I loved this game, but wow...I just played the new content with the first group of misfit students,
…and I'm really not liking Kim's disfigured face. For me it's hard to be interested with how much vitiligo was applied to her face (especially around her eyes and the bridge of her nose). Vitiligo explained from what I remember...It's a rare chronic (long-lasting) autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or color. This happens when melanocytes – skin cells that make pigment, are attacked and destroyed, causing the skin to turn a milky-white color.
OK back to my point, it would be great if her face had a little less vitiligo around her eyes, as it looks overly done and takes away from her pretty looks. And her unaffected skin tone also seems a bit too dark, unless she's a black girl or has an overly dark sun tan (her drastic skin tone differences creates an odd contrast, also important to note...people with this condition avoid any sun exposure). Then it's understandable, but her facial features kind a don't resemble a black woman's face. And, sorry in advance if I happen to miss something with MC and her conversation earlier on in the story, in regards to her nationality. Anyways, just giving some feedback on this matter.
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Also, I found it odd after MC took his cousins V card, she suddenly wants to stop taking her B pills to get pregnant after her first sexual experience. I thought it would be avoidable after I chose the second choice in the image posted (maybe offering that kink again later in the story). But it seems there isn't a choice to get her to take the morning after pill, as she was already on the pill...just not on it long enough. Is this a bug, as I picked the "I don't want to have children" choice? But instead she still will stop taking the pill, to get pregnant without MC having a choice in the matter.
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This image is the results of the conversation after I picked the second choice...as I stated it looks like she will end trying to get pregnant regardless of my previous choices.
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On Kim's skin:
She's an
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model with some tweaks in her body (especially her booty). My Photoshop skills are non-existent, so I can't edit a skin like that.
Her unaffected skin tone makes her look of mixed ascendancy, but I haven't thought about it as it isn't important for the story. The MC has been with an Indian girl, and has the choice to be with an Asian girl and two Afro-American ones, so he doesn't care about race or ethnicity.
She is
American, from Ohio (not important, and will be revealed in v.0.10)
On Erika's question:
Taking the second option the MC says: "But if they are yours I wouldn't mind.", and Erika answers: "Then we don't need to go for the pill. If it arrives now, why prevent it?"
Taking the first one the MC doesn't add anything and Erika answers with the same text. In both cases, she won't go for the morning after pill, because in both cases the MC says he wants (or doesn't mind) to have kids with her.
The player decided to impregnate or not impregnate her five ago, and that is the choice that impacts her pregnancy.
That choice is in reality epilogue driven. Every girl you choose to impregnate during the game ("go for the baby" option) will be pregnant, but what happens with the ones you don't impregnate during the game? What happens to the players that have disabled pregnancies?
This is what this question is for:
First option:
Of course I want to! (In the epilogue you will have children with all the girls you are in path): The girls you don't impregnate during the game will have kids in the 22 years period between the end of the game and the epilogue.
Second option:
At the moment I don't want to have children (You will only have children with the girls you get pregnant during the game): If you don't impregnate a girl before the end of the game, she won't have kids in the epilogue.
Why this question? Imagine you don't want to see Martha pregnant because you love her body, or don't like the pregnancy kink. You can decide to not impregnate her, but if you choose the first option you will have kids with her off screen during that 22 years period; if you choose the second option she won't have any kids.