I found a way to fix crashes, to start you'll need to download an extracting program that is able to extract the game .exe,
i used uniextract;
after extracting the files you'll get another nw.exe and a bunch of files.
go to the data\scenario file;
open all files ending with .ks with a text editor;
search for this:
you'll find something like this
greenworks.activateAchievement("NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_",function(){}, function(err) {});
after that delete all the lines from [iscript] to [endscript]
for example purspose here's what you should do:
open the file and you should find something like this:
[tb_hide_message_window ]
[tb_image_hide time="0" ]
[jump storage="FarmExplore1.ks" target="*mapStart" ]
[cm ]
[tb_eval exp="sf.evaPhoto=1" name="evaPhoto" cmd="=" op="t" val="1" val_2="undefined" ]
[tb_eval exp="sf.secret+=1" name="secret" cmd="+=" op="t" val="1" ]
if (sf.secret >= 22){
greenworks.activateAchievement("NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_hoarder",function(){}, function(err) {});
[bg time="500" method="zoomIn" storage="bg_findItem.png" ]
[tb_show_message_window ]
[tb_start_text mode=1 ]
You found some Photos![p]
[tb_hide_message_window ]
[playse volume="100" time="0" buf="0" storage="foundObject_01.ogg" ]
[button storage="FarmExplore1.ks" target="*item_evaPhoto_b" graphic="itemIcon_photos.png" width="400" height="400" x="781" y="340" _clickable_img="" name="img_115" ]
[s ]
after that the file should look like this:
[tb_hide_message_window ]
[tb_image_hide time="0" ]
[jump storage="FarmExplore1.ks" target="*mapStart" ]
[cm ]
[tb_eval exp="sf.evaPhoto=1" name="evaPhoto" cmd="=" op="t" val="1" val_2="undefined" ]
[tb_eval exp="sf.secret+=1" name="secret" cmd="+=" op="t" val="1" ]
[bg time="500" method="zoomIn" storage="bg_findItem.png" ]
[tb_show_message_window ]
[tb_start_text mode=1 ]
You found some Photos![p]
[tb_hide_message_window ]
[playse volume="100" time="0" buf="0" storage="foundObject_01.ogg" ]
[button storage="FarmExplore1.ks" target="*item_evaPhoto_b" graphic="itemIcon_photos.png" width="400" height="400" x="781" y="340" _clickable_img="" name="img_115" ]
[s ]
after that just save the file and continue to the next one