Trope95, this is in no way a complaint, but I have been able to level up my patience a few times while waiting. Thanks, because this has paid dividends in other areas for me recently.
I don't know what it is, but Kim just does it,
for me. She's so sweet and lovable. I find myself immune to her Vitiligo as I had someone close to me with a similar condition as I grew up (my stepfather). I learned early on about the internal conflicts of people dealing with such matters. You are doing well with her reservations and personality. Thanks for not going to an extreme.
As Kim's story evolves, she definitely has my first (possibly only?) solo play though. Long term, Kim and MC's daughter could be the Oval Office occupant that was mentioned and that daughter being the *first* female leader for their country. One can dream, right?
Fuck, am I turning into a simp right before everyone's eyes?