Given there's a single developer and they're cramming new content into an already fairly elaborate game it's not that surprising if there are bugs. I understand when there's an earlier release cycle where the dev makes it clear that these bugs will exist and requests for them to be reported so that they can be fixed for an eventual, stabilized, release. QC and validation are not trivial and require time, crowd-sourcing allows for more persons to contribute relatively small amounts of time to accomplish this whereas a lone dev might have to spend weeks doing it alone during which time no new content will be generated.
This is a niche, community-driven, industry. Given a much smaller group of participants compared to typical AAA games it's imperative that we go beyond being mere consumers with expectations of high quality finished goods delivered at low cost on a regular schedule.
We have to invest more into it, whether by providing ideas and feedback, reporting bugs in detail, or funding the time and resources required to advance production.
Honestly, it's impressive how inclusive and involved this community can be between developers and players, and it's disappointing when members of this community start to take it for granted that they're owed more and become hostile to the creators.
I'm not pointing a finger at anyone in particular for anything they've said but I hope to provide food for thought; be as constructive as possible in your actions and behaviors in this community and we're going to get more, better, games.
That said; for this particular game, more and repeatable scenes with the different characters were certainly desirable but the dev, originally, made a rare decision and bounded the scope such that it could, in fact, be completed. How many high-quality sandbox/branching VN games on this site have actually been completed or have an end in sight relative to the number that are WIP or abandoned?