MMD discussion/sharing


Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
That's fine and all but are you sure it's not simply because their govts are tyrannical? the U.S. has the patriot act which is way more draconian & arbitrary than anything the other nations of the world have done or are doing. The difference is quite vast as well.

Whether you agree with the patriot act or not, remember that it started specifically as a measure to prepare for war. Just as nations like Japan are taking measures. Very stupid measures. Ones that won't help or protect them at all, but measures nonetheless.


Apr 7, 2021
That's fine and all but are you sure it's not simply because their govts are tyrannical? the U.S. has the patriot act which is way more draconian & arbitrary than anything the other nations of the world have done or are doing. The difference is quite vast as well.

Whether you agree with the patriot act or not, remember that it started specifically as a measure to prepare for war. Just as nations like Japan are taking measures. Very stupid measures. Ones that won't help or protect them at all, but measures nonetheless.
I'm quite familiar with the Patriot Act as well as the umbrella of surveillance programs under its aegis, but I don't really think it's playing a role in this particular situation. I'm more inclined to think that the major processors are making decisions based on risk aversion, reputational considerations and a changing legal environment with regard to liability, than to think that the federal executive branch (American or Japanese) are issuing marching orders on something like this. The global payment processing network is closely tied, and there's still massive outflows of transactions in the trillions daily between nations like Japan and the USA. Cutting off adult content platforms hardly seems to bear any strategic value.

Besides, given Japan's economic situation and dependence on the USA, I can't see a Japanese incentive to push something like this. It's totally outside Japan's best interests to become more insular economically. Even at a micro level, I cant imagine that Fantia/DLsite etc. would want to lose a huge chunk of money. Though I could always be wrong.

Edit: Although to your overall point in a more strategic sense- I agree generally. I think a lot of the online harms and online age verification laws (and pressure to create backdoors in secure messaging and encryption) that are either proposed, or already working their way through western legislatures are intended to exercise greater control and surveillance over people. The excuse is pretty much always "for the children" but the effects are way more far reaching.
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Active Member
Oct 11, 2020
You are not listening but that's okay. I'm going to focus on the one point I think you may actually properly be interested in;

....given Japan's economic situation and dependence on the USA, I can't see a Japanese incentive to push something like this. It's totally outside Japan's best interests to become more insular economically.
Bear with me, I promise I am going somewhere with this but come on a journey for a bit.

Normally you'd be absolutely right but the yen has been spiraling into what is now inevitable hyper-inflation. The diet was attempting yield curve control (/facepalm) which I suspect you know about and understand that represents the last desperate effort of a nation to stave off a collapse after attempting to monetize the debt, I.e. literally the formula to cause hyper-inflation, is what they were doing.... so they are seriously boned. Doubly so because the yen is directly tied to the dollar in a way that no other nation is and USD is itself suffering spiraling inflation as well, though not as bad as the yen. Economically, it's a wash for Japan.

I'm not sure how aware you are of the military tensions across asia over the past few years but I'd say a large scale war is guaranteed to happen within the next 5 years. Various nations have been militarizing & saber-rattling over this & that. Relevant point; JAPAN DOES NOT HAVE A PROPER MILITARY. The JSDF is a competent organization but very limited in every way that might make a difference. They rely on the U.S. to defend them, and although the U.S. did build a few new military bases in Japan, something you might not know is that those military centers of operation are woefully understaffed & underfunded [The U.S. has been funneling funds, personnel & military assets to ukraine & israel, to the detriment of Japan] . That has been getting much worse over the past couple of years. Basically, Japan can see the writing on the wall and they realize they're completely fucked.


I can't prove it quite yet but I'd say it's a fairly safe bet that Japan is going to sever ties with the U.S. whether by their own will or because the U.S. balkanizes/collapses/etc. but they WILL re-align with their hated enemy Socialist China, & by extension, align with Russia.

They won't have a choice. They'll be facing hyper-inflation, mounting demographic collapse & the military presence that used to protect them will be gone or wildly inadequate for the task at hand.

Bottom line; Japan is fucked. Their current path is not sustainable militarily, economically or politically. They WILL cut a deal with the Chinese to try and salvage whatever little bits they can. This will go hand-in-hand with turning their back on 'the west' in a bunch of different ways and that is what these moves+future similar moves by Japan. You are not wrong but if you see a bit further ahead, you will see that that will change. That is all. You can have the last word.
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Feb 25, 2024
one of syura works... if u like it pls support the artist..


Ars Almal

Active Member
Jan 29, 2020
Does anyone have this problem with GoogleDrive where you download a folder, it claims to be zipping '1 file', and then gives you millions of zip files, each containing a handful files from the full folder, or just duplicates. Any idea on how to avoid this bullshit? I had to painstakingly click 100+ times for each video in every folder to get the whole of IMFC's collection downloaded, might as well as be playing Minecraft 1.8 pvp at this point bruh
that's normal.
that's because the file were too large so they separate it into many zip part

you NEED to download all the zip part, put it into 1 folder and extract them altogether, otherwise some file will be corrupted
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Sep 7, 2022
its official now.

either many artist now know and monitor this forums (and k-site), monitor closely and report every file shared.
or there's troll that report every link he found (most likely) after he download em.

The former is true, but I believe the latter is the case for the recent incidents, it's also pretty common at the site that I go often :(
People seem to do this for their own fun while watching others suffer, which is a dick move if you ask me


Nov 29, 2020
Ok, I found a cheaper Tora coin vendor(Fuck TOM) You purchase BitCash on seagm and use the BitCash to buy Tora Coins on the Tora Coin website. I bought 5K Tora Coin for 37 USD. 10K TC is 72 bucks instead of a 100

Newest Jaxmmd
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Jun 21, 2018
The former is true, but I believe the latter is the case for the recent incidents, it's also pretty common at the site that I go often :(
People seem to do this for their own fun while watching others suffer, which is a dick move if you ask me
you guys had a neat system where you can encrypt the link so it's harder to track but room temp IQ idiots keeps spoonfeeding every coomerbrained tard who can't use a simple search system.


Dec 29, 2021
The former is true, but I believe the latter is the case for the recent incidents, it's also pretty common at the site that I go often :(
People seem to do this for their own fun while watching others suffer, which is a dick move if you ask me
I'm too tired to even be angry. I just want to come home after work and jerk off.
At this point, I don't blame anyone if they decide to share their content in a triple-encrypted folder, or a puzzle that takes people on a wild goose chase.