I'm sorry, but " Just really busy with real life and I still didn't get in the mood to continue the game. " That clearly means you are not working on the game, so you should have put "On hold" or "Abandoned" tag yourself. I am not tring to be rude here. The point is, by not doing that u leave us (at lest people not so caught up in brown nosing the dev they lost their own brains in the process) it leaves us thinking you are working on it and a Update is coming soon, like 2 weeks, a month, 2 months at the longest.
But look at the last release. in just a few days it will officaly have been 2 Years sence you updated this. and While Its a fantastic remake, As a Dev of a project, even if its a project you are not being paid for and its all on you, You still need to let ppl know If u are going ot post it publicly, that "hey I am not working on it, It's going to be a few years b4 the next release is out, I better put a tag on there so ppl don't keep checking every week in hopes"
This is common courtesy stuff. I'm sorry if I have came across as cross or blunt, thats just who I am, and it has urked me for the past 8+ months I have been waiting for you to put out the next update and now I just read your not even working on it, and someone is saying "Oh its not Abanonded". Bah, if its not Abandonded it sure as hell is On Hold.