Most-hated characters


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2017
For me, I'm going to say:

Every Rance-style horny serial-rapist, especially if the game tries to present him as an incorrigible rascal. Nauseating.
Absolutely based.

Besides that, I am not sure there's many characters I actually hate besides the obvious character but I feel saying that is cheating, since they're designed to be hated in the first place. Mostly I'm just indifferent.

Although, one thing that really annoys me is lesbian characters who make an exception for the MC because...uhhh....reasons? They usually give off some flimsy excuse that nobody buys. It's ridiculous, as if creating a female character that isn't interested in the MC would be the ultimate heresy. It's just plain silly.
Jan 9, 2021
Although, one thing that really annoys me is lesbian characters who make an exception for the MC because...uhhh....reasons? They usually give off some flimsy excuse that nobody buys. It's ridiculous, as if creating a female character that isn't interested in the MC would be the ultimate heresy. It's just plain silly.
Can I extend that by saying anyone who makes wild exceptions to the protag? Like your example, a lesbian letting a dude pork her, or a loyal wife making an exception, without any kind of pressure like blackmail.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2017
Thank you and fuck that guy. Don't know what Bioware smoked to even think of something like a space ninja that reeks of chuunibyou.

Can't think of anyone else but maybe... Nazeem?
And I just remembered another character type I hate. The bitchy bimbo who acts like a bitch only to the main character or some other character for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and it's especially annoying too if everyone else is nice to the bitchy bimbo without any reason.

No I don't care if they "get better later on", I don't care if they're "tsundere" or some other anime bullshit trope and they're secretly in love with the MC, I don't care about "fucking someone into submission" either. Their personalities are too rotten for me to find them attractive, no matter how nice the model is.

For me these characters go straight into the aforementioned "Hate Sink" trope. Not to mention, the only choices to deal with such characters are usually:
1. "act like a submissive idiot and listen to her every whim until she eventually starts to feel sorry and acts a bit nicer"
2. "be an absolute fucking monster and do something that would traumatize a person for the rest of their life"
3. "act like a piece of shit right back at her, but not to the point of causing trauma"

There's almost never just a neutral "leave me alone, bitch, I don't wanna do your route" option, and even when there is you might still see her in the rest of the game, acting like a piece of garbage but not being able to do anything about it because you refused to fuck her.
Sometimes this one single character is enough for me just drop a game permanently because I can't be bothered to put up with that kind of crap.

One example: Tanja from My New Family. I really like that game and all the other characters but Tanja is cartoon levels of evil. People keep talking about how wholesome this game is and I'm just sitting here wondering "How the hell is this character's existence wholesome?" and no, getting revenge on someone for being a piece of shit isn't wholesome. Rather than get revenge, I would much rather the character didn't exist at all but whatever.
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Jan 9, 2021
Can't think of anyone else but maybe... Nazeem?
I don't understand the absolute hatred that NPC gets, honestly. Granted, I don't like him, but he's such a background character with only a handful of holier-than-thou dialogue that ends up being nothing more than background noise.

I legitimately despise any type of mustache-twirling "look at me I'm so evil" types of character. Not because they're like that, but because it's so one-dimensional. Who the fuck acts like that? Picture Dick Dastardly, but now have him be 100% serious.
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Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
Uh okay guys please don't lump Nazeem and Kai-Leng together.

Nazeem is an inconsequential NPC with only a few lines of dialogue voiced by Keith Silverstein at his smuggest.

Kai-Leng is a recurring antagonist who's a total weakling and yet the game forces you to cutscene-lose to him, who kills fan-favorite characters (again, with the help of cutscenes) and keeps acting like he's the biggest badass in the galaxy.

Nazeem can be annoying when you bump into him repeatedly but his annoyance level isn't in the same universe as Kai-Leng's. Kai-Leng is the worst, it's like Raiden had a bastard child with Eric Cartman. The dude ate Anderson's cereal ffs.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Let's be real, the MC is usually the worst character in every type of game. Either he's a "blank slate" non-character who doesn't seem to have any personality trait besides "wants to have sex" or he falls into the dichotomy of creepy sex pervert or wet blanket who hasn't learned about the birds and the bees yet.
You forgot that, if there's some kind of mystery in the story, he's also generally a total idiot who have no clue what's happening ; "last night, I heard someone scream, 'help, help, I'm abducted', but it's surely totally unrelated with the fact that my female roommate have disappeared and her bedroom is a real mess."


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
Keep in mind by making this list its not an endorsement that the dev "created such a hate-able character, and its a good thing to elicit these emotions"... More like "this character is utter dogshit, and the story suffers due to his/her inclusion"

Davide (The Tyrant) - Holy fuck is this model disgusting to look at, the fact that he has so much plot armor to get away with the BS he does in the game makes it so much worse... He's a thug, he's a smut-peddler (drugs), and he's a rapist... He's not a good or compelling character at all, he's just there to piss of people with any semblance of taste, the worst part is he fails as a villain.

Maude (New Coral City) - This one is easy to hate due to her personality, and her interactions with the MC, probably the closest to good written "love to hate" character. I personally hate her cause she doesnt go away, her path in the major story is one I dont care about at all (she stole the MC's GF from the first game who was an ugly butch tomboy, big whoops keep the skank)... She makes the list because she shows up every few story segments to rub the MC's face in something your even allowed to tell her you dont care about, yet she walks away thinking she "got you good", even if you tell her you dont care LOL.

Eric (Big Brother)- I wouldnt hate him as much if the damn Mikandi model didnt become the poster boy for NTR rivals alongside the Russel and Darius models... I honestly didnt hate him as much at first, as what happened in BB was more Ann's fault than Eric... That changed when you learn his motives... he doesnt just want to NTR Max, he wants to make his family into dirty street walking whores, while stealing their home, their income, and tossing them out on the street... so yeah fuck the dude.

Allessia (Sister x3) - This bitch ruined the game for me... she gate locks the most attractive females in the game (the twins), and in some routes fucks up things with the Mom, and the gross little sister... Whats dumber is the MC becomes more powerful than her by the end, and is still unable to undo the mind control shit she does on his family, they are sluts forever more... wtf ever...

Jenny (Mike's Obsession) - Holy fuck at this bitch... think Sekai (Schooldays) but kicked to 100th power... Want to know whats sad ? She isnt even the rival, or villain of the story, she is a LOVE INTEREST !! That's how you know you fucked up with a character when people hate her instead of wanting to "get" with her. She ruins the MC's original relationship with a far better LI, and then tries to take her place... utter dogshit this character was.

Aiden (A Wife and Mother) - For a game that prides itself on "realism" this dude's side story is utter shit, nothing erotic about it at all as he is a thuggish brute, with not an ounce of charisma or eroticism at all... The lengths and asspulls the writer concocted together to make him a credible threat is "unrealistic" to put it nicely... he is a dirty gang-banger... yet somehow also has a super rich uncle that is the best lawyer in the country... said lawyer also doesnt mind risking his license by defending his clearly guilty nephew that is using blackmail and violence against his superiors (teachers, principal, etc). His plot entry is just a shitshow true and true.

Notable mentions that arent really worthy of hate, but the fanbase of the games makes me hate them...

Mr Parker (JOHN) - cant even go into that thread to discuss anything unless your willing to suck this characters dick and say that he is the best thing in this game, and anyone asking for content with anyone else but him is a dipshit.

Bailey (WVM) - Same case as the above... She literally has an online cult around her.. how fucking silly is that ? And to make matters worse is that unlike Mr Parker, she is actually a decent and likeable character.


Apr 27, 2018
I've got another one. Luna the MC from Crossed Moon. The game attempts to paint her start as an innocent and naive girl but...

She is pure evil. First village visited and she can rape a boy then kill him with the logic of "This would get me arrested". She delights in just ripping her enemies apart and take satisfaction from watching the weak (Everyone who isn't her) scream and plead for their lives. To end it all she goes back to her home village and appears to kill everyone. (And probably rapes all the males before killing them too)

Deleted member 1952336

Game Developer
Jan 18, 2020
Probably Hunter from Power Vacuum.

Don't get me wrong, the dude is hillarious, but his stupid grin really gets to me. Also, the girls seem to drop their panties for this Diabetic Deadpool wannabe, in a heartbeat, but with me it takes 2 weeks to get a kiss.
I think I'm Odd. I was going to say the MC from Power Vacuum, as I found Hunter much more relatable, and liked how he was more clear about his goals, what he wanted, and how to get it as well as overcoming bigger challenges and physical adversity (his poor looks). I would have loved to play as him.

I know the MC changes over the course the the story but he was far too soft and emotional in the beginning for my tastes. But I believe most people prefer that kind of character as games with those kind of MCs often are successful.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
I think I'm Odd. I was going to say the MC from Power Vacuum, as I found Hunter much more relatable, and liked how he was more clear about his goals, what he wanted, and how to get it as well as overcoming bigger challenges and physical adversity (his poor looks). I would have loved to play as him.

I know the MC changes over the course the the story but he was far too soft and emotional in the beginning for my tastes. But I believe most people prefer that kind of character as games with those kind of MCs often are successful.
Trust me, you aren't the only one who wishes we could play as hunter. The MC has no spine at all.


Active Member
Game Developer
Feb 21, 2018
Sylvanas in World of Warcraft.

Should have had the absolute shit slapped out of her by the Lich King at the start of Shadowlands, instead she got some insane plot power boost and soloed him, ridiculous (and you have to go read a story out of game to even find out about it).

Blizzard also decided she needed to cover up and de-sexified her, so she wasn't even hot and a bad character, she just became a shit character with insane plot armour and weaponry.

Then they made the wait for the expansion to kill her take so long everybody has unsubscribed or gone to TBC Classic.

0/10 absolutely despise.
Jan 9, 2021
Sylvanas in World of Warcraft.

Should have had the absolute shit slapped out of her by the Lich King at the start of Shadowlands, instead she got some insane plot power boost and soloed him, ridiculous (and you have to go read a story out of game to even find out about it).

Blizzard also decided she needed to cover up and de-sexified her, so she wasn't even hot and a bad character, she just became a shit character with insane plot armour and weaponry.

Then they made the wait for the expansion to kill her take so long everybody has unsubscribed or gone to TBC Classic.

0/10 absolutely despise.
She went from a sympathetic, albeit sometimes problematic, character to a power-hungry and insane Mary Sue. Having Vol'jin make her the new Warchief was such a dumb decision, but then again at this point I don't expect good writing from Blizzard, they had a fan favourite character, Deckard Cain, get killed by a butterfly woman. Fuck, don't get me started with the Diablo 3 story...
Garrosh is a close second. It was so satisfying seeing Thrall school him.


Jun 23, 2017
1 Forced sexual partners when you the mc wouldnt touch them with a yard stick but the game creator needs to put some sex in a rushed or delayed update
2 MC best mail friend dont need to say more on this as it been mentioned alot