You know, I felt sorry for Emma and got what I was supposed to from her update and I know she may be doing to keep him "at arms distance" for her friends sake but it still causes him discomfort. She doesn't have to do that to cover up that she's "Emy" - she just has to keep her yap shut. She could be nice, and steer him to Aine, but she keeps being a shit to him. I feel sorry for her backstory (especially putting up with Hera) but her actions now kind of keep her out of the running for me.
Gwen all the way!!

....well, and Sky second of course....... and since Aine has shown lots of remorse and will have her story soon - I'm sure she'll be up there.... and then there's Lily, cute redhead there.... Freya's really hot too.....
No! Gwen! gwengwengwengwengwen!