
New Member
May 29, 2023
I know you guys prob already discuss about it but since i cant find the thread im gonna ask. Im playing with complex breeding mod and im stuck in the day u need to get minotour. so my question is how to get the big monster like minotour and salamander with the mod since u cant get dna and make them?


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2022
Game doesn't seem to want to launch for me, any ideas?
Make sure the directory you're launching the game from is not too deep into the file system and does not include any directories with non-English letters.

I know you guys prob already discuss about it but since i cant find the thread im gonna ask. Im playing with complex breeding mod and im stuck in the day u need to get minotour. so my question is how to get the big monster like minotour and salamander with the mod since u cant get dna and make them?
You can get DNA in CB as usual.
Note that DNA does not drop until you invite the alchemist colleague (both in vanilla and in CB).


New Member
Dec 21, 2023
Anyone else having this problem? I open the game just fine but if I try starting a new game it goes to a grey screen?


New Member
Feb 11, 2024
Les essences dans Complex Breeding remplacent les augmentations de statistiques dans le jeu non modifié.
Ils regroupent un certain nombre d’augmentations de statistiques différentes en une seule. Ce qui est quelque peu réaliste. Et aussi très complexe.

Dans l’ensemble, je vous recommande mon .
Les essences dans Complex Breeding remplacent les augmentations de statistiques dans le jeu non modifié.
Ils regroupent un certain nombre d’augmentations de statistiques différentes en une seule. Ce qui est quelque peu réaliste. Et aussi très complexe.

Dans l’ensemble, je vous recommande mon .
désoler mais je trouve sa trop compliquer à comprendre mais merci Quan même juste une question tu sais coment je peux faire en sorte que les esclave puise acoucher de plus que 3 bébé an maimme tan ?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2022
désoler mais je trouve sa trop compliquer à comprendre mais merci Quan même juste une question tu sais coment je peux faire en sorte que les esclave puise acoucher de plus que 3 bébé an maimme tan ?
In unmodified game, 3 babies at once is the limit.
In Complex Breeding, it is determined by "womb size" stat. It improves with practice and is heritable. It can also be improved with tentacles.

P.S. Sorry if I misunderstood what you said. I don't speak French, and I rely on Google Translate.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2022
Is it possible to breed with the horses?
Yes. If a slave can have 3 normal-sized babies, she can get pregnant from a horse. Just like with minotaurs and salamanders.
Horse babies can be born in a public show.
Horse babies are instantly and automatically sold.

In Complex Breeding, sheep-girls can cross-breed with horses, to create horse-girls. They seem to be kind of downgrade compared to sheep-girls.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2022
I need help.
the cheat mod is not working for me and i don't know what i did wrong
First, make sure you reloaded the game after enabling the mod.
Second, look for cheat menu in top-left corner, it is an easy to miss small semi-transparent button.
Aug 22, 2021
Can't find an answer to this on the original mod thread (removed) or mod repack threads, does the complex breeding mod add any visuals for the unique species? It isn't worth it to me if it is all just numeric.


New Member
May 11, 2022
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: IL Compile Error (unknown location) ---> HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: IL Compile Error (unknown location) ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at HarmonyLib.Internal.RuntimeFixes.StackTraceFixes.OnILChainRefresh (System.Object self) [0x00000] in <40a82cc9705b4865b72ee4c45165e7e9>:0
at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.ILHook.Apply () [0x00059] in <7e79d87a23084646a4f7750a6feaa4c0>:0
at HarmonyLib.Public.Patching.ManagedMethodPatcher.DetourTo (System.Reflection.MethodBase replacement) [0x00047] in <40a82cc9705b4865b72ee4c45165e7e9>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at HarmonyLib.Public.Patching.ManagedMethodPatcher.DetourTo (System.Reflection.MethodBase replacement) [0x0005f] in <40a82cc9705b4865b72ee4c45165e7e9>:0
at HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, HarmonyLib.PatchInfo patchInfo) [0x00033] in <40a82cc9705b4865b72ee4c45165e7e9>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException (System.Exception exception, System.Reflection.MethodBase original) [0x00045] in <40a82cc9705b4865b72ee4c45165e7e9>:0
at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () [0x00095] in <40a82cc9705b4865b72ee4c45165e7e9>:0
at HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll (System.Type type) [0x00008] in <40a82cc9705b4865b72ee4c45165e7e9>:0
at HarmonyLib.Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll (System.Type type, System.String harmonyInstanceId) [0x0001e] in <40a82cc9705b4865b72ee4c45165e7e9>:0
at BepInEx.Preloader.RuntimeFixes.ConsoleSetOutFix.Apply () [0x0001f] in <ce899b451996417592208c1602343bb3>:0
at BepInEx.Unity.Mono.Preloader.UnityPreloaderRunner.PreloaderMain () [0x00011] in <238353e7c6e7407190ba55b00dbba40f>:0
at BepInEx.Unity.Mono.Preloader.UnityPreloaderRunner.PreloaderPreMain () [0x00047] in <238353e7c6e7407190ba55b00dbba40f>:0
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&)
at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00032] in <a1e9f114a6e64f4eacb529fc802ec93d>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x0004b] in <a1e9f114a6e64f4eacb529fc802ec93d>:0
at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <a1e9f114a6e64f4eacb529fc802ec93d>:0
at Doorstop.Entrypoint.Start () [0x00061] in <238353e7c6e7407190ba55b00dbba40f>:0

got this from the preloader, can anyone tell me what it means?


Aug 2, 2022
I just discovered this when I used Cheat Engine:

Tits are stored as a 4-byte integer.
You can edit it tits by using the cosmetics potion.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2022
Can't find an answer to this on the original mod thread (removed) or mod repack threads, does the complex breeding mod add any visuals for the unique species? It isn't worth it to me if it is all just numeric.
It creatively uses existing assets to make races distinct. For example, dark-skinned elves are now a separate race, drow. And pink-skinned loli elves are fairies. And "mermaids" are blue-haired and blue-tailed elves (with tails taken from dragon race).
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