
New Member
Nov 4, 2019
My guess is that the developer found certain tasks to be easy, and figured that other tasks would be too. Such as, "Implementing a hunger system was pretty straight forward, I'll just do something similar for all my other needs." which is all fine and dandy, until you have now made three identical systems, and you find an error in the first one, and you have to refactor, and decide that you need to build a need class that everything inherits from, and now for some reason X feature, which shouldn't have had anything to do with Y feature, other than the need interaction, has suddenly stopped working because it isn't getting the information that it expects in the format it expects, and now nothing works.

Not saying that is exactly what seems to have happened, but... that is almost always what happens. They got a least playable built rather quickly, thanks to the tools unreal provides, but then when they had to branch out into their custom pieces, they probably had to build (and refactor) a few times to work out some of the kinks. I think they will be able to progress a bit, and will probably make it to 0.75 before they hit their next roadblock. If I knew anything more than the basics of Unreal or C++, then I would volunteer to help them, because I'm excited for this project, but unfortunately, I know Unity, and C#...

If I didn't still need to learn Java for next semester, I might of jumped in head first and tried to see what I could figure out from youtube and some of the paid learning sites, but there is only so much time.

I do expect that they will be able to remodel the university grounds fairly easily, add more dorms you can't go into, maybe a little skybox fuckery to make it look like their is more dorms than their are. I think there is a big lecture hall, because they had an idea for something with a big lecture hall, maybe some exhibitionist content towards the back, or they based the place on a school they went to. It reminded me a little of Friends University in Wichita, KS, which is hilarious because it's a private Christian university. If you throw in some places concept that most of the students live off campus (UK I think? Not British, so I'm not sure, but I'm told it is a thing abroad) then a small university of about 600 to 1000 students starts to pass the sniff test enough that you can go, "eh, not worried enough about the math for now" and get on with the game (Oh, and Friends has around 1k students, but I never went into their dorms or anything, I was there for a psych conference).

Though now that I'm on the subject, and their town is a little huge, it would be cool if they did generate 600 or so unique students that just wandered around. Not something that should be a development goal right now, but just would be cool for their final polish to actually figure out what the fuck the schedule should look like, and maybe give them a few more buildings.

Sorry for the long rant, I'm up past my bedtime, and my meds have worn off.
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Sep 17, 2021
umm..where is the underground store? is it the one inside the warehouse where magic man standing?


Nov 6, 2017
umm..where is the underground store? is it the one inside the warehouse where magic man standing?
Yes. In the Perverted and Lewd starts there is a card with a key on the same floor as Ashley's dorm room. The card with the key is laying on the round coffee table in front of the TV.


Jan 26, 2021
to get in the underground store you have to use the cheat menu in front of the warehouse and use the "go 500 fw" option to teleport inside

Anyone know what the "open dev room" button actually does?
it spawns a fridge, drawer and closet which contain all items on the running track.


Oct 22, 2017
Anyone have a compressed version or one that is spit in two I can only seem to get 4g and the down load stops??


New Member
Sep 22, 2017
The patch notes in Discord claim the succubus transformation has been fixed. Any idea how to get to it?
Dec 14, 2018
I really don't understand how to use lewd patch. I mean I extracted it. I double checked file that was replaced. Everything looks good. But when I press lewd I still get censorship and no cheat.


Aug 17, 2017
What our game is about:

Alisa tries to solve mysteries about her missing sister. At one moment Alisa will lose everything and start living her life at the bottom of social and financial position, forgotten by everyone.
There'll be multiple ways to bring her previous lifestyle back. But by the time she might not want to...
Planned features:

  • Time system, Day/night, weather cycles and even seasons.
  • Vastly populated open-world map, covered by cities, lakes, mountains, rivers, and forests. All of them contain many activities... and hidden secrets.
  • Lust system: Alisa will start as a shy and innocent girl, but you decide the way she develops. Will she remain pure or succumb to her lust, engaging in prostitution or adult videos?
  • A dramatic storyline with mystical and horror elements.
  • - Unique NPC's with unique personalities, quests, and reactions to your actions.
  • QTE sex system that gives immersive control over stages and orgasm.
  • A large list of fetish-specific poses can be unlocked the more Alisa interacts with each one.
  • Clothing system
  • Alisa can wear multiple layers of clothing, NPC's will react accordingly.
  • Survival System
  • Alisa starts with a normal life with her family, all her needs met. However, things are about to change. Without her family to support her, how will she eat, where will she sleep? Will Alisa be able to survive in this cruel new world?
  • Dynamic character customization
  • Alisa will be able to change her appearance. Sexual encounters, food, weather, sports, cosmetics, and more can affect her appearance.
  • Unreal Engine provides exceptional quality of characters and environment.
I see there's corruption in the new game. The current developers of MLW have removed corruption in version 0.4. Not sure if they put it back and not willing to find out. They f*ed it up six ways till Sunday. The worst thing they did was a 180 on the characters personality and replacement of the good original dialogues with trash.

its more cartoony and real at the same time, kinda grunge cartoon

Any chance of an image of the character. I hope it'd not too cartoonish.

I really don't understand how to use lewd patch. I mean I extracted it. I double checked file that was replaced. Everything looks good. But when I press lewd I still get censorship and no cheat.
I haven't downloaded this version but in older versions you needed to also uncheck the censorship in settings menu.
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Creating Deluded
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
I see there's corruption in the new game. The current developers of MLW have removed corruption in version 0.4. Not sure if they put it back and not willing to find out . They f*ed it up six ways till Sunday. The worst thing they did was a 180 on the characters personality and replacement of the good original dialogues with trash.

Any chance of an image of the character. I hope it'd not too cartoonish.

I haven't downloaded this version but in older versions you needed to also uncheck the censorship in settings menu.
Yep, all images are in our discord server. Corruption will work much better with our new setting. Gonna post a trailer in 1-2 weeks.


New Member
Aug 8, 2022
This is my crash error does anyone know how to fix this?


New Member
Jun 17, 2018
So I'd like to ask few simple questions and not really dig into 100 pages.

1. Will this be a corruption game, as I thought it would be from the beginning (from clueless shy girl to depraved whore) or straight up fuck fest from the beginning? Right now the protagonist goes from "sorry but this is very inappropriate and I'm shy" to "yea sure, I'll fuck a guy in front of you no problem" very fast which is least to say, odd. (Not to mention trival stuff like virginity, right?)
2. If so, when that part of game would be focused on?
3. Any plans to give some spicyness to the sex scenes in close future? Right now, the sex scenes/animations are soulless like Ikea furniture.

edit: Don't get me wrong tho that I'm only complaining about the game. I really like the premise: female protagonist, corruption, open world with good story, are my favourite game genre. And the progress is very visible and big since early 0.2 version when the project looked so big and unplayable at the time that a big crowd of people thought it's gonna be quick bait cash grab, but instead you keep delivering. It's just if there is little to non character progression in behaviour/dialogues the game just becomes character creation game with soulless sex positions
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Mar 23, 2022
so is there penetration and sex with males? i dont wanna play a only Les game personally, also, i see people talking about hella bugs should i wait a while before i download?
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Jun 19, 2018
so is there penetration and sex with males? i dont wanna play a only Les game personally, also, i see people talking about hella bugs should i wait a while before i download?
idk, 6.0 is unplayable, old versions are way better imo...
not to mention they changed the mesh of the models
that include the clothes and bodies... they look strange...
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May 3, 2017
My question is well I ever get to play this in mac
Yeah, man, that's a really terrible thing, but still no reply, probably because of Unreal Engine, we didn't see and probably won't see a Mac version.
I've played this game via Parallel on my Mac, but that's not a good solution, there's not enough of performance for this game :cautious:
2.60 star(s) 52 Votes