Unpopular opinion here but I don't particulary hate Hera lol. I mean yeah she's petty bitch and crappy parent but tbh there are only two nasty things she done as far as we know: abusing (mentally so far) her daughter and making the whole bullying to happen. Former? Bad indeed but it was already shown that before losing Emma's mom she was fairly decent parent so some redemption still could happen (c'mon how many more people now like Emma after her tearjerking background?

). Latter? Well yeah, bad too BUT let's not forget that no small role in mc's suffering played...mc himself. I mean how much pushover one needs to be that after learning that your crush is FAR from being nice girl you thought she were (otherwise I don't know what's attracted him besides pretty face) and STILL TRYING to win her favor? It was brought up a few times in story that he could just walk away but no let's just keeping on getting humilated and then blaming bully for, well...not suddenly being nice

? What's really gave him idea that bullying will stop if he keep giving in bully's demands? Wouldn't any normal person that got disdelusioned about their crush just..avoid them? Hate them? Mc wasn't even manipulated with some false hope.
So Hera is more ambiguous character to me instead of plain evil.