I just can't fucking understand why people keep supporting these devs, they take huge benefits and keep milking the cow and of course now that's a 5 month holiday...
This fucker has 5300 patrons, being $1 the lowest bid which almost nobody pledges and $10 to $15 the most common except for a few guys dropping $50 or more this guys could be potentially making easily $15k-$25k a MONTH.
Even if Patreon took HALF that's plenty to fucking organize yourself, invest in new hardware, invest in hiring help in order to finish these games... I still can't fucking wrap my mind around the idea of people not demanding their money back from these "devs" after hiatus like these.
Just to clarify if I can I always support the games I like/liked, I supported games like Strive for power, Dreaming of Dana and so on... what I refuse to do is be someone that pays $15 each month for a year, I always try and be fair, I considered these games to be priced at maybe $50 so once I reach that quota I take the payment out. There's no reason for me to keep paying $15 each month for 2 years to a total of $360 for a 6 hour game or a short adventure one. That's preposterous... this whole "keep paying for life til I feel like finishing the game" model is just so damn wrong.