Uriel ☁

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
Sorry to bring this up again but I can't help but laugh at the irony:

You're telling incest fans, people who wants to bang a character precisely because society tells them they can't do it, that they can't get an ending with them. And you expected a different reaction?


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Sorry to bring this up again but I can't help but laugh at the irony:

You're telling incest fans, people who wants to bang a character precisely because society tells them they can't do it, that they can't get an ending with them. And you expected a different reaction?
After being told repeatedly that it's not going to happen I think people are expecting those incest fans to either deal with it or move on.

It's not going to change no matter how much they whine, the dev has made that more than clear. I'm sure he did expect that reaction but he also thought this was an adult site and people would accept being told no like an adult instead of throwing themselves on the floor throwing little tantrums when something doesn't go their way.

Like people have said many, many, many times there are plenty of incest games around where the brother and sister end up together so if that's what they want then go play one of those. They won't get that here no matter how much they complain about it.

Uriel ☁

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
What I meant is the irony of doing an incest game where you can't end up with the main character, when the main appeal of the genre is the "forbidden fruit". It would be like making sweets for diabetics that you can't swallow, it defeats the whole premise.

I'm not taking sides on the debate, I'm just commenting on the irony of it all. I respect the dev's opinion even if I disagree with it.

Sorry once again for the off-topic, I won't comment upon it anymore. :whistle:


I killed Eric
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
What I meant is the irony of doing an incest game where you can't end up with the main character, when the main appeal of the genre is the "forbidden fruit". It would be like making sweets for diabetics that you can't swallow, it defeats the whole premise.

I'm not taking sides on the debate, I'm just commenting on the irony of it all. I respect the dev's opinion even if I disagree with it.

Sorry once again for the off-topic, I won't comment upon it anymore. :whistle:
I hear ya and everyone else that complains about it. I thought that people would at least be glad I've been open about this from the start instead of trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and then giving everyone a big surprise at the end. At least now everyone knows how the story is NOT going to end.

To use your sweet analogy, imagine living in a town where every store only sells candy. Sure, you like candy, but maybe every now and again, you want something else. Maybe you want ice cream, or salad, or veal? When I started making this game, it seemed like every single game had more or less the same brother/sister love story plot. So I wanted to make something a little bit different. You can tell me that was a stupid decision and my game would be more successful if I told a more generic brother/sister love story, and you may be right, but that's not the direction I wanted to go in.


I killed Eric
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
@Sumodeine broski..broinator..broscious..brotastic..this game is very popular..do not deviate from your path in any way..it would be a slap in the face to the majority who dig this wild ride just how it is...
Don't worry @ThunderRob - I would never! I've come this far doing my own thing. Definitely not going to change it because some people don't like that.


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Just sit and re-read the last few lines. Then wait and let it "soak in". Don't immediately hunt for the 'why' but think of Ashley. Her life is a link of chains and each event is a single link. Think of each link leading the scenario of her sitting in her boyfriend's room with a gun pointed at his sister. We all know she's off-kilter so the chains aren't straight.
Now, a previous link is that she heard from Tales about the photographer causing him grief with his sister and a friend. She thought of Taylor's well-being and somehow she made the decision to kill Eric for Taylor's benefit. When the deed is done, she excitedly tells him only to get a detached reply. Once her euphoria is down, she begins to have some clarity and can see that her decision to kill Eric has some serious repercussions. I think that she's aware that the police and media know of Eric's murder, are looking for the killer and have done lockdowns and security increases near her. She might feel cornered.
What is her overriding desire in all this? Taylor is. It's possible that Nikki could have told Ashley about them to push Ashley away from Taylor which means that it's highly likely that she will shoot Nikki unless Taylor leaves Nikki. Now in the event that Nikki didn't reveal anything, it's possible to think that she knows if she kills Nikki, her chances with Taylor are gone. Then she'd have to kill Taylor and/or herself, too. So that's one way out. But another way out is running and taking both of them with her. But wait! Isn't it possible that with her mind being broken, she now needs to know "Was I just set up?" Remember that she got outraged seeing Taylor with another gal in a restaurant? She may not have forgotten it and wondered if she was being used.
I think it would be her wanting answers to her own questions then demanding that Taylor leave town with her. With or without Nikki! Or what if she feels so cornered that she thinks the only way out is to take her own life but first she wants a final moment with Taylor?

What do you think of that?


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
well..she didnt actually tell Taylor what she did..only "she took care of a problem" lol..and it dosnt seem like the news got out yet that Taylor would connect dots..so my thinking actually is..Ashley is going to shoot herself to avoid the consequences but wants it to be passionate with Taylor present witnessing how far she goes for his love..she is only holding Nikki at gunpoint so Nikki dosnt run out warn Taylor that crazy is in da house.
oh..and Taylor is a really good guy..he'll stop Ashley..noone dies...
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Goblin Baily: DILF

Conversation Conqueror
Sep 29, 2017
Sure, you like candy, but maybe every now and again, you want something else. Maybe you want ice cream, or salad, or veal?
canz I have candy on my ice-cremed veal salad?
Remember that she got outraged seeing Taylor with another gal in a restaurant? She may not have forgotten it and wondered if she was being used.
she was outraged at the meat.... Cory was just in the crossfire. But wait! what if Nikki takes the blame for Ashley, since the vegan is obviously preggers af?
nevermind @Sumodeine how about this compromise.... Skylar gets the blame for killing Eric, she goes to prison but rats another one, cops arrest Nikki and Tales lving his life with Ashley and Molly can only ask for coniugal visits once in a while?

ultimately I'll drop the Nikki as a LI topic and go to the common fron with @Avaron1974 and @ThunderRob if in exchange for Nikki we get Sarah as a proper LI... You'll get yourself another naysayer and some peace
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Serra Angel

Aug 22, 2018
I hear ya and everyone else that complains about it. I thought that people would at least be glad I've been open about this from the start instead of trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and then giving everyone a big surprise at the end. At least now everyone knows how the story is NOT going to end.

To use your sweet analogy, imagine living in a town where every store only sells candy. Sure, you like candy, but maybe every now and again, you want something else. Maybe you want ice cream, or salad, or veal? When I started making this game, it seemed like every single game had more or less the same brother/sister love story plot. So I wanted to make something a little bit different. You can tell me that was a stupid decision and my game would be more successful if I told a more generic brother/sister love story, and you may be right, but that's not the direction I wanted to go in.
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