Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    For half the games on this site I just skip dialogue and/or cheat through the game play. This games story held my attention for hours, the game play was fun but not grindy, and the lewd scenes were plentiful. This game is now one of my top recommendations for this site.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    One of the best games i have played. Story wise & scene wise everything is really well made. The story is good, even the exploration is fun. But at the beginning we will need some getting used to the game mechanics and then it eases into fluid gameplay and gripping story. The content available till now is pretty good too. And updates come at shorter intervals too. Good game. Good luck on this awesome project DEV.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great and extensive story with a couple twists which make it unpredictable, which is accompanied by good graphics and likeable characters. It's a refreshing and new setting as well (meaning it's not the standard family setting thing)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The main and best feature here is the graphics animation. I don't know why the dev put that much work into them, but they did and there are a lot.

    Now on to the story. You'll mostly enjoy what you get except when you don't get to choose a list of things for the sex scenes. The only thing I've been able to avoid is urination. Everything else is unavoidable, ntr is not in the game so that's safe for now.

    This game has a very small amount of vanilla scenes. It fixates on no kink shaming so much that we really don't get to choose. And based on that, I'd have to say this gives us a Japanese beta mc who tries to act like he's an alpha by being a Dom.
    Going offa that, i must say. Most porn game writers don't think some of their script through.
    The MC having an interest in sex makes him a pervert. But any of the FLs being similarly interested in sex means they will and must be called sluts. Maybe this is here because of the lack of vanilla sex or maybe it's even in the vanilla scenes. Though getting tired of that trend NGL.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    100% 5 stars, no doubt about it, top 3 game on the entire website for me. I think some of the teaser images and the main image on the thread drives people away, but it really isn't that dark (much more dark mystery than horror) and is quite pleasant even.

    Edit: going to rephrase my review, the game is still amazing but there is way too much forced anal content. I don't mind anal, it's not my favorite, but a ton of the major scenes are anal with no choice at all and that kills it a bit for me.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything about this game is pretty amazing so far! Nicely done graphics, sound, animations, fun characters, and nice character development. Cool atmosphere reminiscent of Silent Hill/Resident Evil but unique in it's own way. Intriguing story that mixes horror and comedy in a fun way. No spoilers but whenever things start to feel a bit grindy, something always comes along and flips it all over on it's head to reveal something fresh and new. I REALLY can't wait to see what's next! I'm subscribing to the Patreon for sure!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Watcher X

    Simply put, to me this is the number one game on this site.

    I have played this game from the very beginning and supported it through most of it's development, and it has been an absolute joy. 395 Games is a talented developer, who improves with every patch release.

    Issues many people have pointed out with the earlier releases have been addressed, now the game plays relatively smooth from start to finish.

    The story is fairly unique and well put together. The only real negative I can put on this game is the dialogue is a bit clunky and unnatural. After a while you get used to it and it has it's charm.

    The female characters are well written and sexy as fuck. The graphics overall are the games strong point. The sex animations are superb.

    Game mechanics are simple enough and engaging. Some people may find navigation annoying in the later game, but you can always roll back if you get lost.

    As this game draws to its conclusion, I have to say I have really enjoyed the ride and I look forward to their next project. I cannot recommend this game strongly enough.

    Download it, play it, support it. Talented developers need to be rewarded.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    Review as of version 8, but have been playing since version 3 or 4. I really like the gameplay and the love interests. Originally there was a lot of survival-related grind, but then the dev streamlined the choices and added a quest log, making the whole thing much more manageable.

    It's a harem game and there are no story branches, from what I can tell. Female characters join you over time. As of version 8, there are four (one of whom can be your sister, if you like). Would love to see more women added, but I don't know what the dev has planned. Even without adding more women, there is certainly much more lewd variation and fun to be explored. For example, this game is tagged with the "group sex" label, but so far there has been only one group scene, and it wasn't the whole harem.

    The art style is good, if you don't mind women who look a bit like claymation characters. The lewd scenes are largely animated and are well done. Lewd scenes also sport moaning and squishy sound effects.

    The overarching story is a bit silly, but it's mysterious and compelling enough to keep me engaged, and I genuinely enjoy seeing it unfold.

    At one point this title had the "loli" tag (not sure if it still does). If you're a big loli fan, "Mist" may disappoint. The loli here is a bit short (stature-wise), but otherwise there's nothing particularly loli about her, as far as I can tell.

    All in all, "Mist" is a solid title and definitely one worth checking out.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    On this entire site this is my favorite game! the story is good, with a great dose of action and great sex scenes, the characters are interesting and well designed, with each one having a very different personality, the environment is well done and intriguing, the transformation of the city is cool and looks believable, the forest also really gives off a natural air.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep up the good work! Very well done. Some of the best animations I have found on F95. Also, timely updates that don't leave you wondering if this has been forgotten. If you have also enjoyed this game.

    Pros: Good animations, interesting story, nice little RPG elements to keep you entertained.

    Suggestions: More RPG elements, make the exploration and base building something to want to come back too, more characters if possible.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    it has a fantastic story and physics, art and positions are also awsome. I thank dev to make us play something like that. it has a fantastic story and physics, art and positions are also awsome. I thank dev to make us play something like that. it has a fantastic story and physics, art and positions are also awsome. I thank dev to make us play something like that
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Omg, graphics, story ... Everything is insanly good.
    Loved characters, they are well written. I enjoyed playing it and it's in my opinion one of the best game I played. I recommend 100%.
    Thanks a lot 395 games for this masterpiece.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply amazing. It is on the better end of good games around here. It tells an apocalyptic story as well as one could expect without falling in the most niche traps that genre offers.
    You play an MC that (surprise surprise) only finds female survivors and has to live with them in order to survive. Yet this is not as simple as it seems, Mist surrounds the mistery of its events in a well written character based story that does not deprive the woman on it of their own personal problems and virtues (like most other games do by making them basically sex slaves) which adds a lot to the relationships they build around you and themselves.

    That aside, gameplay is really good, the little survival mechanics are cool and there is not really much grinding to be done in order to get every scene which are well made and animated (and also very hot).

    The only downside it has in my opinion is that scenes tend to be repetitive, dialogues start to wear out. But those things are minor compared to how good this game is. I really want to see it finished, I am totally invested in the plot and the girls.

    TL;DR: great ass game, good animations, good characters and really simple but well made plot. Recommended for sure.

    EDIT: finished it. Changed to 5/5 as I really enjoyed the ending and last scenes added at the cave and so on. Go play it, it won't dissapoint,
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    By far the best animations in any VN I've seen. Also one with some of the most captivating story and gameplay out there. Not only do the characters feel like they have a very defined personality, the exploration of them and the environment is really well implemented.
    Honestly, great work.
  15. 5.00 star(s)



    Mist does the one thing a lot of games (hell even books) fail to do even remotely well: investment.
    Once that hook sets in, you find yourself emotionally invested in the story, the mystery, and the wonderful cast of horny girls

    Now it's not without fault.
    - The start is a little rough, but quickly gets better. (and credit to the dev, you can see the improvements as the game goes on)
    - A few grammatical errors on occasion

    Top-notch, fun, and with a quality that should be the standard
    Decent variety from vanilla to kinky

    In conclusion: yeah, it's worth all the 5 star reviews you see. Highly recommend
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fantastic game.

    Honestly, I played this a while ago and was kind of disappointed when it ended on such a cliffhanger. I don't know which version that was (probably v0.4), but to keep this as spoiler-free as possible, I'll just say that it ended when you first reached the hospital.

    Afterwards I just kind of forgot about this game, but while browsing the latest updates tab, I saw this and decided to see whats new. And boy, am I glad I did. The amount of new content and the quality of that content is honestly pretty incredible. Can't wait to see this project be finished and to see how the story ends. Here's hoping for a happy one.

    Intro over, reviewing time. Let's start with the bad, so that I can get to gushing about how impressive this game is.
    The only thing I can really think to criticize about this game is the pretty constant spelling errors and occasional grammar mistakes. Well, there is ONE other, which is that my dumb ass did not realize how the fishing minigame worked, with you having to click the exclamation marks when they pop up, but I digress. Some of the spelling errors are pretty unforgivable, when running the text through a simple grammar checker would get rid of 95% of the issues. This being said, the English is otherwise perfectly fine, impressive even, if it is not the dev's native language, especially when compared to some other games.

    Now for the good parts:
    Firstly, the game is quite likely the most non-NTR game out there, with the main character quite literally being the only male in the whole world. So unless I did not just jinx it, I think we are safe on that front.
    Storywise, the game is one of the most interesting ones I have played and the unique setting definitely makes the game stand out amongst the thousands of other 3DCG Ren'Py games.
    The characters bring the story together and the story further enriches the characters. Everyone is very distinct and has their own personality (except for the MC, which is understandable, since he is made for you to insert yourself into.)
    The models are beautiful and very different from the mainstream look of 3D visual novels, which is VERY refreshing even if it took me a while to start liking the style. The more cartoonish looks of the models also help in keeping the characters out of uncanny valley.
    The animations are great especially when exploring stuff, it keeps you interested and immersed in the non-adult elements of the game. Even if not, you still would stick around for the H-scenes because WOW. I know the models aren't the most high definition realistic things ever animated, but credit where credit is due, because the animation of the scenes and the overall quality is through the roof.

    This game deserves all of the five stars I have given it. I wish all the best for the dev and hope that this game receives the recognition it deserves, so that he can go full time and deliver more great stuff like this in the future. Also, if you made it this far, thanks for reading this massive word vomit of a review.

    Very interesting and unique 3D game, fantastic all around. Hot and tension building scenes galore, great characters and consistent updates that are more than just words in the changelog.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Gerardo Reddit

    Excellent game good art, a little grindy, just a little but worth it. Looking foward for the next updated, and gratz to the developer.

    Hope we get more girls in the future, its a harem game after all!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all this game is very, very good. Certainly one of the best games I've played, I think it'll become one of the greats. The combination of great story telling and really high quality art/H-scenes is honestly unmatched. The amount of content was surprisingly a lot which I didn't expect going in. Usually there's a trade off between the amount of content and the quality of it, but this game had both. I usually talk at length about the good and bad parts of a game but it's really not necessary here. The developer is clearly developing this game very well and I don't think I can add anything constructive really.

    I will say as an anal fan I really enjoyed how much of it there was in the game, I hope there's more in the future. Would love to see some more threesome or moresome scenes too. One thing I'm not a fan of is pregnancy, I guess one forced pregnancy isn't too bad as I guess it adds a lot to the story, but it would be good to be able to avoid them in the future with the other girls. Maybe there could be some ancient natural birth control or something to keep it story friendly.

    My only other critiques are I think the scenes with Lily at the lake and the jump scare scene in the tunnels. Both of these have prompts asking you if you're okay with piss/jump scare content respectively which I found can take you out of things a little bit. Instead I think there should be something in the settings to enabled/disable this content and you're prompted to make your initial selections when first starting the game. This could tie in with the pregnancy stuff as well to avoid that if desired.

    The game has been really well made and the only bugs I found were very, very minimal. Props to the dev! In any case I've listed below what I found:
    - You still have 6 shots after shooting the mouth creature thing in UL-02
    - Seems like there's a line of missing dialogue when speaking to Lily about examinations, or the the option to re-play previous examinations are missing.
    - Shooting any weapon always shows the air rifle animation

    Really looking forward to what else is in store for this game. I'm not really sure what the pace of development is like as it seems to be a single dev but I'll be sure to check in with it in the future!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Good as a quest, so so as a porn.

    Pretty vanilla sex scenes. Girl's faces (especially the first girl's) look like unnatural, and not in a good way. Rest of the bodies are pretty good, though.
    Sex animations are well done. Especially cum (out)flow, which gets for some reason a lot of attention and detail.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I've played so far. It seems a bit of a grind at the beginning, but that somewhat subsides as the story develops. Searching through the different areas had me fearing I would have to get out the graph paper, but luckily the maps weren't too huge that I gave up.

    Love the game and look forward to future additions.