Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Hmmmm....let me think.....nah. Don't really care about Zeke one bit from the start so taking away Mika for myself ain't much of a problem for me. As for 9 LIs, really? Is that a serious question? It is never enough. I will admit I am greedy and will gladly take all the girls for myself, but I also understand that not every player is going to be comfortable with that. So that is why I suggest when I make these statements to make them optional, just like all the other girls. That way you at least are able to still keeping in mind people's preferences. Hell I can guess based on some comments already that not everyone is going for all the available love interests we have so far, because they don't appeal to them, while others (like myself) are going for all the girls they can get.
For me, I go by the following standard (copied and pasted from one of old posts):

Only reason I might consider taking a friend's girlfriend would be if her character or situation fits one or more of the following:

1) She's not just pretty, but has a really appealing/compelling personality that draws me in.
Applies to Mika? Nope. Her personality comes off as very, very plain (if not non-existent).

2) The boyfriend acts like an asshole towards her.
Applies to Zeke? Nope. He's been nothing but a gentleman towards Mika and a good boyfriend.

3) Is the boyfriend Bi-sexual (got absolutely nothing against gay or bi folks, but if the boyfriend is bi/gay and is less into his girlfriend, why should I leave the poor girl to suffer? :ROFLMAO: )?
Applies to Zeke? Nope. so far he's been shown as straight.

4) The boyfriend acts like a real douchebag/asshole towards me (MC).
Applies to Zeke? Nope, he's one of the first people to welcome MC in the beginning of the game, and is the primary non-LI character who tries to build real friendship with MC.

I'm actually pursuing all 9 girls (so I'm a pretty big horndog myself :LOL: ), but Mika as a character is nowhere near as interesting or compelling as any of the 9 girls (even the musician girl, who I think is really plain, is better lol).

I mean sure, if looks are all one cares about I guess she fits the criteria but for me just having the looks means nothing.
A LI I feel really needs to be backed up by not just the looks, but an engaging & compelling personality and arc (which shows she is fitting to be a LI).

Does Mika have any of that?
Nope....... she has nothing.

Obviously you're okay with MC taking Mika from Zeke (who currently seem to be in a pretty solid relationship with his girlfriend), whereas I don't think that should happen.
All that can be said about it (should vs should not) is "Different strokes for different folks"

Having said that, my personal opinion is, if Mika was not in Lyk4n's initial plans as one of the LIs, I say it is a bad idea to change her into love interest, solely to cater to some folks who wish to steal her away from Zeke (when that wasn't Lyk4n's plan for the character from the beginning).

A LI needs a pretty solid foundation to make a convincing case that she's a LI, and from what we've seen so far, Mika has none of that.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
For me, I go by the following standard (copied and pasted from one of old posts):

Only reason I might consider taking a friend's girlfriend would be if her character or situation fits one or more of the following:

1) She's not just pretty, but has a really appealing/compelling personality that draws me in.
Applies to Mika? Nope. Her personality comes off as very, very plain (if not non-existent).

2) The boyfriend acts like an asshole towards her.
Applies to Zeke? Nope. He's been nothing but a gentleman towards Mika and a good boyfriend.

3) Is the boyfriend Bi-sexual (got absolutely nothing against gay or bi folks, but if the boyfriend is bi/gay and is less into his girlfriend, why should I leave the poor girl to suffer? :ROFLMAO: )?
Applies to Zeke? Nope. so far he's been shown as straight.

4) The boyfriend acts like a real douchebag/asshole towards me (MC).
Applies to Zeke? Nope, he's one of the first people to welcome MC in the beginning of the game, and is the primary non-LI character who tries to build real friendship with MC.

I'm actually pursuing all 9 girls (so I'm a pretty big horndog myself :LOL: ), but Mika as a character is nowhere near as interesting or compelling as any of the 9 girls (even the musician girl, who I think is really plain, is better lol).

I mean sure, if looks are all one cares about I guess she fits the criteria but for me just having the looks means nothing.
A LI I feel really needs to be backed up by not just the looks, but an engaging & compelling personality and arc (which shows she is fitting to be a LI).

Does Mika have any of that?
Nope....... she has nothing.

Obviously you're okay with MC taking Mika from Zeke (who currently seem to be in a pretty solid relationship with his girlfriend), whereas I don't think that should happen.
All that can be said about it (should vs should not) is "Different strokes for different folks"

Having said that, Lyk4n never mentioned he might play around with Netori (which will be the territory the game will be stepping into should what you wish happen, and no, I'm not keen on it, unless the situation fits at least one of the above 4 scenarios I've mentioned) nor has there been anything hinting of that aspect till now in the game.

So while you can hope and wish for it to happen, if I'm being honest I think the likelihood of it happening to be very unlikely (but if it does happen? Well, not gonna lie. I would be pretty disappointed in the Dev taking MC in such a direction in terms of narrative).
I can respect that and agree with you on most of those points. But like you said "Different strokes for different folks". While I would be comfortable doing that I can understand your hesitation to do that. But if such a route were to appear, would it really be solely the Dev to take responsibility for that direction in the narrative or is it the player who has chosen to go down that path who should take responsibility? We already are shaping the narrative of this story with our decisions and making the MC go a certain direction or not. I mean technically all the LIs are optional routes with us deciding go with this girl or let this happen or not, so if an optional route for romancing her were to appear I don't see anything wrong with some players taking it, while others don't and still preserve the integrity of the story's journey that they are taking. In the end I guess it is also how we each view the characters and what we are willing to do. For example many times I have gone the somewhat evil path in some games, while still protecting or not harming the girls, because that is what I am comfortable doing.
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
I can respect that and agree with you on most of those points. But like you said "Different strokes for different folks". While I would be comfortable doing that I can understand your hesitation to do that. But if such a route were to appear, would it really be solely the Dev to take responsibility for that direction in the narrative or is it the player who has chosen to go down that path who should take responsibility? We already are shaping the narrative of this story with our decisions and making the MC go a certain direction or not. I mean technically all the LIs are optional routes with us deciding go with this girl or let this happen or not, so if an optional route for romancing her were to appear I don't see anything wrong with some players taking it, while others don't and still preserve the integrity of the story's journey that they are taking. In the end I guess it is also how we each view the characters and what we are willing to do. For example many times I have gone the somewhat evil path in some games, while still protecting or not harming the girls, because that is what I am comfortable doing.
Heh, you replied referring to my last paragraph, which I deleted and replaced with another paragraph which I thought was better, but since you replied to the first one, I guess I'll reply.

My belief, if I'm being brutally honest is that it really is the sole responsibility of the Dev.

A dev (or creators in general) should really stick to his guns regarding the story and the characters, and not let the fanbase influence too heavily in where the story goes.
If he lets himself be swayed by other people when it's his story to tell, I found in most cases, the quality of writing drops quite a bit, which results in the Dev doubting himself (and in some instances, saw some games get abandoned. Not saying that will happen to this game, just giving an example).

But to the point in Mika's case;

Let's see the situation here:

- Zeke and Mika have history together (before their first meet in the game if I'm remembering correctly)
- Zeke had his own event where he saved Mika
- Zeke and Mika currently are going steady, at times even spending time by themselves away from other housemates.

Compared to above:

- MC and Mika are just acquaintance, though not as close friends as MC is with everyone else.
- There is no history between MC and Mika (he only got to know her through Zeke)
- MC hardly spends time with just Mika (I mean why would he? She's Zeke's girlfriend).

To add, regarding all 9 main LIs, in one way or another there is some strong foundation (which Mika clearly has none with the MC) where they fit into at least one of the following categories:

- has a history with MC (definitely Mila, and of course the musician girl, who we find out at the beginning of the game)
- MC spends considerable time with them, both on and off work, getting to know them well (applies to basically everyone except Mila and musician girl, but they already fit in previous category)
- whether it's due to the time they spent with MC, and their history, these girls developed romantic feelings towards MC

So with Mika, in order to make the whole Netori aspect of it even an option, there needs to be something that takes place that really makes Zeke turn on Mika (or Mika turn on Zeke) considering those two already have a strong relationship.
That's already heavy story changing itself, and I'm really not a fan of that at all.
Doesn't matter whether it becomes an option or not that player can decide to romance Mika or not.
The undisputable fact is, that the story itself needs to be changed to such extent to give option just for some folks wanting Mika romance, I just don't like it one bit.

(someone even mentioned before perhaps Dev could kill Zeke off so MC can take Mika, and I was like "Ugh, no. That is just as bad.")

I know I'm repeating myself with this, but with LIs, I believe their foundation is incredibly important.
Changing a character who clearly lacks foundation with MC into a sudden LI just to appease people who want to "catch them all", I believe is a definite mistake that the dev should not make, especially if the character wasn't in his initial plans to be a LI (and to add further, if Mika was truly to be a LI, I believe Lyk4n would have put in several scenes where Mika spends time having fun alone with MC).

To further illustrate my point, a good example is the LI Mina (MC's best friend's girlfriend) from game Pale Carnations.

She is one of the Netori cases which is done right due to the following:

- MC's best friend continuously cheats on her, having sex and flirting with other girls, upsetting her often (and game makes this pretty clearly from early on).
- She often finds solace with MC being around to comfort her
- Game has MC have several events with her, going shopping with her, commenting on her fashion choice, helping her with her job (acting), eating food with her, talking about her family etc...... lots of alone time she spends with MC, without MC's best friend knowing.

And does any of the above apply to Zeke & Mika's relationship in this game?
Nope. None. From their encounter in Chapter 1 onwards, they've had a good relationship.
The game is already deep into Chapter 2, and I think if there was any problems or hints of problems in their relationship, the game would have, and should have shown it already in Chapter 1 (like Mina for Pale Carnations).
Starting to do so now or later would just feel waaaaaay too out of the blue and I feel that would impact the story negatively.

p.s. Oh shit.... that was looooong-ass. If you stuck around till now to read through this all, I applaud your patience and resilience :LOL::ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
Heh, you replied referring to my last paragraph, which I deleted and replaced with another paragraph which I thought was better, but since you replied to the first one, I guess I'll reply.

My belief, if I'm being brutally honest is that it really is the sole responsibility of the Dev.

A dev (or creators in general) should really stick to his guns regarding the story and the characters, and not let the fanbase influence too heavily in where the story goes.
If he lets himself be swayed by other people when it's his story to tell, I found in most cases, the quality of writing drops quite a bit, which results in the Dev doubting himself (and in some instances, saw some games get abandoned. Not saying that will happen to this game, just giving an example).

But to the point in Mika's case;

Let's see the situation here:

- Zeke and Mika have history together (before their first meet in the game if I'm remembering correctly)
- Zeke had his own event where he saved Mika
- Zeke and Mika currently are going steady, at times even spending time by themselves away from other housemates.

Compared to above:

- MC and Mika are just acquaintance, though not as close friends as MC is with everyone else.
- There is no history between MC and Mika (he only got to know her through Zeke)
- MC hardly spends time with just Mika (I mean why would he? She's Zeke's boyfriend).

To add, regarding all 9 main LIs, in one way or another there is some strong foundation (which Mika clearly has none with the MC) where they fit into at least one of the following categories:

- has a history with MC (definitely Mila, and of course the musician girl, who we find out at the beginning of the game)
- MC spends considerable time with them, both on and off work, getting to know them well (applies to basically everyone except Mila and musician girl, but they already fit in previous category)

So with Mika, in order to make the whole Netori aspect of it even an option, there needs to be something that takes place that really makes Zeke turn on Mika (or Mika turn on Zeke) considering those two already have a strong relationship.
That's already heavy story changing itself, and I'm really not a fan of that at all.
Doesn't matter whether it becomes an option or not that player can decide to romance Mika or not.
The undisputable fact is, that the story itself needs to be changed to such extent to give option just for some folks wanting Mika romance, I just don't like it one bit.

(someone even mentioned before perhaps Dev could kill Zeke off so MC can take Mika, and I was like "Ugh, no. That is just as bad.")

I know I'm repeating myself with this, but with LIs, I believe their foundation is incredibly important.
Changing a character who clearly lacks foundation with MC into a sudden LI just to appease people who want to "catch them all", I believe is a definite mistake that the dev should not make, especially if the character wasn't in his initial plans to be a LI (and to add further, if Mika was truly to be a LI, I believe Lyk4n would have put in several scenes where Mika spends time having fun alone with MC).

To further illustrate my point, a good example is the LI Mina (MC's best friend's girlfriend) from game Pale Carnations.

She is one of the Netori cases which is done right due to the following:

- MC's best friend continuously cheats on her, having sex and flirting with other girls, upsetting her often (and game makes this pretty clearly from early on).
- She often finds solace with MC being around to comfort her
- Game has MC have several events with her, going shopping with her, commenting on her fashion choice, helping her with her job (acting), eating food with her, talking about her family etc...... lots of alone time she spends with MC, without MC's best friend knowing.

And does any of the above apply to Zeke & Mika's relationship in this game?
Nope. None. From their encounter in Chapter 1 onwards, they've had a good relationship.
The game is already deep into Chapter 2, and I think if there was any problems or hints of problems in their relationship, the game would have, and should have shown it already in Chapter 1 (like Mina for Pale Carnations).
Starting to do so now or later would just feel waaaaaay to out of the blue and I feel that would impact the story negatively.

p.s. Oh shit.... that was looooong-ass. If you stuck around till now to read through this all, I applaud your patience and resilience :LOL::ROFLMAO:
Possibly it would change a lot, but do we have any idea how many chapters this game was planned to have? It could be that we are still in early stages. Anyway it is an interesting opinion, and yeah I stuck around and read all of it through. Well let me just say if the opportunity ever arises..........I will take it, and I will take her. Yes I am evil like that.
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Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
Meh,I'm not the type that take bros girl like that.At least they show its not only MC can have relationship.The others also have their life.And,Mika already been with 2 guys now and she currently happy with MC bro,Zeke(even though I think he is a simp to Mika for years and madly in love with her).No need to ruin people relationship just because you think u own all the girls in the game.Heck,even Ryen from Renryuu help his comrade Brad got his own girlfriend.


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
My curiousity right now is how MC mom that heavily indebt suddenly got rich after 8 years:unsure:or 10

My mind already corrupted that I think one of the possible way to pay that debt is by being a whore and get some sugar daddy.Ah shit,i just hope MC sis arent a thot and tainted already.But seems unlikely


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
Meh,I'm not the type that take bros girl like that.At least they show its not only MC can have relationship.The others also have their life.And,Mika already been with 2 guys now and she currently happy with MC bro,Zeke(even though I think he is a simp to Mika for years and madly in love with her).No need to ruin people relationship just because you think u own all the girls in the game.Heck,even Ryen from Renryuu help his comrade Brad got his own girlfriend.
Chillax man. What's with all the hostility? I already made it clear about my stance on the whole thing and don't care one bit about Zeke. From the start in my playthrough I wasn't friendly towards him because I don't care. We each see the characters differently and play differently.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
Although it can be fun to steal a friend's gf in games, Mika has shown 0 interest in MC and I don't think it'll change. So come to terms with it. You don't have to catch them all for your collection
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Game Developer
Nov 7, 2019
Heh, you replied referring to my last paragraph, which I deleted and replaced with another paragraph which I thought was better, but since you replied to the first one, I guess I'll reply.

My belief, if I'm being brutally honest is that it really is the sole responsibility of the Dev.

A dev (or creators in general) should really stick to his guns regarding the story and the characters, and not let the fanbase influence too heavily in where the story goes.
If he lets himself be swayed by other people when it's his story to tell, I found in most cases, the quality of writing drops quite a bit, which results in the Dev doubting himself (and in some instances, saw some games get abandoned. Not saying that will happen to this game, just giving an example).

But to the point in Mika's case;

Let's see the situation here:

- Zeke and Mika have history together (before their first meet in the game if I'm remembering correctly)
- Zeke had his own event where he saved Mika
- Zeke and Mika currently are going steady, at times even spending time by themselves away from other housemates.

Compared to above:

- MC and Mika are just acquaintance, though not as close friends as MC is with everyone else.
- There is no history between MC and Mika (he only got to know her through Zeke)
- MC hardly spends time with just Mika (I mean why would he? She's Zeke's girlfriend).

To add, regarding all 9 main LIs, in one way or another there is some strong foundation (which Mika clearly has none with the MC) where they fit into at least one of the following categories:

- has a history with MC (definitely Mila, and of course the musician girl, who we find out at the beginning of the game)
- MC spends considerable time with them, both on and off work, getting to know them well (applies to basically everyone except Mila and musician girl, but they already fit in previous category)
- whether it's due to the time they spent with MC, and their history, these girls developed romantic feelings towards MC

So with Mika, in order to make the whole Netori aspect of it even an option, there needs to be something that takes place that really makes Zeke turn on Mika (or Mika turn on Zeke) considering those two already have a strong relationship.
That's already heavy story changing itself, and I'm really not a fan of that at all.
Doesn't matter whether it becomes an option or not that player can decide to romance Mika or not.
The undisputable fact is, that the story itself needs to be changed to such extent to give option just for some folks wanting Mika romance, I just don't like it one bit.

(someone even mentioned before perhaps Dev could kill Zeke off so MC can take Mika, and I was like "Ugh, no. That is just as bad.")

I know I'm repeating myself with this, but with LIs, I believe their foundation is incredibly important.
Changing a character who clearly lacks foundation with MC into a sudden LI just to appease people who want to "catch them all", I believe is a definite mistake that the dev should not make, especially if the character wasn't in his initial plans to be a LI (and to add further, if Mika was truly to be a LI, I believe Lyk4n would have put in several scenes where Mika spends time having fun alone with MC).

To further illustrate my point, a good example is the LI Mina (MC's best friend's girlfriend) from game Pale Carnations.

She is one of the Netori cases which is done right due to the following:

- MC's best friend continuously cheats on her, having sex and flirting with other girls, upsetting her often (and game makes this pretty clearly from early on).
- She often finds solace with MC being around to comfort her
- Game has MC have several events with her, going shopping with her, commenting on her fashion choice, helping her with her job (acting), eating food with her, talking about her family etc...... lots of alone time she spends with MC, without MC's best friend knowing.

And does any of the above apply to Zeke & Mika's relationship in this game?
Nope. None. From their encounter in Chapter 1 onwards, they've had a good relationship.
The game is already deep into Chapter 2, and I think if there was any problems or hints of problems in their relationship, the game would have, and should have shown it already in Chapter 1 (like Mina for Pale Carnations).
Starting to do so now or later would just feel waaaaaay too out of the blue and I feel that would impact the story negatively.

p.s. Oh shit.... that was looooong-ass. If you stuck around till now to read through this all, I applaud your patience and resilience :LOL::ROFLMAO:
Damn. You really wrote that all? :eek: But, you're right. I've already confirmed that a long time ago that there will be no NTR in this game.

Possibly it would change a lot, but do we have any idea how many chapters this game was planned to have? It could be that we are still in early stages. Anyway it is an interesting opinion, and yeah I stuck around and read all of it through. Well let me just say if the opportunity ever arises..........I will take it, and I will take her. Yes I am evil like that.
I'm sorry, mate. But, it won't happen.


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Damn. You really wrote that all? :eek: But, you're right. I've already confirmed that a long time ago that there will be no NTR in this game.

Heh, to my surprise even I didn't expect to say that much regarding this matter (I've written reasonable explanations as to why MC shouldn't steal Mika from Zeke before, but this reply would probably be the longest).

I can only imagine the look of surprise of some folks, seeing a wall of text when they come browsing on the thread.:ROFLMAO::LOL:

Allan Trumbull

Forum Fanatic
Sep 10, 2021
After seeing mc's dialogue about "black desert mobile", i found it on Google play Store. Looking good. Will try that one. Thanks developer for the AD info


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
Damn. You really wrote that all? :eek: But, you're right. I've already confirmed that a long time ago that there will be no NTR in this game.


I'm sorry, mate. But, it won't happen.
Well at least tell us will there be incest with MC's mother and sister or is it undecided as yet? Also what about Sofia, was that with her waking up to the sight of her and Yui's breasts together in bikinis just a tease or is there a possibility of a future threesome with her and Yui? What are the chances of doing Sofia or Rowan's secretary (can't remember her name, but man she was hot!!!) in the future?
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Well at least tell us will there be incest with MC's mother and sister or is it undecided as yet? Also what about Sofia, was that with her waking up to the sight of her and Yui's breasts together in bikinis just a tease or is there a possibility of a future threesome with her and Yui?
Dude, no offense, but if I'm being honest I wouldn't hold my breath for any of the relationship addons that you're asking.

Here's a good explanation why from another Dev, HopesGaming (Dev of one of my favorite games, "The DeLuca Family"):

My question on the DeLuca thread
Snap 2021-11-15 at 12.58.18.png

Dev's answer
Snap 2021-11-15 at 12.59.25.png

And yes, I view My Real Desire as one of those games that HopesGaming is referring to as "more story focused with a large cast."
Plus, there was no hint of incest from the beginning of the game.
Like with Mika's case, it would really be out of place to add it now.


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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2018
Also.. I feel sorry for those who don't have a good enough bro that they wouldn't even think of going after his girl :D Just leave Zeke alone.. have some love for a man who was able to pull his ass out of the Friendzone!
Also sure, dude is corny and cheesy as hell (that re-enactment of Krystal's dance of her Idol days just had me :LOL::ROFLMAO: ), but he's a good dude and brings a good amount of unique humor into the game as well.
So I find no reason to screw with him by taking his girl.
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