. Only a few people would put her in "dumpster tier". You can make your top 3, but you need to accept, that others are looking for Sara content.
Just because it appears to be in alphabetical order doesn't prove anything. It could still easily mean the way I describe it. I wish we could know one way or the other, so if Gremlin is the primary then I can pull my support for those 2-3 months and give it to someone else. I love me some Judy, and will be hyped for her content, but obvious not the trash that's coming along with it.

I do understand the Sara fans are thirsty for content, but she's not really a favorite for the majority of people in this game. She doesn't win polls, and loses to other non-house member characters. All she has going for her is that she's one of the house members. Other than that, she's the ugly duckling of every single ICSTOR game. By far the worst model he's ever done IMO (better? LOL), but hey, I guess some people are into that though.


Active Member
May 16, 2018
is there a console to unlock the gallery or someway to find what content you are missing , im guessing im missing the secret cards.

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
I do understand the Sara fans are thirsty for content, but she's not really a favorite for the majority of people in this game. She doesn't win polls, and loses to other non-house member characters. All she has going for her is that she's one of the house members. Other than that, she's the ugly duckling of every single ICSTOR game. By far the worst model he's ever done IMO (better? LOL), but hey, I guess some people are into that though.
I get the feeling that you really don't understand it at all.
I'm trying my hardest to resist my impulse to be abusive but how in the name of the Great Green Arkleseizure can you call her ugly? You are of course entitled to your opinion no matter how much I object to them but stop trying to convince everybody else that your view is the only on that people should listen to. Like many others, I adore Sara. Just remember that the Ugly Duckling became a beautiful Swan.

As far as I'm concerend, Suri and Zuri are done. I actually cannot stand either of the two existing routes with them. They try so damn hard (and it's pushed on us too) to be sexy. I am NOT attracted to them.
I'm more curious about Spanky McNeighbour, the classmate (can't remember her name) or the tramp in the swimming pool (can't remember her name either).

*Edited for typos.


New Member
May 9, 2018
good afternoon
why in the scenes in the bedroom and in the bathroom with Linda I only see screenshots and every time a black screen instead of animated scenes ?? ??
sorry for my English

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
But yea, you can always do what @Hones "claims" he/she does. If you can't handle seeing peoples opinions (sometimes extreme) you don't agree with then just ignore it. But actually ignore it though. You see, Hones didn't ignore it. He/she responded to it in a different way, and proceeded to use words that almost always make you look just as bad, if not worse than the person they're criticizing.
I can handle the opinions of others. It's the fact this the Sara hate is not new in any regard and is getting tiresome.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
is there a console to unlock the gallery or someway to find what content you are missing , im guessing im missing the secret cards.

Drop the rpy fileinto your /game folder, click the new icon on the MC's computer.
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Aug 1, 2018
I like this game because of innocent story with Sara. Lindas story is little too fast with sex and Caroline story is lets say ok with all that photo shots. All other girls are just for quick sex nothing else. Imagine if he continued making game with Caroline/Sara/Linda and added only 2 new characters example Caroline boyfriend and Sara boyfriend that would be awesome, then imagine Sara is pregnant, dont know who is father, she merries boyfriend and live together in house, when baby is born she finds out you are father but she cant tell anyone, this would be much more better :)

PS: I hate christmas update, it would be better if he continued with updates, atm 30%, thats probably 25 days until 0.6 is released. If you know good similar games let me know in pm :)


New Member
Jun 10, 2017
I like this game because of innocent story with Sara. Lindas story is little too fast with sex and Caroline story is lets say ok with all that photo shots. All other girls are just for quick sex nothing else. Imagine if he continued making game with Caroline/Sara/Linda and added only 2 new characters example Caroline boyfriend and Sara boyfriend that would be awesome, then imagine Sara is pregnant, dont know who is father, she merries boyfriend and live together in house, when baby is born she finds out you are father but she cant tell anyone, this would be much more better :)

PS: I hate christmas update, it would be better if he continued with updates, atm 30%, thats probably 25 days until 0.6 is released. If you know good similar games let me know in pm :)
That is a very specific opinions there buddy, i thought i was reading an articles from a game journal and the game's biggest donator at the same time. No offense though, you know what, i do imagine what story plot you are suggesting and i think it is pretty hot. Though, what makes this game is the best game i've found on this site was the "excitement". The art, game mechanic, story plot (there are two if you haven't notice) and everything else in this game fit beautifully to my taste. My main course was of course the "patch" plot, that is the only plot i had rather choose in every game, but then i also play the "non-patch" plot and oh i was not disappointed at all. I might sound like an addictive by now, but if i my hope had any chances of being granted, it would be an addition to the "sleeping" action content (the girl being asleep of course). Anyway, whatever dev gonna do/make next, if by chances that a all people that has played it says that dislike or hate it, i would still be the only loving it.
By the way, what kind of similar game are you asking? as in what genre? Maybe try the older ICSTOR game if you haven't.


Active Member
Oct 10, 2017
Imagine if he continued making game with Caroline/Sara/Linda and added only 2 new characters example Caroline boyfriend and Sara boyfriend that would be awesome, then imagine Sara is pregnant, dont know who is father, she merries boyfriend and live together in house, when baby is born she finds out you are father but she cant tell anyone, this would be much more better :)
This would be extremely bad. Have you seen how delicate some of the people are around here? If you even mention N** people get hysterical... I mean, a few people here were getting seriously upset about a fictional character being called a name they didn't like. There were lots complaints about Caroline even mentioning she had previous boyfriends, which the writer ending up changing. I'm not even joking about this shit either. It's really that bad.

So do you really think some of the people around here could handle Caroline and Sara (I want to say it so bad, but I'm trying here) having boyfriends or an unknown pregnancy?


New Member
Jun 10, 2017
This would be extremely bad. Have you seen how delicate some of the people are around here? If you even mention N** people get hysterical... I mean, a few people here were getting seriously upset about a fictional character being called a name they didn't like. There were lots complaints about Caroline even mentioning she had previous boyfriends, which the writer ending up changing. I'm not even joking about this shit either. It's really that bad.

So do you really think some of the people around here could handle Caroline and Sara (I want to say it so bad, but I'm trying here) having boyfriends or an unknown pregnancy?
Oh, and here i thought what ruckus was that. Last time i checked, this problem was not here. From what i know though, in all ICSTOR game, the N** he was using was always the "stealing" one (you know? the feeling good ones). So i had a rather big confidence this one would follow suit. Actually, there is a whole threat for that N** matter, and i think this is the time for site admins to consider separate the N** tags, the "stolen" ones or the "stealing" ones. That is gonna take some work (real work) of course, but nothing beats the peaceful atmosphere we're gonna get. Don't judge me (i am pretty sure you will though), i can dig every tags there is, even if you put warning on it. It is just a matter of "spices" that fit my bud. And for additional information, there are three "official" branch of the N** right now (source:japan), it is as follow; "stolen", "stealing", and "reverse N**". That last one was apparently described like this: the protag was the one being stolen, but the story plot makes it that the "protag" was so bad that you would curse at him. For an example, the protag (reader pov) was an arrogant delinquent over the limit you can accept, and ended up being N**'ed by the one he is looking down to.
That's all i guess. Seriously though, don't hate me for anything that i write. I seriously don't intent too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2019
Your punctuation is off topic - YOU'RE ALL BANNED!!!!!!!

Ha, just kidding.... for now...

Well, back to my power-tripping and cruel oppression of the voiceless masses. ;)
If I did something wrong, forgive me.
I do not speak English
2- I posted a download here just to help
3- If this can not, I did not know, understand everything and all the terms outside of your native language is really very complicated.
4-My native language is Brazilian Portuguese
5- I always say what I can to help people, this is my human spirit.
6 - But if this human spirit does not serve to help in this site I am shutting myself down already, and once again excuse ... good week to all.


Respected User
Former Staff
May 6, 2017
If I did something wrong, forgive me.
I do not speak English
2- I posted a download here just to help
3- If this can not, I did not know, understand everything and all the terms outside of your native language is really very complicated.
4-My native language is Brazilian Portuguese
5- I always say what I can to help people, this is my human spirit.
6 - But if this human spirit does not serve to help in this site I am shutting myself down already, and once again excuse ... good week to all.
I wasn't talking to you, and I was kidding. You're fine man. :)
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