right click item in inventory or if you just hid them the little box in the upper left in slot make sure its checkedHow do you change clothes? I managed to get her naked but can't get her dressed?
Make sure the option in main game setting is turned off and also the in the Cheat menu the box is unchecked. if its still Censored and if you have the Lewd patch applied then the patch is most likely faulty. The perverted edition (The current OP) is uncensored right out of the box. no real need for the lewd edition patch. the only diffrence between Lewd and Perverted is starting money, which you can change in the cheat menu.how i uncensored?
And that reminds me the quests that are currently BUGGEDfix teddie quest
Er... when i try to dress her (using the right click, with all slots checked), she says she's too busy to get dressed. Okay, she just says "busy". Since i can't open inventory other than by interacting with wardrobes and the likes, i assume she's too busy opening and closing doors. Anything else?right click item in inventory or if you just hid them the little box in the upper left in slot make sure its checked
that only occurs well with me anyways when you have a cabinet / nightstand / Store inventory open rather yours. So in example if your looking through your wardrobe in your room you wont be able to dress or undress while your wardrobe inventory is open. the only inventory you can dress from is when your peson inventory is the only thing is openEr... when i try to dress her (using the right click, with all slots checked), she says she's too busy to get dressed. Okay, she just says "busy". Since i can't open inventory other than by interacting with wardrobes and the likes, i assume she's too busy opening and closing doors. Anything else?
It's a known bug (I suffered for months before finding the solution hereTry deleting all of your save files before starting a new game. You can also try deleting the app data folder, but I didn't find that necessary. After I deleted the old saves, the new ones seem to work.
So in other words this game caters to straight female players or bi males? this is a shame.Thus far there's only het content, but I suspect that the character creation will handle things.
"I can't play as a female MC because then I'd be gay"So in other words this game caters to straight female players or bi males? this is a shame.
This is just a game, buddy, it's not like you're experiencing in your own body like a role play with your couple. So, you do enjoy watching male's back all of the time?So in other words this game caters to straight female players or bi males? this is a shame.
So far if anything it caters to Lesbian and straight content favoring the Lesbian, IMOSo in other words this game caters to straight female players or bi males? this is a shame.
I didn't have any old saves, but the old appData folder was still there. I deleted that and it solved it. Thanks!You have to delete all of the old saves.
It's a known bug (I suffered for months before finding the solution here
That is why I will not give this a try no offence to the creator the game looks good but the only sexual scenes is F/M and I've read that there is only one F/F or going to be but I prefer to avoid F/M when playing female mc in games."I can't play as a female MC because then I'd be gay"
Way to be confident in your sexuality.
I see playing a female MC as no matter what scenes will have a girl in it. I don't literally envision myself as the character.That is why I will not give this a try no offence to the creator the game looks good but the only sexual scenes is F/M and I've read that there is only one F/F or going to be but I prefer to avoid F/M when playing female mc in games.
In my opinion, no, I tried the latest build and a lot of the content that used to be in the game is gone some of the old bugs are gone but in its place are new equally bad bugsis this game even remotely playable by now?
didnt check in for over a year and i dont need to remind yall what a mess this game was then
Sit in a chair, the inventory should pop up and be usableEr... when i try to dress her (using the right click, with all slots checked), she says she's too busy to get dressed. Okay, she just says "busy". Since i can't open inventory other than by interacting with wardrobes and the likes, i assume she's too busy opening and closing doors. Anything else?
You are probably mistaken.In my opinion, no, I tried the latest build and a lot of the content that used to be in the game is gone some of the old bugs are gone but in its place are new equally bad bugs
I wasted hours playing this only to realise my progress had bugged completely. The game is also still as grindy as ever in those hours of play time I think I saw like 3 very mild h-scenes
Anyway the devs have started a new game I see so I imagine this one will soon become on hold
It is a shame I had high hopes for this game but after following it for years the progress has simply been very disappointing and now it is even regressing in that content is being cut for whatever reasons. The entire train intro for example is just gone among a lot of other content. Meanwhile the game level is still as empty as it always was with here and there an NPC scattered about with a quest line that after repeating it for 20 times (and having to go back to dorm to sleep each time as well!) you finally might get an h-scene
Presuming what happened to me doesn't happen to you as in that the progress gets bugged so even if you do the repeatable quest 30 times you don't get an h-scene then like. Oh and I also had my character randomly fall through the game world. So yeah...
-I cannot purchase computer parts to enable the web shows or even interact with the computerLooks like my current run hit a wall and I'm sure as hell not feeling like doing the grind to get back to where I am.
-I cannot purchase computer parts to enable the web shows or even interact with the computer
-Svelta doesn't show up at the track at 1700
-Posing for Teddie is borked after doing nude poses once. It now does the "Aren't you forgetting something" "I'm wearing too much" dialogue even though Ashley is completely nude.
edit: Also, what do you have to do to make the "Maybe we should visit the quiet room" dialogue with Jenny available?