So looking at what updates the wiki has made And speaking from just the monster route. tamamo is supposed to give you a promotion item after you recruit your first Spirit in part 3. Problem is she becomes unavailable for some time after angel world Sabasa. I know she'll become available again and I'll be able to get the item from her then, but this still annoyed me when I went back to the castle and found that she left to recover.
I know that I was doing it out of order because I got the detour dialogue, But the same time the only point I can think of going to the spirits in story makes sense would be after I escape angel world Sabasa and enter the preparation for the Sabasa raid.
Basically what I'm asking is if anyone did the spirits in the intended order of events and the game tells you to go back to the monster world monster Lord's Castle to pick up this reward. Because it feels bad if doing something out of sequence results in you not knowing about rewards that you could claim. It's not a big issue, but I'd like to know.