VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Milky Touch [Final] [Studio Kuma]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The visual style of this game is the best I've ever seen. everything down to even the textbox is custom and original. The story and characters are great, and the situations are believable (to an extent obviously). The voice acting is for the most part done fantastically, and is what really slows it down (rather than being endless text to click through,) and brings this to a top-tier game.

    Don't worry about any of the tags, almost everything is optional, and you can choose what paths you want to go down on. This is one of the few games that I'm surprised to see so little Patreon support for, and I did become a patron after playing through (v1.7). I would definitely recommend you to check this game out, and support it if you can.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The artwork is great and it is voiced too.
    Very less unique renders and scenes. So many reused renders which makes the game really boring.
    The writing is great and all but honestly the writer overdid it many times. Overly describing the characters all the time.
    You'll get very less scenes(at least till now) for being a good guy.

    Overall I'll recommend this game only if you have nothing else to play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Milky Touch is a great VN with a unique art style and a story with a lot of room to grow. You are the MC with a hot Mom, an Aunt who is willing to offer unusual rewards for your help against her political opponents, a best friend who comes from a very powerful family and sees most females as 'sport' as well as a number of beautiful women who may end up showing an interest in you. You have some potential spying options, the chance to protect your Mom from certain predators, as well as job opportunities that lead to very rewarding experiences - and the only way to enjoy all of the current scenes is to try multiple play throughs (so some replayability). As a major bonus - there is great voice acting from a number of the major female characters and Studio Kuma is adding more voice acting as time goes on. If you want a great VN with beautiful art, great voice acting and a story that has many twists and turns (with a lot of erotic possibilities), then try this VN. If you like it, become a Patreon - I did :).
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to like this VN rather more than I actually do, becuse the character art is so gorgeous (although, as other reviewers have pointed out, most of the faces do look similar), and also becuse the writer clearly has some talent.
    Unfortunately, there are a few niggling issues that mean I can't rate this higher than 3 stars currently - although they might not bother other players. Personally, I find the protagonist deeply unsympathetic. The characters don't seem to have a great deal of depth to them. But my biggest problem is that a lot of the prose is overwritten. As I said, the writer clearly has some talent, but seems to be trying a bit too hard to be wordy (this is one reason why editors exist for professional writers).
    All in all, a pretty good VN so far, but not a great one. I'm not sure whether I'll keep playing it, but I'd recommend you give it a go. You might like it a little more than I do.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    While I appreciate drawn art I thought the style of the artist is very monotone and samey. None of the characters have any uniqueness about them and make them look almost the same to me. The writing is decent, but the story didn't grab me at all. The scenes themselves are OK, I saw one animated scene. I was suprised there was voiceacting so good job on the effort however the voices didn't fit for my PERSONAL TASTE so I could do without. Overall after playing through twice (one full playthrough and a second fast-forward with opposite choices to see changes) I thought it was mediocre.
    Performance had no issues, interface is good.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Criminally underrated game. Solid story with a realistic atmosphere. Loved every minute of it! I can't get enough! Seriously play this game if you are looking for a great story, awesome characters and a hot time !!!!!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Sharzii シャルジイ

    The artwork is absolutely brilliant and very well done. Story is good as it has multiple routes and depending on which character route you want to pursue you can set the course for that specific route. The Music box and the choice is music is also selectively amazing. Thanks for this one Studio Kuma. Enjoyed this before it was rpgm and enjoying it while it's ren'py :p
    10/10 would recommend
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    For this artistic style, 5 stars should be given.
    None of the erotic games have an artistic sense that can compare with this game.

    Because it is manual drawing, the female characters almost all look the same.
    This is understandable, think about "Dragon Ball" and "One Piece", the female characters in them almost all look the same.
    This is because everyone's artistic style is fixed.

    In addition, this game has almost no plot at all, the female characters are just playthings...
    If you let me rate the plot score, 2 stars.
    But relative to its artistic performance, the above Cons can be ignored.

    The most important thing is that the artistic style of this game is too perfect. If I can give 100 stars, I will give it full.
    The beauty of this artistic style of characters can be drawn into an erotic game, which is amazing and far exceeds all 3D characters.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The graphics and the unique art alone are worth 5 stars, but I'm going with 4/5.

    Why? Because the "animated" tag is somewhat misleading. It is true, there are animated sex scenes, but only two and very late in this version [Ch. 15.5 Beta]. Before that these scenes are a lot of text (too much text imo) over very few pictures. Beautiful pictures, that's true, but I prefer my sex scenes at least somewhat animated.

    I will return to this in a year or two with high hopes of a remake of all the early scenes, because then it'll be easily one of the most beautiful games out there.

    Good luck, dear dev!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent story. Decent artwork. Only one particularly good lewd scene I've seen, with the stewardess. Then it all went back as if nothing happened, nothing advanced along that story. So why bother, it's meh, for me right now. Maybe in a year or two it will be something I would enjoy playing. The many, many choices seem overly complicated.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all.. amazing artwork! Also, very few games provide voice acting, which i love! Definitely one of the best games out here. All i can say is.. it's a one of a kind! Top class!! Great job!! (y)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all the artwork is fantastic so detailed and some lewd scenes are animated which is rare with 2D games. Girls are very hot and insteresting game has a great ui so gameplay is convenient. Whole game has an addictive atmosphere.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good and interesting dialogues. Huge plus is the good choice of background music and some lines are even voiced in a really good quality!
    I would recommend this game to anyone who does not hate reading a bit.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    The Goblin Slayer

    Bloody superb, really draws you into it. In particularly I found the MASK bar storylines very compelling, it just really drew me in in a big way.

    And Claudia, ah sweet Claudia. She truly is the jewel of this game. ^^
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on the site, only con is a little bit slow updates.

    Great hand drawn art, story is good, amazing writing for porn game, sex scenes are long, descriptive, and also amazingly written (in my opinion only game with lewd scenes this good is maybe False Hero), great female characters, it has voice acting (but that doesn't matter to me because i play everything muted).

    Really worth to try and support.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I really hate the lockpicking aspect of this game.No matter how hard I try the game fails me every time I try to get into Karen's office and it's taken me right out of the game so much now that I may just decide to give up on this game because I'm getting no further.Hate the lockpicking more than words can describe!
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The good :
    Artwork is original
    Models are original, kinda
    The BGM isn't bad.
    There's voice acting
    The UI is original and clearly someone thought about it.

    The bad
    The artist seems only to be able to draw one face and one body type for females which is why I said that the models are kinda original. Just have to look at the other game by the same creators and you'll see the female looks identical to the ones here. Look at the females on the load screen. The differences between each of them are the clothes, hairdo and lipstick color. Sure, most of them are related to each other but never the less it's a bit much. And as said compare the face of the lead female character to the one in the 'no more golden days' by the same studio. I guess that was a distant ancestor of the flight attendant character.

    Voice acting? It's sparse and what there is sounds similar. In other words you can't make up what character is talking just listening to the voice. One has to question what purpose it serves. On top of that, I don't know about you but I read a whole lot faster then they talk.

    Bad BGM and UI can hurt how you experience the game. That doesn't mean that good BGM and UI however can make something mediocre become excellent.

    Amount of game play after 14 chapters and more then a year since the first release is pitiful.

    I hadn't played this since 11.5 and was able to play the few chapters up to and including 14 in about half an hour.
    Lots of time you see the same backdrops over and over, in lots of cases even without any characters on screen or the characters in poses that have been used several times before.
    Sure, there's a bunch of text but not there's much progression in the story or relationships.

    E.G.: from the changelog Ch. 13 Beta
    1. One Scene added.
    --Yeah, a new chapter with 1, count them, one new scene.

    2. Day 13 (8000 words) added.
    --Eight thousand words for a chapter doesn't mean a thing. It's not about the amount of words but what you do with the words. Writing a 1000 page book is easy and is no guarantee that it will be any good. Writing a good short story in a thousand words however is very difficult because you don't have room to make mistakes
    3. Riley's Yoga outfit updated
    -- ??? Made a change on an outfit of one character. Don't over do it now, do you need to sit down after all that work?
    4. New BGMs
    --Making music takes time. Did they make it or just acquired it from other sources? And even if made by themselves.. if the rest is 'meh' then music won't transform in a masterpiece.
    5. A lot of previous bugs and typos fixed!
    -- Isn't that the bare minimum that one should expect?

    Why anyone would spend money on a game with this little content is frankly beyond me. Then again, how this got a score of 4.5/5 I find odd as well.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of v1.19....

    I really like this game. I love the artwork. It's GORGEOUS! I respect the devs and the work they put into creating this beautiful art.

    There is voice work, but only for two characters...Claudia (the MC's mother) and Karen (the MC's best friend's mother). The voice actress for Claudia is perfect. She has a beautiful mature sounding sensual voice with good range. The actress for Karen is also mature sounding and sensual, but she is also kind of flat. I'm not sure I blame the actress for that since Karen is a bit of a cold domineering character.

    The voice acting is also incomplete for this build. There are points where it will dip out and come back.

    There is only one sex scene in this build. Others might say I'm wrong, but personally I don't consider a non-MC footjob, a thighjob, and a 69 actual sex.

    I've seen others criticize the overly descriptive sex. I would agree to a point. The first scene you come to is spying on the headmistress of your school (Karen) while she masturbates in her office and there is what feels like a 10 minute descriptor of her simply playing with her tits. After that it gets more manageable.

    The one thing that kept me from giving this game a full 5 stars is the script. While it's decent there are numerous spelling and grammar errors sprinkled throughout. Some of the narrative text had a name tag on it which threw me off thinking that character was still speaking.

    If they clean up the script and fix the name tag errors I would love to give this game 5 stars.

    That being said I highly recommend this game, if just for the artwork alone. I very much look forward to future updates and the overall completion.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game should receive much more support, its one of the best around here.
    Good story, mutiple choices that matter and beautiful art.
    Everyone that played the game should try to share with more people, and try to get the word around so more people can support.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Mechanically, Milky Touch is a well-made game. The UI is polished, Ren'Py is a good choice of engine, and there aren't a whole lot of dropped balls that get in the way of the narrative experience.

    The "game" here leans on a branching tree of choices that facilitates or prohibits the development of certain characters' stories, and how the player interacts with those characters. You can see, or not see, certain scenes, based on your choices, or change some cosmetic details, but I didn't notice a lot of substantive plot changes resulting from player choices. For example, you can play through one scene in a way that either involves your best friend, Victor, or not, but doing so won't change the relationship Victor has to the other parties, or inspire him to rectify his relationship with the object of his affection.

    In spite of this, I never felt that my choices were meaningless, and generally felt better connected to the world and it's characters as a result of deciding how to interact with them.

    The art, both technically, and stylistically, is the best in its class. The artist's style seems (to this philistine) vaguely impressionistic, certainly more classical than the average erotic game, and compliments the use of elegant, refined, women. It seems like the theme and characters respect the capacity of the art to deliver realistic images that can express a range of emotion and detail. I think the art would be wasted in the service of a story that took itself less seriously, and the theme and characters would suffer if they were represented by 3d models, anime-inspired art, or a more cartoony style.

    Visually, the game is filled with stockings, high heels, evening gowns, uniforms, and so on. In the hands of so capable an artist, it becomes a sensual feast. I had no trouble appreciating the femininity or beauty of the characters, and to a lesser extent, details like the feel of nylon stockings, and the implied desire of characters to appear made up, and well put-together.

    Disclosure: The game has voice acting, which, since I play my games muted, I was, regretfully, almost completely deaf to. What little I did listen to, I recall favorably, and remember that Claudia's dialogue seemed to suit her character. While I understand that this is a difficult development expense to justify, I am nonetheless excited to see the creative team trying to encompass the other, invisible, senses, for a richer experience.

    Writing is fair, comfortably above average for a game in this niche, but not great. The characters are somewhat flat, and it's not real clear what's going on in their head (even when it should be). The mother/landlady is probably the most robustly detailed character in the game. The characters are largely interchangeable pretty faces to be used in the service of the game, and don't have intrinsic values, wants, flaws, or any real characteristics of their own. You probably couldn't tell these characters apart on the basis of their dialogue or personalities. The main character is similarly two dimensional, and while a willing player might find themselves sympathizing with, and caring for, some of the characters, this empathy is somewhat disconnected from the 'avatar' of the main character.

    Although the description is, as noted above, adequate, particularly given the lackluster writing that characterizes this niche, it never crosses over to being hot enough to provoke or titillate on its own merits.

    I have to rebuff one criticism I've seen: while the writing isn't stellar, the game isn't afraid to give us long, luxurious, reasonably detailed, descriptions of sex, which is a treat, and a welcome change from more taciturn games which seem to treat the narrative as an impediment to their ability to deliver unlockable porn. A beautiful illustration can convince us that a character is attractive, but if you want to meaningfully communicate subtle, and impactful, experiences, like the slow, reluctant, acquiescence of a woman to the advances of a repulsive patron, or the despair and anger of a betrayed wife and her subsequent tryst, or the slow transmutation of a mother's familial love to romantic attraction, you're going to have to rely on the skillful use of the written word for that development. I would much rather an author attempt that challenge, than condemn a game to be a slideshow of pictures, punctuated by clicking.

    The theme of the game seems to be an open question of beautiful, somewhat reserved, women, falling from grace, and how the player reacts to that. The women in the game are all upper class women in social or professional positions where a high degree of propriety and refinement is expected. The kind of women who play violins, work behind desks, and wear uniforms to work. The main source of erotic tension in the game is seeing these women in situations, and with people, who betray the existance of a repressed, beating, id, beneath that exterior. Much of the kink, therefore, encompasses experiences of reluctance, coercion, humiliation/degredation, and so on. Summarily, the player sees beautiful women opening to experiences of sexual depravity and gratification in spite of themselves.

    The game does a decent job setting up the expectation of propriety before it (predictably) violates it. We develop our expectations of these women from the settings we see them in, and the way we see them present themselves. The art does the heavy lifting here- there's relatively little written exposition in the game, so far, and what there is focuses more on developing plot, more than character. Consequently, we don't get much of an idea of what the characters are like in their normal, refined personas, before the game pulls the curtain back and reveals nymphomania, exhibitionism, incest, etc.

    If I had one criticism of the game, it's that the potential for sexual tension (which is significant) is underdeveloped. We don't become emotionally attached to Claudia as a mother before the game induces us to lust after her. We don't see Olivia as a convincingly straitlaced teacher, before the game makes her the focal point of perversion. This is understandable- gamers want tits, and they're not willing to sit through War and Peace to get there. Given the plot's reliance on characters overcoming their own impediments to sexuality, it feels like we don't have a whole lot of gameplay dedicated to enjoying a woman's very gradual descent into carnal excess. It feels like we miss some of the the meat and potatoes- the real substance, of drama and emotional angst that the world has set up for us. This game has a hell of a lot going for it, and I can't help wonder what it might be if it could sell the emotional side of the story as well as it does the visual.

    Overall, this is one of my favorite games in the erotic genre, and I strongly recommend it. I really just want more, deeper, exploration of what the game already delivers. I'm equally enthusiastic about the success of this venture, as I am the continued development of the already significant skills of the creators, and their work on parallel and future projects.