
Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
played plenty of Indy EA games via steam so cant say im not able to have patience given the years it can take sometimes as for his complaining, he is obviously new to being a dev then, this is a great game with retardedly long waits though, and by that i mean you can have multiple games giving updates and info about updates with more playtime then a single update here, again the game is great but if i was going to bet on the turtle vs the hare ima go with the hare because in most cases the turtle ends up lost and abandoned lol


Aug 12, 2018
ICSTOR said that the f95zone community exerted on him a lot of pressure with constant questions about whether he abandoned this project / when it will be update.
He could not bear this pressure and stupidity of people who could not seek information by themself.
Probably never create any game, the price is too high.
He also mentioned that if you people can't do simply thing using search bar, you should never play "big AAA games" like tetris, cause they're too taff for you.
End of leak peek
I was just curious. Because Patreon doesn't give you any information... :/


New Member
Sep 18, 2018
I have new pc, can someone pass me the progress until v.6? I have to install the game and I do not want to start from 0.
Thank you


Engaged Member
May 4, 2017
itll be interesting to see what the delay in progress is but i hope it’s not a bad personal issue and it was more of a hardware failure than anything else.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
At the end of last year I thought this thread was getting better and more tolerable but in 2019 so far it has gone down the shitter again. The influx of the exact same asinine questions and/or presumptions has really gone overboard.
No matter what he did with the game some people had to give him shit for it.

  • so far he has released only great updates filled with content yet some of the left-hand-fapping and right-hand-CTRL-button-holding edgelord crowd constantly complains about short 10 - 15 min updates
  • he gave us a surprise arc with Zuri & Suri but the "fans" complained about wasted resources on side characters which could have been used for the family girls
  • he tried doing faster updates with v0.3 but the "fans" complained about the lack of content
  • he gave us an awesome Caroline update but the "fans" complained about her dialogue so much that Onyxdime had to change it
  • the hardliner Caroline fans are especially obnoxious and the worst and most vocal of the bunch (yes we get it Caroline is indeed absolutely stunning and fucking amazing, stop being dicks about it). They're constantly downplaying any update without content for her and I don't want to imagine how unbearable they are going to be when her arc comes to a temporary (?) end in v0.6.
  • he did regular content polls and let his community decide about the new update but still gets shit for neglecting some characters like Celia, Judy or MC's classmates
  • he did a surprise Xmas episode but instead of being grateful his "fans" prefer to complain about v0.6 taking so long to release
  • now that the game has become hugely popular and makes a decent five-figure sum each month more and more "fans" have been assuming without any proof that ICSTOR has gotten complacent, lazy and spending his money on a swagger lifestyle instead of a new 2080 TI rig or new staff members
  • the sheer amount of people asking about a release date and putting more pressure after every update has also increased over time and lately has even become critical

At this point I really can't fathom how awful it must be for ICSTOR himself to be on the receiving end of such demotivating feedback and I hope he has the mental strength to hang in there. Having such a toxic community must be unbearable and I fear for the medium- to long-term future of this game and (god forbid!) it wouldn't even surprise me if he decides to take a break from this business for health reasons.

So fingers crossed that the Discord announcement isn't something bad.


Aug 16, 2016
At the end of last year I thought this thread was getting better and more tolerable but in 2019 so far it has gone down the shitter again. The influx of the exact same asinine questions and/or presumptions has really gone overboard.
No matter what he did with the game some people had to give him shit for it.
He's going to announce that he's planning to pause his Patreon page after this release for at least two months to take a break from everything. He's burnt out and not feeling well.

Kytolo Braven

Jul 3, 2017
so far he has released only great updates filled with content yet some of the left-hand-fapping and right-hand-CTRL-button-holding edgelord crowd constantly complains about short 10 - 15 min updates
What kind of monster uses the right-CTRL button?

Also, I feel like this might be discriminatory towards left-handed people. Lefties are people and have feelings too, you know.
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