Didn't like it.
Eric is barely in the game, most scenes and interactions are from Karen POV so is more about cheating than cuckold so far.
The game has a Cuck score for Eric(husband) and a Cheating score for Karen(wife). I guess Eric will become more willing to be cucked if his score goes up and Karen more willing to cheat but so far
neither score matter for anything, at best if you try keep Karen faithful you don't get to see a few scenes of her fantasy with black guys, but there is no change in dialog. The characters don't even mention prior scenes so your choices don't really matter in the long run. I guess this game is way too incomplete to get any feeling from it, personally this alone is a reason to not play it.
The black guys *sight*, ah the black guys. Well, the black guys in this game are drug dealers who act like animals because they are black. They also have infinite stamina for sex and turn any woman into a BBC slut just by being nearby, at least their model isn't stuck in the "I'm gonna rape you" face as some other games do.
To be fair, the game is called "Moving in the wrong neighborhood" so the guys living there must be up to something already although other games has shade people being way more realistic with their shadeness like Sergey from Anna Exciting Affection and black people behaving like people as Mark does in Angelica temptation.
For a slow burn game as this one appear to be intended I don't think it is interesting. Other cuck games as the ones I mentioned are far better in this regard