You know, I felt sorry for Emma and got what I was supposed to from her update and I know she may be doing to keep him "at arms distance" for her friends sake but it still causes him discomfort. She doesn't have to do that to cover up that she's "Emy" - she just has to keep her yap shut. She could be nice, and steer him to Aine, but she keeps being a shit to him. I feel sorry for her backstory (especially putting up with Hera) but her actions now kind of keep her out of the running for me.yup i'm convinced after esp 5. stay away from emma
Yes_No one for me, tooAin't no one can change my love for dear Emy.
Last update was about Emy and I'm completely sold on her. Emma however, needs to rediscover her inner Emy and be honest with Aine and MC about her feelings and their history in order to earn that. Because as Emma, she as only treated MC badly.I really cant understand how people are this against Emma. This last update completely sold her to me, I feel like I'll lose a piece of my soul if she doesn't end up with the MC. I pray to fucking God he'll find out as soon as possible, she deserves love and deserves to be happy.
The thing is, MC do remember it, just not in detail enough to recognize Emma. She has different hair color, different name and has otherwise changed a lot since she was six years old. And you have had the luxury of having the memory reinforced each time you see your cousins and being reminded at family gatherings. As far as MC knows, he hasn't met his first love for 18 years.And let's be honest, the MC also needs to find her again to be whole again. I don't know how mentally impaired you need to be to forget your first love, it's a common troupe in Japanese Media that I never thought possible. I remember extremely vividly my first love, and I was four years old. Funnily enough, I didn't know it at the time, but they were twin girls that were actually my second degree cousins! I haven't seen them in years, but every time we do see each other at family gatherings we still laugh about it!
The way I see it, Emma will do no such thing as long as both Aine's as well as her ties with Hera aren't completely (and securely) severed. Even then, she's likely to put Aine's happiness before her own. Granted, she could've tried to leave Hera's household instead of following through with the bullying, she stood to loose everything she held dear for the third time in her life. Also, her chances for regaining the love of her life looked pretty slim, for as far as she knew, he'd not thought of her for years. Her cold demeanor is most probably a deliberate measure to have them keep their distance, lest either one of them jeopardizes her plan. To my mind, Emma isn't all that different from Emy – still smart, calculating, caring, and dutiful, but more grim regarding her place in the world.Last update was about Emy and I'm completely sold on her. Emma however, needs to rediscover her inner Emy and be honest with Aine and MC about her feelings and their history in order to earn that. Because as Emma, she as only treated MC badly.
smart - she is undoubtedly very intelligent, but she is not street smart, she severly lacks in social skills and emotional maturityThe way I see it, Emma will do no such thing as long as both Aine's as well as her ties with Hera aren't completely (and securely) severed. Even then, she's likely to put Aine's happiness before her own. Granted, she could've tried to leave Hera's household instead of following through with the bullying, she stood to loose everything she held dear for the third time in her life. Also, her chances for regaining the love of her life looked pretty slim, for as far as she knew, he'd not thought of her for years. Her cold demeanor is most probably a deliberate measure to have them keep their distance, lest either one of them jeopardizes her plan. To my mind, Emma isn't all that different from Emy – still smart, calculating, caring, and dutiful, but more grim regarding her place in the world.
Regardless of whether or not she's lacking in social skills or emotional maturity, neither are a measure of smarts nor required for someone to be considered street-smart. Also, reducing Emma's emotions to what she allows others to see is plain ignorant. She has been shown to care for more than one person, including the MC. And while she has been appointed as Aine's loyal servant, her duty still lies with the - she is undoubtedly very intelligent, but she is not street smart, she severly lacks in social skills and emotional maturity
calculating - not so sure about that, at least not enough to shield Aine, herself or MC from Hera in any meaningful way
caring - only for one person: Aine, not for anyone else including herself
dutiful - very much so, but then again toward whom? Her primary task is toward Aine, but as previous said, she hasn't been that succesful in that task
While I agree that there is sympathy for Emma in regards to her selflessly serving Aine, that only goes so far. But she is still responsible for her own actions toward MC, as is Aine. As I've said previously, I very much believe there is redemption for both Aine and Emma, but they need to take actions that lead that way. And stubbornly continue calling MC Piggy does not help.
I also want to point out that I think MC would be more open to Emma's plot of MC marrying Aine if Emma would actually be honest about everything. Now she has painted herself in a corner where she is untrustworthy in the eyes of MC.
I'm not sure, but it feels like we put different meaning to the words here.Regardless of whether or not she's lacking in social skills or emotional maturity, neither are a measure of smarts nor required for someone to be considered street-smart. Also, reducing Emma's emotions to what she allows others to see is plain ignorant. She has been shown to care for more than one person, including the MC. And while she has been appointed as Aine's loyal servant, her duty still lies with the family.
Anyways, since when does being calculating put one in a position of power, let alone one solid enough to strong-arm the likes of Hera? By your reasoning any unassuming burger-flipper *cough* need only be established as being calculating (enough) to have him best Hera and whisk Aine to safety. The end…
And there's no stubbornness in her calling the MC 'piggy' again, but calculated purpose. I realize that most people (including myself) don't like her approach –timeNiiChan will tell if she gains or looses from it – but people failing to grasp her intent, that I can't get.
As for your last point: let's assume you where in a position similar to the MC's and have just been told by the loyal sidekick of your highschool bully that she intends for you to marry the latter to keep them safely out of the clutches of her family. Thrilled already? Yeah, me neither.
You ever hear the phrase, the road to hell is paved with good intentions? I grasp her intent, but I don't like it, I think she's doing it the wrong way. In the end if it was me living the story instead of niichan writing it.. she would succeed in her intent to drive the MC away. So far away she'd be left totally alone. As cold as it might sound, as the MC once finding out the truth, I'd say sure I'm willing to marry Aine like you want, but on condition to leave and cut all ties and disappear completely. She's done nothing but lie and hide the truth from the mc for 5 years, despite what she claims, her actions prove the opposite and that deception is far worse than any bullying she did. Instead of trusting the MC, she deceives him. I really cannot fathom how she trust the MC enough to marry of Aine to him, but doesn't trust him enough to tell him the truth about her.<snip> but people failing to grasp her intent, that I can't get.
This bit I've left is very true.I'm not sure, but it feels like we put different meaning to the words here.
To me caring about someone is an action. To show someone through concrete actions that their well being is important to you. To tell yourself that you care is not actual caring
And I thought someone said the debate should already be stopped?And as much as I want Emma to come clean in the very first scene on the next update I hope @NiiChan sticks to his story and tells it the way he wants and is not pressured into changing anything.
I agree. I very much seeing the different perspectives of people and have enjoyed the discussion very much. And my own thoughts on the situation changes with the discussion as well.I've really been enjoying this little chat between you two.
Now I picture you having Emma getting instructions from Yuna on how to coerce an MC.And I thought someone said the debate should already be stopped?
No, that means I should coerce you guys to Emma more.
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And I thought someone said the debate should already be stopped?
No, that means I should coerce you guys to Emma more.
And here i am, trying to get a debate going on the other forum to have Niichan coerce us to have more Yuna, and instead i am gonna get more not nice Emma insteadNow I picture you having Emma getting instructions from Yuna on how to coerce an MC.![]()
yeah. i'm not surprised if she win the vote. i guess the majority that choose [EMY] or [EMMA] are forgiving enoughLadies and Gentlemen, may I present you the winner for the character with the most vote. No surprise to see my dear Emy the frontrunner and with the huge gap to the second one, Moon. Booyah