First, I love your game and the girls in it

. II am a supporter and as such, I would like to share my criticisms with you.
1) in EP8 and EP9 there are several event in Cafe but nothing happen (at 15h, 15h30, 16h, 16h30, 17h00 once par day)... The same (boring) sequence of images. Why ?
2) When you click on exclamation mark (upper right) there is a recap of events to do, it's useful sometimes when you're stuck but is it possible to filter "not available yet" events or give a small hint to trigger the event ? I think "done" events is not useful and can be replace by hints for events triggers
3) In my opinion, I think EVE path is sufficiently exploited, which could be the continuation of EP7, Except a hot massage event, but after at 10h00 and 22h30 in her bedroom, nothing else...
I'm ready for ep10. support the game