This is really well done so far, I'm extremely impressed that you managed to so effectively combine and utilize your modding framework to make it look so good. I always get trapped in indecisiveness and frustration with Skyrim modding and actually making animations sync, and making aesthetic designs work effectively, so it's really fun to see. Thank you very much for providing a mod-list.
I enjoy the variety of kinks so far, especially with Futa, Sapphic, and Beast content, I'm not a fan of the men, but the hyper-sexuality, writing, and focus on Miri makes that content fun and enjoyable as well.
I noticed that in the latest update, there has been a fair chunk of rewriting to both the lore/world-building moments, and how the Demoness treats Miri. Where-as before-hand it seemed to be a standalone world that utilized Skyrim's visual engine, it now makes direct references to Elder Scrolls lore, and is more directly an AU, which is interesting to see.
I may be imagining or misremembering, but the Demoness seems less actively abrasive and insulting towards Miri than previously, the moments where she insults her intelligence or threatens to kill her seem to have been omitted/redone, which perhaps may have been a darker kink thing, but I personally enjoy the change.
I'm sort of in a weird area of confluence where I find sluttery, rough-sex, and hyper-sexuality really enjoyable in a fantasy, but am not a personal fan of degradation, humiliation, or active "misogyny" as it were.
Re-contextualizing the Demoness's ideals and objective as "you're gorgeous, I love slutty women, and I want to see you fulfill your true potential and help me along the way" instead of "I hate you and you are worthless, I will kill you if you don't remain a useful tool", is a lot more entertaining for me.
I can't quite recall, but during her sex scene it seems to have changed some of the dialogue of her essentially finding Miri worthless, and an inferior sexual partner, to her finding her gorgeous, and a really exciting submissive with a lot of talent potential.
It would be really nice to see Mira learn more, and become a talented adventurer, alongside Erika also getting "corrupted" and them being slutty girlfriends together.
I'm personally not a huge fan of the idea of "bad endings", since I really like enjoying the more exciting content in a more sandbox context instead of just having it end when it gets interesting, and I really like the pregnancy kink, and would love to see more of that instead of just ending when it gets good (with demonic slutty powers there could eventually be some lee-way in gestation and obsfucating to avoid trouble). There are a handful of scenes that emphasize the non-consent such as the bad-endings with Erika and the prison that I'm not a personal fan of, but obviously in the context of fictional fantasy that is personal taste.
It's really cool to see Brutus get more fleshed out, although it would be nice to be able to continue to interact with him in the main-line story, or otherwise visit Whiterun there too later on.
Amazing work so far, I wish you the best with development.