RPGM Abandoned Mobster Queen [v0.3] [BlankDev]


New Member
Apr 25, 2017
failed to load img/pictures/20%Kvisit-3.png nice bug
got the same error, any fix for this?
Same issue here. Anybody find what caused it? It doesn't seem to be the image file named wrong.
This sounds like an issue with leading spaces in the filename. Whilst Windows can actually handle leading spaces Windows Explorer strips those leading spaces during copy or move operations. If you are running Windows you can easily fix this with a simple batch script such as...

@echo off
title Filename Fix
echo This will correct Windows mismanagement of leading spaces
echo that causes errors in the 'Kvisit-#.png' image filenames.
echo Make sure you run this batch file from the folder where
echo the game executable is that you use to start the game.
echo ie 'Mobster Queen\www\img\pictures'
IF EXIST Game.exe (
    cd www\img\pictures\
    echo Copying "Kvisit-2.png" to " Kvisit-2.png"
    copy "Kvisit-2.png" " Kvisit-2.png"
    echo Copying "Kvisit-3.png" to " Kvisit-3.png"
    copy "Kvisit-3.png" " Kvisit-3.png"
    echo Job Done!
 ) ELSE (
    echo Error, you must place this batch script in the folder
    echo that contains the Game.exe you use to start the game.
    echo Job Failed!
To create batch file open 'Notepad' or whatever plain text editor you prefer.
Copy the above code into the blank document.
Save the document as 'Fix.bat'.
Copy 'Fix.bat' to the folder where the 'Game.exe' is that you use to start the game.
Run the 'Fix.bat' file by double clicking on it and follow the prompts.

Assuming the error is what it seems to be that should fix it until the next time you move the game files and folders. If the error is caused by something else trying this will not result in any damage you will just have two extra files in the games pictures folder no harm no foul.



New Member
Jan 21, 2018
This sounds like an issue with leading spaces in the filename. Whilst Windows can actually handle leading spaces Windows Explorer strips those leading spaces during copy or move operations. If you are running Windows you can easily fix this with a simple batch script such as...

@echo off
title Filename Fix
echo This will correct Windows mismanagement of leading spaces
echo that causes errors in the 'Kvisit-#.png' image filenames.
echo Make sure you run this batch file from the folder where
echo the game executable is that you use to start the game.
echo ie 'Mobster Queen\www\img\pictures'
IF EXIST Game.exe (
    cd www\img\pictures\
    echo Copying "Kvisit-2.png" to " Kvisit-2.png"
    copy "Kvisit-2.png" " Kvisit-2.png"
    echo Copying "Kvisit-3.png" to " Kvisit-3.png"
    copy "Kvisit-3.png" " Kvisit-3.png"
    echo Job Done!
 ) ELSE (
    echo Error, you must place this batch script in the folder
    echo that contains the Game.exe you use to start the game.
    echo Job Failed!
To create batch file open 'Notepad' or whatever plain text editor you prefer.
Copy the above code into the blank document.
Save the document as 'Fix.bat'.
Copy 'Fix.bat' to the folder where the 'Game.exe' is that you use to start the game.
Run the 'Fix.bat' file by double clicking on it and follow the prompts.

Assuming the error is what it seems to be that should fix it until the next time you move the game files and folders. If the error is caused by something else trying this will not result in any damage you will just have two extra files in the games pictures folder no harm no foul.


Thanks. That helped.


New Member
Jan 25, 2018
Hey quite the noobie here. Quick question:

Which programm are the maker of these 3d adult games using to create the model of the person?


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

I take it you missed that huge ass yellow abandoned tag at the top huh? That tag means the game is dead DEV's patreon is also dead so the chance of a new version ever coming around is next to nil. Best to start looking for something else and forget about this one.