
May 15, 2017
How about one more?

Funny how people defending the dev for taking his (long) time releasing the new version, are people with new accounts...
My account – is it "new" by your assessment? Because I'll defend the dev.. and I'm actually a paying patron.

Cripes. I wish we could just ban idiots who only come in here to complain about timeliness of updates. The update will be done WHEN IT IS DONE. Don't like it? Take your dollars (or non-patronizing self) somewhere else.

Kytolo Braven

Jul 3, 2017
How about one more?

My account – is it "new" by your assessment? Because I'll defend the dev.. and I'm actually a paying patron.

Cripes. I wish we could just ban idiots who only come in here to complain about timeliness of updates. The update will be done WHEN IT IS DONE. Don't like it? Take your dollars (or non-patronizing self) somewhere else.

This is pretty much it. I really like this Dev and he's always worth the wait.

I unsub from him or lower my sub during months that he does not have a release and happily pay for the resub when he releases an update. One of the only devs that is worth waiting for the content.


Mar 10, 2019
With all the complaints and bickering I've read in this forum, it seems majority of you have developed carpal tunnel and need to get laid for real. Having sex in a video games doesn't count. There's more to life than playing with yourself.


Mar 12, 2019
I played for the first time the other day; impressive stuff and more enjoyable than I expected.

Reminds me of SimGirls with level up status and map movement gameplay; wouldn't be surprised if that was part of Icstor's inspiration.

Probably not the best place to post this but maybe Icstor lurks here or some of his patrons might know.

I'm guessing English isn't his first language or if he is a native speaker it's not his strength and that's fine, but I did notice some spelling and grammar mistakes when I was playing.

Maybe some fans don't care (focusing on the visuals so not really noticing) but if/when the game is 100% complete it would be a shame that some sloppy text stands out from an otherwise solid game that clearly had a lot of time and effort involved into making it.

Up to this point have updates fixed any text mistakes from earlier versions or just gameplay errors? Or do the updates simply add new scenes and scenarios and have corrected nothing else?

Is the plan to someday go back and fix any typos before the finalized version or should players be reporting any text errors they find?

Besides his discord or patron page is there an email to send screenshots? I assume this would be more helpful than vaguely saying which line needs to be corrected from thousands of lines of text.

I didn't bother to screenshot any examples but when v.06 comes out I can always play from scratch again if he does want feedback for improvement.

Or is this a waste of time? Icstor is already aware of these spelling and grammar issues and already has staff (or testers) working on this so outside fan-support is not needed?

Sorry if this has been discussed already but don't have the time to check 900+ pages and the search tool isn't giving me the answers I'm looking for.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
I played for the first time the other day; impressive stuff and more enjoyable than I expected.

Reminds me of SimGirls with level up status and map movement gameplay; wouldn't be surprised if that was part of Icstor's inspiration.

Probably not the best place to post this but maybe Icstor lurks here or some of his patrons might know.

I'm guessing English isn't his first language or if he is a native speaker it's not his strength and that's fine, but I did notice some spelling and grammar mistakes when I was playing.

Maybe some fans don't care (focusing on the visuals so not really noticing) but if/when the game is 100% complete it would be a shame that some sloppy text stands out from an otherwise solid game that clearly had a lot of time and effort involved into making it.

Up to this point have updates fixed any text mistakes from earlier versions or just gameplay errors? Or do the updates simply add new scenes and scenarios and have corrected nothing else?

Is the plan to someday go back and fix any typos before the finalized version or should players be reporting any text errors they find?

Besides his discord or patron page is there an email to send screenshots? I assume this would be more helpful than vaguely saying which line needs to be corrected from thousands of lines of text.

I didn't bother to screenshot any examples but when v.06 comes out I can always play from scratch again if he does want feedback for improvement.

Or is this a waste of time? Icstor is already aware of these spelling and grammar issues and already has staff (or testers) working on this so outside fan-support is not needed?

Sorry if this has been discussed already but don't have the time to check 900+ pages and the search tool isn't giving me the answers I'm looking for.
ICSTOR's writer @Onyxdime posts here once in a while. You might want to contact him, he might be interested.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2019
I played for the first time the other day; impressive stuff and more enjoyable than I expected.

Reminds me of SimGirls with level up status and map movement gameplay; wouldn't be surprised if that was part of Icstor's inspiration.

Probably not the best place to post this but maybe Icstor lurks here or some of his patrons might know.

I'm guessing English isn't his first language or if he is a native speaker it's not his strength and that's fine, but I did notice some spelling and grammar mistakes when I was playing.

Maybe some fans don't care (focusing on the visuals so not really noticing) but if/when the game is 100% complete it would be a shame that some sloppy text stands out from an otherwise solid game that clearly had a lot of time and effort involved into making it.

Up to this point have updates fixed any text mistakes from earlier versions or just gameplay errors? Or do the updates simply add new scenes and scenarios and have corrected nothing else?

Is the plan to someday go back and fix any typos before the finalized version or should players be reporting any text errors they find?

Besides his discord or patron page is there an email to send screenshots? I assume this would be more helpful than vaguely saying which line needs to be corrected from thousands of lines of text.

I didn't bother to screenshot any examples but when v.06 comes out I can always play from scratch again if he does want feedback for improvement.

Or is this a waste of time? Icstor is already aware of these spelling and grammar issues and already has staff (or testers) working on this so outside fan-support is not needed?

Sorry if this has been discussed already but don't have the time to check 900+ pages and the search tool isn't giving me the answers I'm looking for.
Great contribution to your analysis, thank you.
I was seeing in the creator's page a certain subject that he said.
He says he loves making these styles of games.
But you need free time for this ... and I said that you no longer have time to work with it because of the work, I study among others in his life.
He is a guy of his 34 or 44 years if I am not mistaken that he has a half-tumultuous life of tasks nescessarias .... and he created this game alone there are no other participants in this so arduous step ..... then we even a discount because working with games is complicated and very time consuming and alone makes things worse because it does not give you the time to do a review, to correct spelling mistakes between bugs, history (ouch) a lot.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2019
With all the complaints and bickering I've read in this forum, it seems majority of you have developed carpal tunnel and need to get laid for real. Having sex in a video games doesn't count. There's more to life than playing with yourself.
There is every kind of game ... erotic, novel, children's novel, one world, really sex is not important in many lives because there are people who like and have people who do not like.
But if you work with erotic games and launches in the wrong market everyone will fall on my friend dick.
I agree that game should not only have putaria, must have a mixed content ... history, and a little ..... when it comes to eroticism.
but this game I got to play I think two or three times changing the ways to see all the content from various sides ..
But really a matter of points of "Good wife and Woman slut" for more points that you have in high or low does not change anything the game because the assembly of the game was poorly edited and left this game kind of bad.


New Member
Jan 24, 2019
Really enjoyed this one. He probably won't make it in march things happen.. but you never know. Looking forward to the update rather be good than rushed.


Active Member
Sep 4, 2017
Icstor NEVER gives a specific date so anyone who says otherwise is spreading false info. He said March not when in March. STOP complaining and arguing about it or else the Staff will make you have something to complain about. This thread is for help with the game, not for you to bitch and moan. If you want to do that (and you're a Patreon of his) then by all means do it on Patreon or just simply go on the Milfy City Discord and get your questions answered there.

I'm not going to say anything more on this subject, it's becoming tiresome, and somewhat annoying, to say the least, because people can't be bothered to look back a few posts, or pages, to check if the relevant info has been posted with regards to their question.

So I'm posting the info below, with a "scenario". Somehow I doubt if they'll be bothered to read it or even care!?
They won't go on Discord and ask, because they know they'll get short shrift from the Mods on there, especially when they tell them they downloaded it for free from a well-known pirate site that puts out "free VN porn games" and that they're also in violation of the T&C's of that site too, by dint of the fact that they're asking for updates.

Punter: "Hi guys, it's already March and there's nothing at all. Why's it late!? Icstor said it will be done and it's not. Why? WTF is going on!?"
Disc Mod: "It's not late. It's out when it's out. Go to Patreon and ask there."
Punter: "Hmmm... Got a link for Patreon? I'm not on there and I don't know the weblink."
Disc Mod: "If you're not on Patreon, then where did you get the game from, and if so did you pay for it?"
Punter: "I downloaded if from a "website" for free, along with a few other games too, why?
Disc Mod: "Don't come on here asking for updates about a game that you got for free from a pirate site, go read our T&C's, which you obviously didn't do. Next question gets you kicked/banned" Pay for the game like others do and then ask again, and then do so in a polite, and nice way, and then you won't get short shrift from people on here, so once again I ask you go read the T&C's

Punter: Green = Naive
Disc Mod: Red = Narked/Annoyed

List of main Rules on Milfy City Discord Channel

10. Game updates do not have ETAs. They will be released once testing is done. Patrons will receive an email when the link is available so be sure to check your inbox. Asking about the update will get you muted. Second time you will be banned. We are as excited as you guys, but you need to keep calm and wait. It will be out before you know it.
11. Do not post any pirate link or make any mention of pirate sites. We are well aware of them. This is the first warning for everyone.
12. If you are muted it will be for a week. While muted think about what you did and how you can avoid getting banned. Bans are permanent.
13. Do not ping Icstor. He reads the messages and responds to the ones he wants to. Feel blessed if he answers your questions.
14. Do not talk about game modifications or patches regarding Milfy city.
15. The bug channel is only for Milfy city bugs. Help Koneser out and keep it simple. Post the error and wait for a response.
16. Icstor does not make an android port of any of his games. If you post on the help channel or bug channel anything regarding issues with an unofficial android port you will be banned.

17. This an English only server. We are not going to google translate your native tongue. Use this opportunity to get better at a new language.
18. Do not post anything that violates discord ToS
To be clear Milfy City is not free, you need to be a minimum $10 patron to download the game.

We are aware of unofficial remakes of Icstors other games. If you bother dev team about them we will mute then ban if you continue to ask questions about them.

Will they go and ask on Discord, and/or Patreon...? I doubt it, especially when they get it for free on here.
Also, while the subject of updates is currently being discussed, and adding to this post as well

Below is a section of the T&C's on here.

  1. Before making a request, check to see if the version has already been uploaded or requested
  2. Don't ask for games that haven't been released yet
  3. Games must be playable and understandable by English speakers
  4. Don't ask for newer versions in the game thread, instead create a request
  5. Failure to follow the " ", will result in rejection

That's my final(?) two bob's worth on this subject...

If you want to fap to a game, then replay it or fap to another one, until the next update is released...


Active Member
May 10, 2017
With all the complaints and bickering I've read in this forum, it seems majority of you have developed carpal tunnel and need to get laid for real. Having sex in a video games doesn't count. There's more to life than playing with yourself.
If anything this applies to you, I just popped into this thread but whoever these people are, they are merely criticizing a game, you are so invested in it that you would insult them for that. That's pathetic.
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Feb 25, 2018
Can shitty VN style games just get their own genre in the updated tab? Having to scroll through 50 shitty "Oh, lets pose some models and write some shitty dialogue" VN type games is really getting on my tits by now. Especially when these are the ones that get "most liked" for whatever reason. Sifting through a billion of the same game with different samey looking models posed just slightly differently in static pictures without voice acting and a shitty royalty free music loop is god awful.
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Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
Can shitty VN style games just get their own genre in the updated tab? Having to scroll through 50 shitty "Oh, lets pose some models and write some shitty dialogue" VN type games is really getting on my tits by now. Especially when these are the ones that get "most liked" for whatever reason. Sifting through a billion of the same game with different samey looking models posed just slightly differently in static pictures without voice acting and a shitty royalty free music loop is god awful.
  1. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean others don't like them. We're an inclusive community - don't bash others and their tastes.
  2. Is this really the appropriate thread to complain about this in?
Feb 25, 2018
  1. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean others don't like them. We're an inclusive community - don't bash others and their tastes.
  2. Is this really the appropriate thread to complain about this in?
Apologies, I don't wanna bash anyone's tastes, but with something this simplistic and awfully numerous... Honestly, it drives me up the wall quite a bit and yes, I do feel that this is an appropriate thread to complain about it, as this one currently stands number one and is a good example of my complaint.

I'll be honest, with you, I was halfway through downloading this before I saw the mention of pictures for the umpteenth time on something that looked promising. This has the potential to be way more if there'd been some kind of effort put into it by the means of actual animation and whatnot.

If this is what you like, then I'm not bashing you, enjoy 2008 eastern European mass produced flash games as much as you want, man. I was just venting about the tsunami of them flooding out any other type of game currently on here. It's hard to filter them out, seeing how this is tagged under the same tags as something like say... Koikatsu or Playhome.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
Apologies, I don't wanna bash anyone's tastes, but with something this simplistic and awfully numerous... Honestly, it drives me up the wall quite a bit and yes, I do feel that this is an appropriate thread to complain about it, as this one currently stands number one and is a good example of my complaint.

I'll be honest, with you, I was halfway through downloading this before I saw the mention of pictures for the umpteenth time on something that looked promising. This has the potential to be way more if there'd been some kind of effort put into it by the means of actual animation and whatnot.

If this is what you like, then I'm not bashing you, enjoy 2008 eastern European mass produced flash games as much as you want, man. I was just venting about the tsunami of them flooding out any other type of game currently on here. It's hard to filter them out, seeing how this is tagged under the same tags as something like say... Koikatsu or Playhome.
That's funny. "I'm not bashing you", then "enjoy 2008 eastern European mass produced flash games."

This is not a 2008 mass produced flash game. And it's got animations. And a story. And things to actually do, not just click click click read read.

Are you saying this site shouldn't add certain games because they're VNs, as opposed to other types of games? That's not going to happen - we're an inclusive community; we take everything, as long as it doesn't violate certain rules.

There are quite a few games on here that are VNs, but have choices that matter. This may not appeal to you, which is fine, but that doesn't mean it doesn't appeal to others.

And no, an individual game's thread is not the right place to complain about the types of games on this site, or to suggest a way to filter the LATEST UPDATES tab. If you do have a suggestion for a new tag or way to distinguish between the types of games you like and the ones you don't, the appropriate thing to do is start a new thread here:
Feb 25, 2018
That's funny. "I'm not bashing you", then "enjoy 2008 eastern European mass produced flash games."

This is not a 2008 mass produced flash game. And it's got animations. And a story. And things to actually do, not just click click click read read.

Are you saying this site shouldn't add certain games because they're VNs, as opposed to other types of games? That's not going to happen - we're an inclusive community; we take everything, as long as it doesn't violate certain rules.

There are quite a few games on here that are VNs, but have choices that matter. This may not appeal to you, which is fine, but that doesn't mean it doesn't appeal to others.

And no, an individual game's thread is not the right place to complain about the types of games on this site, or to suggest a way to filter the LATEST UPDATES tab. If you do have a suggestion for a new tag or way to distinguish between the types of games you like and the ones you don't, the appropriate thing to do is start a new thread here:
Of course I'm not saying they shouldn't allow this. Like I said before, it would really help the site if they'd add a separate category for VNs. I'll give this game another try, since you mentioned animations, but gameplay from other people made it seem like it was just the same old clickety clackety clack VN bullshit you can find in a billion other games. I guess my disappointment got the best of me and made me rage a little. It's just that it's tedious to find something worth while on here. I love this site and despite us arguing, I do commend you for not just napalming me with derogatory therms. It's funny that a porn site is kinder to idiots like me than something like Reddit or the likes...

Thanks either way, I guess I'll try Milfy City for reals this time.

Deleted member 1023239

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2018
Of course I'm not saying they shouldn't allow this. Like I said before, it would really help the site if they'd add a separate category for VNs. I'll give this game another try, since you mentioned animations, but gameplay from other people made it seem like it was just the same old clickety clackety clack VN bullshit you can find in a billion other games. I guess my disappointment got the best of me and made me rage a little. It's just that it's tedious to find something worth while on here. I love this site and despite us arguing, I do commend you for not just napalming me with derogatory therms. It's funny that a porn site is kinder to idiots like me than something like Reddit or the likes...

Thanks either way, I guess I'll try Milfy City for reals this time.
i think you post on the wrong thread, you can post whatever you have on your mind here

and if you mention click and clack game im sure it was kinetic novel and yes i'm agree with you i think they should make them separately and i think this game is vn you can choose your path and this have dozen of animation too


Apr 23, 2018
Well, I am one who likes complain about lazy devs and their work. But ICSTOR is different. He takes his time for a update, but its allways worth of waiting. Every update has more content then other popular games in 3 updates. And also game is great. Just take veqvil and his Love and Submission for an example. He started that project much more before Milfy city started. And ofc Milfy city has 10 time more content now.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
Of course I'm not saying they shouldn't allow this. Like I said before, it would really help the site if they'd add a separate category for VNs. I'll give this game another try, since you mentioned animations, but gameplay from other people made it seem like it was just the same old clickety clackety clack VN bullshit you can find in a billion other games. I guess my disappointment got the best of me and made me rage a little. It's just that it's tedious to find something worth while on here. I love this site and despite us arguing, I do commend you for not just napalming me with derogatory therms. It's funny that a porn site is kinder to idiots like me than something like Reddit or the likes...

Thanks either way, I guess I'll try Milfy City for reals this time.
You're welcome!

I'm trying to get away from the napalming. Kinda undermines my credibiity when I blast someone while calling for tolerance! :)

And I understand about the raging. I like certain things in comics, so when I see something new in the comics section of the LATEST UPDATES tab, I perk up. Then when I go to the actual thread I see it's textless censored CG from some Japanese game. Or yet another textless futa comic from Affect3D. I want some story with my futa orc rape, damnit! :p

The "clickety clackety VN"s do have different "levels". There are a ton of "ooh I'm going to make a porn game and get rich" suckfests. Then there are carefully crafted VNs with engaging story and choices that matter.

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Jan 13, 2018
First let me say I am a real fan of Icstor and the game Milfy City. Game play has been interesting in the developing story, and I appreciate the work that the Icstor team has done with it.

Yesterday I read a forum post by JohnJG;
Whatever date Icstor releases the update, it’s always worth the wait. It’s a great game.

The complaints about timing really are petty and probably born out of frustration. The irony is that no one here is paying for it, but nevertheless some still feel entitled to complain. Endlessly.

Go figure. :rolleyes::coffee:
I agree with you JohnJG about Milfy City being a great game. However the statement; "The complaints about timing really are petty and probably born out of frustration," got my attention. Milfy City is a 'continuing' game. Development is an on-going expectation and reality. As so, there is an expectation by the players for that development to progress in a timely fashion.

I (as well as others) understand that from time to time release dates and timely updates are delayed due to program development delays, graphic image production issues and developer distractions in life.

However, in the four months since the last major release of Milfy City information about the next update has been limited. If even minor releases to the game had been offered, the players of the game would know work was progressing. As it is now, they ponder if the game (like so many others) have been abandoned. Even a brief public statement saying there is a delay would be helpful. As it is now, game play in many areas conclude with a statement about 'going as far as you can in the current version' with a nod to future versions when additional game play is available.

Current Progress on patreon states Milfy City v0.6 is at 60%. If the math follows the development since the last update, one might ponder if two more months (May 2019) will be a more realistic release date?

Then he writes, "The irony is that no one here is paying for it, but nevertheless some still feel entitled to complain. Endlessly."

And Darth Helmet posts;
Icstor NEVER gives a specific date so anyone who says otherwise is spreading false info. He said March not when in March. STOP complaining and arguing about it or else the Staff will make you have something to complain about. This thread is for help with the game, not for you to bitch and moan. If you want to do that (and you're a Patreon of his) then by all means do it on Patreon or just simply go on the Milfy City Discord and get your questions answered there.
I assert that of the 5,175 patrons Icstor has on Patreon, some of them have accounts here on F95zone, and that some of them are on this forum. For those that are, I like Darth Helmet encourage you to voice your opinion and concerns on Patreon. For forum members who are not patrons on Patreon of / for Icstor's work, please consider supporting them by your membership there.

And my advice to Icstor; be a little bit more forthcoming with information about updates and possible delays with your game players and patrons.
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3.80 star(s) 415 Votes