The Ambulance was for the MC but I also think it's protocol for the cops to call an Ambulance when you shoot a person. But Mike is 100% dead.
I'm not sure about Germany, but here in the US, it's definitely protocol not only to call a rescue ambulance for the downed subject and any victims, but also to render aid. It's absolutely required by every major LEA, and failure to do so typically results in severe disciplinary action or termination and often loss of state peace officer certifications. In several states it is also required by criminal statute for cops to render aid to anyone they shoot (meaning a cop who doesn't can potentially be prosecuted). Anyhoo, glad to hear that Mister Bad Guy is outta the picture now, I think that particular arc has played out and then some. A bit less drama and lot more healing and loving is definitely what we need now.
On a side note (and a little off-topic), responding to Boehser, you might be surprised how many times someone can be shot and survive, sometimes even making a full recovery. It can be pretty random. Sometimes one round can be deadly, other times a person can absorb insane amounts of damage and still remain a threat. Speaking from personal experience, I saw firsthand a big dude on drugs survive more than twenty rounds from three different handguns, and continue trying to attack. My partner struck him with a baton on the back of the head before he finally went down. He was still alive when the medics arrived, survived all the way to the hospital even, died the next day. There's an absolute crapton of police bodycam videos on YT that demonstrate how many rounds it often takes to stop a bad guy, as well.