VN - Ren'Py - My Pig Princess [v0.8.0] [CyanCapsule]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Sneaky Heresiarch

    Well shit. Here's another thing I can add to my growing list of degenerate kinks.

    Overall, what a masterpiece. The love that went into this project just seeps through at every moment.

    Visuals amazing, story unique and quite ridiculously great.

    Plus the dev gets bonus points for turning the phrase pork the pork into reality.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is nothing short of immaculate. The art and everything about it is just perfect, actual 10/10 game, I love love love love it. Bless billy's heart and make him have nothing but good days.
    All the girls you meet are so fun and absolutely gorgeous, I really hope we have a chance to interact more with them later, but Emelie really is the best princess.
    Every interaction with her is bliss and all the scenes are just out of this world, normally I am not really super into the more animal stuff. But the art, personalities and just general feel of the game has me head over heels.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I was sceptic at first.
    But this is so well made story.
    I hope artists will use AI tools to speed up creation process.
    OFC NOT replace. But i believe is artist can let AI do jobs lke color filling, and basic asset creation it would be amazing to speed up the process.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous artwork throughout with a lighthearted story to setup a premise for you to engage with this princess in fun and lewd scenarios along side other interesting and colorful characters.
    Definitely give it a try, its only fault is its length, which is horribly short, understandable given that the game is not yet complete.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm no furry but that piggy can get it. Nicely detailed art and fun dialogue. A lot of the times I can get impatient and my finger stays on ctrl but no need with this game. I hope there's more point and click elements in future, would be nice to travel around and see the different characters at your own leisure.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Ren Nan

    As MGE and furry fan, I really enjoyed the game. The art style and the vibe are what made this game amazing. Please never let your artist leave the team.
    Keep up a good work. Can't wait for the future updates.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Am I into furry stuff or pigs? No. But God damn is this an amazing game with great art and fantastic pacing. The non-erotic parts are fun and interesting as well. It's currently my favorite game here aside from Bunny Black.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The highest quality furry VN I've played so far. Amazing characters, and very memorable moments. The sex scenes are also a major highlight, being extremely arousing and detailed. The game also lets people know of differences between what vaginas look like and that everyones body is different. Huge respect. I will be looking forward to the finished product.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely Stunning and one to be Cherished.
    Stories like these are what really stick with you after you're done with them.
    There's excellent art coupled with good writing, and adorable characters to boot. There's beautiful worldbuilding that gets you completely immersed in this fantasy story telling and yet it is naughty when it needs to be.

    Quite a wonderful experience all in all, and I thought with the name I wouldn't even be into something like this, but good thing I gave it a shot, Truly amazing work.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Astonishing artwork and great story telling.
    Enjoyed the first 2 chapters of this more or less graphic novel and am here for the current game state. This had me hooked instantly.
    The artist has a really exceptionally unique style and I think I might have seen another work of his, a Nutaku game called "Seven Angels". So yeah, enjoy the ride and furry theme w/o fur! hurrhurr
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Didn't think I was gonna enjoy this as much as I do, but it was fantastic. The art is intriguing, but had me a bit skeptical. But man, the characters and story and smut -- all A+. I'm honestly tempted to throw some money to play the next chapters, but I'm broke right now. I really hope this game takes off though and I wish the dev great success.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely stunning visuals, exciting and varied ero scenes, and heartwarming character interactions. I'm not typically a fan of anthropomorphic animals but for a lover of naturally curvaceous women, this is sublime.

    Art: absolutely top notch! Emeilie truly is a 10 out of 10 :)
    Story: fun, adorable and exciting
    Gameplay: simple but effective -- doesn't feel tedious
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Wise Naga

    I gave a couple of games 5 stars here but this one truly deserves 6.
    You can just feel the love this project got from its creators. Visuals, music, story (which is very light hearted and on point, without tons of useless text you just skip through) - it was impossible for me to spot any weak points during my playthrough. And half of the art is a straight up smut masterpiece. CyanCapsule, you're a god amongst men.

    PS: Ironically, this game has a little "test" to see if you skipped the intro, but even the beginning of the game was so fun to read that it just put a smile on my face when I realized what's happening. So don't rush it, first scene you get happens about 5 minutes in the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best VNs I've ever played.
    The dialogues feel natural, the humour isn't too forced, there's so much detail put into the art it's actually crazy.
    Never have I thought that I'd be aroused by a pig but hey, here we are.
    And I'm not a furry, but..
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing art and fun story. I'm really a fan of this type of game, especially with a art that has so much personality. For my taste it would only be better with some fluid animations, and maybe some voice sounds during scenes. Overall one of the best visual novels I've played. Keep with the amazing work.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Based on the (as yet) unfinished v0.5.0.

    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I am very picky with visual novels and think broadly they can be very subpar. So, take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    ON TOP OF THIS: for this review in particular I’d recommend taking it with a tiny grain of salt (just a teeny, tiny sprinkle). I personally am not a big fan of anthros/furries/ bestiality and so My Pig Princess somewhat had the deck stacked against it when it comes to my review…

    • Very pretty artwork – I think this is probably the largest draw of MPP. There are a few games on F95 which use these sort of hand-drawn art assets and with the right love and attention they can just be absolutely stellar, like they are here. The backgrounds are bright and vivid, the setting is lovely to look at and naturally the girls are just super fucking hot. In particular, Emelie is just pretty gorgeous (which she’d have to be as the main love interest of the game).
    • Variety of body types – If you’re the sort of person who comes to F95 and complains about every game having tiny skinny-waisted blonde bimbos with huge butts and balloons for tits, then MPP might appeal to you. Emelie is unquestionably hot, but she’s also got a bit of thiccness going on. The side-chicks of the story as well tend to fall into archetypes (like MILF, muscle-girl, skinny goth) but none of them look like the ”standard” Renpy fare. Admittedly, I like the whole blonde bimbo aesthetic, but that’s neither here nor there.
    • Emelie is very sexy – I’ve already said it, but just to reiterate, the Princess in question of MPP is just very, VERY hot. She has the whole innocent Princess being corrupted vibe going on and the sex-scenes thus far have been SUPER fap-worthy.
    • Light-hearted and jovial tone – The game has absolute zero pretence of taking itself seriously. It’s a game about you falling in love with a Pig Princess. Yeah… It’s just gonna be kind of a little silly and a little fun.

    • Slightly too little sexy stuff – The game is maybe a couple of hours long at this point and has 3 major sexual scenes. There’s a lot of “teasing” content around this as well, but most of that barely counts if you ask me. Quite frankly it feels just a bit on the slow side. There’s long stretches of conversation which drag on just a liiiiittle too long. In other games these sections might be used to build sexual tension and stuff, but that doesn’t feel like the case here.
    • Choices are seemingly pointlessMPP seems to be one of those kinetic-type novels which provides choices primarily for flavour text. I’m actually not totally certain about this though because there was at least one major point where you make a decision during a sex scene that the game itself informs you will have consequences… But none of those consequences have happened yet. You will REGULARLY be asked about fetish preferences like “do you like muscular girls or softer girls?” and “do you like tall or short girls?” etc etc. And MAYBE the game is building up a list of kinks for the player so that in later iterations it will cater to your tastes, but honestly I doubt it and for the most part think 99% of these will add nothing at all.

    • Non-existent story – Unquestionably the worst aspect of MPP. Don’t get me wrong here, the writing itself is actually pretty decent. The characters and dialogue are all perfectly nice and well-written. My biggest issue is that there is no plot (and by this I mean plot and not “plot”). There’s NO hook whatsoever. It’s obviously supposed to be slice-of-life silliness, right, but many other slice-of-life VNs have at least some kind of hook. You’re there to set up a new hotel. You’re there to create a harem of girls. You’re there to find out what happened to your long-lost dad. But in MPP you legitimately just bumble from one incident to the next with no real connection. If you were a lesser man you could argue that having the Princess fall in love with you is the main story, but even that isn’t true because A. she basically throws herself at you with zero effort and (more importantly) B. the protagonist never expresses outright desire of wanting to make her fall in love with him.
    • Outside of Emelie other characters are much more animalistic – Now for some of you, this will be a “meh” or even an outright “pro”. No judgement whatsoever. So, this will be more aimed at people who have similar tastes to me. I went into MPP thinking it would be fine because Emelie herself looks more like a human with slightly piggy features than an anthropomorphised pig (think Neko as opposed to human cat). With that in mind I assumed the other characters would be the same. This isn’t the case. The vast majority of other characters lean faaaaar more towards animal with human features. Again, this is a personal taste thing, but it’s just absolutely not my jam.
    • Side characters are, thus far, very irrelevant – In particular there’s been at least 3 sort of major side-girls who are all teased as being potential sexual conquests. Possibly. But I genuinely question whether the game means to actually have any kind of sexual interaction with any of them. It seems like the intention might be just to have some other eye candy on screen to flaunt different body types, but to primarily make Emelie the ONLY love interest. Just a gut feeling.
    • I don’t like Billy – This is gonna be contentious as fuck. I like the bro-character trope in erotic games. The other male character who is the protagonist’s best friend and confidant. ALSO for various reasons he won’t be a sexual threat to the protagonist’s interests. In MPP, this character is Billy the guard pig. He’s portrayed as just kind of a big dumb, lovable goof. And I absolutely hated him. I thought he was genuinely annoying, pushed dumb past “lovable” to outright “idiotic” and could not find him funny in the slightest.

    I said it at the start but MPP absolutely had the deck stacked against it when it came to winning me over. I’m not a fan of anthros and furries, so you might be very reasonably wondering why I even bothered trying MPP.

    As I state in the pros and cons, I actually had the initial impression that the characters of MPP would be leaning more towards humans with animal characteristics than the other way around, and that’s something I can cope with! So I figured I’d give it a shot.

    Evidently, I was wrong about that, outside of Emelie most of the other characters lean faaaar more towards furry than they do human. Again, I know this a very subjective thing, but this was simply a disappointment for me.

    I also want to add here though that so far most of the other characters are nothing but window dressing. I actually think this may disappoint a lot of other people as well that in a 2-hour story, outside of Emelie really very little happens with the other side girls. And more importantly I question whether the intention is to even let you do anything with them at all. More than once you have a kiiinda sexy interaction with some other girl and the protagonist goes “oh, I shouldn’t go too far, what would Emelie think!” This just seems to imply that the other girls might just stay as they are: window dressing.

    So, you’d think that maybe my biggest issues with MPP would be the fact that it is too animal-y for my tastes (which would be a VERY ridiculous complaint about a game that is openly about anthropomorphic animals) or that it’s too focused on Emelie. But honestly, no, I actually was sort of having a nice time in spite of these things.

    The thing that really started to kill my interest was just how bloody aimless the game seems to be. The main character sort of bounces from situation to situation with absolutely no apparent drive or motivation. As such there is genuinely no driving plot. And I think that even the most porn-y of porn games need some kind of plot background. Even if it’s something dumb or cliché like “get every girl in the village pregnant”.

    Here, there’s nothing like that. Your character is dragged to meet the Princess and just goes along with it. He then ends up doing sexy things with the Princess because he sort of falls into that. He also successfully falls upwards into a role in the castle, which seems to involve nothing but stumbling around town doing whatever he wants (the farm he spent his life working on already immediately forgotten). Every single event of the game feels like it just sort of happens by accident.

    This might seem like an odd complaint. Like, it’s just a silly porn game about a pig princess, but I promise that it makes the game gradually start grating and become very, very boring. There needs to be SOME motivation to keep us interested. SOME kind of driving force to keep us invested.

    Even the relationship with Emelie suffers from this. Because his goal is not to “have the Princess fall in love with him” or even anything broader like “marry the Princess”, it means that their relationship is actually also that much less interesting. Y’know, he’s not fucking her because he really badly wants to fuck her or knock her up or something. Instead he’s fucking her because she got naked and went “well I guess a sex scene should happen here” and he goes “oo err, okay!” It means there's none of that super sexy urgency of wanting to rip each other's clothes off. It just kinda sort happens...

    Maybe this very aimless and light-hearted approach will appeal to some, but for me it honestly made the game really, really start to drag. Particularly after the most recent major sex scene where they then start up a very long beach segment (which STILL isn’t fucking over) and then nothing proceeds to happen (in a very light-hearted way) for the next hour of game.

    It is, simply put, dull.

    With all this in mind, I do think that MPP still has enough merit that some enjoyment could be gleaned from it. Particularly if the whole animal thing really, really appeals to you. But I genuinely think it’s currently vastly overrated and that the issues it have stem more from the writing than the sexy stuff itself.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    (For version 0.5)
    Among the most impressed I've been with a game on this site.

    The POV character is a simple, good-hearted guy. You can be dominant or more vanilla, but even if you go the dominant route he's never a douchebag and is still considerate/well-meaning, which is a nice change of pace. The titular female lead is very likeable and endearing in a naive-but-lewd-and-mischievous kind of way. Great cast of side characters that are legitimately fun and endearing, and at least up till now have added to the experience as opposed to being excessively long distractions from the main romance. Some of the side sexual interests lean a bit more furry than the more human-like princess, which may or may not be your thing, but they play a smaller role so it's no huge loss either way.

    Great non-sexual dialogue that even got a few belly laughs out of me, and immaculate sexual content. The art-style does a great job of being both very cute and sexy when it wants to be. Content-wise the game is more on the vanilla side at least so far, but there's a bit of optional fetish content with the choice of a heavily anal-focused route for all the booty plunderers out there that isn't just tacked on to tick a checkbox; All the butt-stuff is completely optional for all those who haven't yet seen the light. In any case, all the scenes and their variants are very well done. Sound is limited to a few SFX as opposed to moans and whatnot, which may or may not matter to you.

    Some might not like the very linear nature of its VN format, but personally I don't think it's a con if it permits for higher quality content like this. The only major downside is that the game is still in development and current content is limited and ends quite abruptly. What is there so far is extremely promising, the experience is short but very sweet.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played most, if not all, 4 and 5 star games on this forum. And I have to say, not all of them have impressed me. But this game certainly has. It was a pleasant surprise, very light, comical, well written, great art and good pacing.

    The creator(s) must have had a very clear concept before starting, there is nothing unnecessary added to the game, just a very to the point well made game.

    This game has entered my top 5. (in no particular order). Being a dik, desert stalker, my pig princess, deluca family, night driver.

    Edit: My only hope is that this does not become a game where the updates are few and far between seeing as the development started in 2015 (according to patreon).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic VN with amazing art by a dedicated creator! His art is cute and the writing is convincing enough as well. Cyan is also super passionate about his work and loves engaging with his supporters.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Five stars. The art and plot are so pure than at one point you start to doubt if this game is going to fulfill your fantasies and then suddenly... POW! You won't see it coming. The game turns to a VN out of this world, simply amazing and incredibly enjoyable. The work has been great so far... I want more of this... It is quite short because of the so good it is right now. One more word to describe it before I finish my review:... AMAZING!
    Likes: mc247