MMD discussion/sharing


Feb 22, 2020
Although your point is generally reasonable, it doesn't refute the essence of what the other guy said.

The author in question is acting like a total spaz and if what has been said here is true, his behavior is very childish ['REEEEE I'm going to take my ball & go home!!1!!']. Don't get me wrong, it's his content and he has the right to do with it as he see's fit for any or no reason. 100%. Doesn't change that he threw an increasingly massive bitch fit when things weren't going the way he had expected. Ironically, the fact that you are pretending this isn't the case, I.e. lying, makes YOU no different, or perhaps even worse, than the people you're disparaging. Heh.
I was only responding based on the information the person I replied to gave me. I know nothing else.


New Member
Dec 5, 2022
Does anyone have content from him? Before it was leaked on kemono but because his patreon was taken down, the only content there is of him now is on his x :(