Tru any negative comment here and you insta get attack "ThiS gAMe AweSoMe TEXtBased Gamingu" you cant say anything becuse you get insta "THIS GAME FOR FREE GTFO OUT HERE IF U DONT LIKE" wtf who said I dont like I said I dont liek there Is no arts but ppl just spam facepalm and basicli thats all spam facepalm and toxic towards others who have diffrent opinion,thats why I ignore and wont replay them anymore,becuse even If I say sky Is blue and earth Its a orb they still tell me how bad Im a becuse I point this game have no real sex-art,well sorry guys If I cant fap to my imagine I mean lol I never fap to text do you?
Edit.This Is how monster game should look- One man did the game himself, he drew drawings and somehow he doesn't complain, and that's how I finished here, as I wrote before, people In this topic are hmm ... strange ... unpleasant and toxic