That's why they need to give small updates atleast each months of content for patreon, i am not a patreon at all but i can perfectly understand that if you try to support someone in their work and they don't release stuff it can feel really disappointing.
But i do feel like we should be untitled about the fact that the game takes a direction different than what some people want it to be. It's still Thresh's game either or not people are paying him to do it.
I've never implied he "can't" make the game however he wants to. What I'm saying is this has turned into a major distraction from focusing on the core of the game. So many were excited thinking after the cavern got finished we were onto the Capital content. Then, Venefica being added to an older content area delayed a ton of things, and as we figured it'd go back to the main plot... then burnout. Things happen. I wouldn't have kept in if I didn't understand, but this Labyrinth thing, plus not even a hotfix patch just... it just is really disappointing.
I don't even know if frustration is accurate. Just kinda bums out. Was looking forward to the update last week thinking 2/4 of Labyrinth would be wrapped up. Not that, nor a partial patch for even the older content that got a facelift with new artwork. A lot of us hold back in light of enjoying what has been done, but its hit a breaking point where we've gotten restless over content tbh nobody was really looking forward to at all.
Like could it be good? Of course. Threshold doing a good job with a lot of it is why we kept backing despite the slowdown for a while. But there's a ROI "threshold" where some are really miffed that a patch couldnt be dropped. The game is "free" but those of us backing it are kind of like.... we're basically paying $40-60 USD to back Labyrinth, something I'd say quite a few of us didnt even want. Backtrack to a few pages back last month where I was excitedly talking about POST Labyrinth.
We're more than ready to either delve into this and see if it was really worth it (it could be, sure but idk till its out) or at least update so mods can be fixed that straight up some seem to have delayed and even got dropped waiting on this thing.
A lot are just dealing with it till this is over with but too nice to say anything, but last week's update finally caused a few of us to actually start squaking openly. Only a few, but theyre the same group that's been pretty supportive the whole time. When like the first few comments are all variations that are just a polite "wth not even a partial patch?" you can get a good idea of where a lot of us actively following the project think.