no worst that this, the dev put the trigger inside the data of the game so when the data is changed you need to find the variable that changed, if you want to revert it back. And no idea on my side where you need to find this trigger.
The mtl changed nothing on that. It's just that if you don't want to do the patching of the mtl by yourself with a fresh instal/data of the game, you can only pick the version from someone else and hope he didn't played the game with the data file You can probably find something like this on the discord, but not on my side sorry.
Gotcha. I felt bad about being unnecessarily needling, so I went and looked inside the game for a bit.
The Great Decision calls the script "ssw( :ed1) && ssw( :ed2)" iirc to evaluate whether or not you're allowed to get into the third route. I wasn't able to find where exactly these are stored, I only just looked around for about 20 minutes, but I was able to find a way to reset them so you do need to do both routes to get the third route, with just two short lines of script.
Hopefully somebody sees this and can make sure players get to experience the game properly in the future. I see the posters here, all confused because they don't realize they're sequence breaking massively, and it bums me out.