
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Avast ye pirate scum, here be an update:

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry for my absence in the last weeks and for the delay of the next version.

I still have to create some scenes and images/animations to render. So unfortunately I'm not be able to finish the next update this month. I'm really sorry for that!

I also can't give you an exact release date yet. I'll announce the exact date shortly before release.

I had (and still have) to work overtime almost every day in the last weeks and unfortunately not that much time to work on the renderings during weekdays. In the next month, things will hopefully get back to normal.

(Just who are curious, I'm working at a very small metal-working family business (CNC programming. Not my family btw) and I'm the only employee they have, beside my boss and his son. I'm really close to them, so that's also why I'm still hesitate to quit my job.)

As always, you only have to pledge one time for each update. If you were planning to cancel/pause your pledge at the end of this month:

Every $5+ Patron from this month (September) will get the new update per PM! (also $15+ July Patrons will get the walkthrough!) Also every $1 Patron from September will get the new v0.12 update 2 weeks after release per PM!

(Unfortunately, Patreon gives no option to choose "charge patrons per update" after a creator had choose "charge per month"...)

About v0.12 (Spoiler!):

It's weekend.

Today, your neighbors daughter and her friend Jessica will have their photo shoot at the gym.

If you'll accompany her or just come along to see Jessica, depends on the choices you've made.

In the evening you'll go out with your neighbors to celebrate your promotion and your neighbor is increasingly wondering what's going on with her daughter.

Once again a big thank you to all my patrons who are supporting me and for all the nice words and messages! :)

If you have any questions, suggestions or only want to say hello, feel free to send me a pm or write a comment ;)


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
Avast ye pirate scum, here be an update:

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry for my absence in the last weeks and for the delay of the next version.

I still have to create some scenes and images/animations to render. So unfortunately I'm not be able to finish the next update this month. I'm really sorry for that!

I also can't give you an exact release date yet. I'll announce the exact date shortly before release.

I had (and still have) to work overtime almost every day in the last weeks and unfortunately not that much time to work on the renderings during weekdays. In the next month, things will hopefully get back to normal.

(Just who are curious, I'm working at a very small metal-working family business (CNC programming. Not my family btw) and I'm the only employee they have, beside my boss and his son. I'm really close to them, so that's also why I'm still hesitate to quit my job.)

As always, you only have to pledge one time for each update. If you were planning to cancel/pause your pledge at the end of this month:

Every $5+ Patron from this month (September) will get the new update per PM! (also $15+ July Patrons will get the walkthrough!) Also every $1 Patron from September will get the new v0.12 update 2 weeks after release per PM!

(Unfortunately, Patreon gives no option to choose "charge patrons per update" after a creator had choose "charge per month"...)

About v0.12 (Spoiler!):

It's weekend.

Today, your neighbors daughter and her friend Jessica will have their photo shoot at the gym.

If you'll accompany her or just come along to see Jessica, depends on the choices you've made.

In the evening you'll go out with your neighbors to celebrate your promotion and your neighbor is increasingly wondering what's going on with her daughter.

Once again a big thank you to all my patrons who are supporting me and for all the nice words and messages! :)

If you have any questions, suggestions or only want to say hello, feel free to send me a pm or write a comment ;)



Aug 15, 2018
so no update for september,think its gonna be late october,since pandelo got some heavy worktime,im just a lil sad.:disappointed:
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Deleted member 59977

But doesnt his patreon say that upon reaching $2500 he will work full time? Is that all just a bunch of bullshit?

From his patreon page:

Has he given any explanation on his work conditions? I was thinking of supporting him after playing his game but I do not want to if it is just lies.
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
My guess is he's realized $2500 per month GROSS is not enough to live on. He set that bar way too low. So, he keeps his job and continues to work on MSN as much as is feasible.

I don't know his family/living situation, but I think, in general, most devs make a mistake when they think how much they will need to "follow their dream" and work on games exclusively.

Plus, I bet a ton of them don't calculate their goals minus Patreon cut and taxes. They're artists not accountants.

Considering Pandelo's excellent track record with the game, constant communication and just darn fine work, I'd like to think everyone here could balance their eagerness with some perspective.

Deleted member 59977

@Ignatz thanks for the response.

I personally think he should clarify it with patreons because it is a matter of money after all. Personally I am a bit hesitant to support him because of contradicting statements so I guess I will wait until he makes things clear. If I support someone I want to be sure that my money is not wasted.


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017
Considering Pandelo's excellent track record with the game, constant communication and just darn fine work, I'd like to think everyone here could balance their eagerness with some perspective.
Yes, but that doesnt prevent people who have no idea of the Dev's situation from burning him in a public square accusing him of being a liar, a sinner, witchcraft and many other things.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Here's how you decide if your money is "wasted" or invested:

1) Is the game good
2) Do you enjoy the game
3) Are you eager for the next update
4) Would you one day like to see him do this "full time" for real

Your contribution may not put him over the top, but it will move the needle closer.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2017
well he makes 4.5k$ so no matter how bad his calculations are, he should be fine in terms of finances. plus he says himself that
I'm really close to them, so that's also why I'm still hesitate to quit my job
i dont follow this dev closely, but i like his work and so far he is being fairly reliable, but the "full time work on games" is quite a big thing you know. when a dev goes full time you expect huge updates at a regular basis (of course something might come up that delays the update) and now when he says that update is delayed because not only he has a job, but he is working overtime you kinda feel cheated.
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Deleted member 59977

Here's how you decide if your money is "wasted" or invested:

1) Is the game good
2) Do you enjoy the game
3) Are you eager for the next update
4) Would you one day like to see him do this "full time" for real

Your contribution may not put him over the top, but it will move the needle closer.
I want to agree but I have supported multiple developers before who have abandoned their games. I am sure you have seen this happen yourself. So until I get proper clarification I will wait before supporting. Sure my contribution is very small and the loss does not affect me financially but I really dislike it when that happens. Lying or contradictory statements are a big red flag for me - if I am going to give someone my money no matter how much or how little it is, I want them to be honest with me about it.

There are communication gaps here that I am just not comfortable with and if he is not full time for real he should not have said something that directly contradicted it. He can change the goals or just tell us more about his situation. Even if he simply admitted that he overestimated living expenses, it would put me more at ease about the whole thing but as it stands I am going to wait.

Yes, but that doesnt prevent people who have no idea of the Dev's situation from burning him in a public square accusing him of being a liar, a sinner, witchcraft and many other things.
So why does he not make his situation more clear? I wanted to support him which is why I came here to see frequency of releases and other updates before making the payment. I wanted to know what kind of developer he is and what to expect from him since I planned to support him but when I saw that he said something that directly contradicts information on his front page it made me hesitant to do so. Am I wrong in thinking like this? How the hell am I supposed to know what his situation is? Think about it yourself - if you wanted to support someone you know nothing about and the first thing you see is contradictory statements of how money is being spent what would you think? I can understand if 2500 (or even the 4k+ that he currently makes) is not enough but then he should change his goals to reflect that instead of putting false information on his front page. Making mistakes like underestimating expenses is perfectly understandable but if he makes such a mistake I feel he should correct them and make changes accordingly.
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Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
My guess is he's realized $2500 per month GROSS is not enough to live on. He set that bar way too low. So, he keeps his job and continues to work on MSN as much as is feasible.
It is. The one All Computer Games and Stuff podcast I'm backing, "The Pod", earns around $18.000 per month on Patreon and some more on Steady. For them it's barely enough to support three full time hosts, a technician and a few outside contributors. But the three hosts are doing this full time and churn out a 1-2 hours episode of one of their formats roughly every day.

Deleted member 59977

Just ask him. Don't assume things.
But his front page says that 2500 = full time job. Nobody else is writing these goals for him this is something he has written himself.

I am not assuming anything - I am just looking at what he himself wrote and the official statements he made. He himself said on his front page no less that he will work full time if that goal was met but that is very clearly not the case. If he updates it to reflect the truth I will have no problems but the misinformation is concerning because right now thats what it is - it is misinformation on his front page.

The whole reason I even care about this was because I wanted to extend my support to him and his product but because I saw contradictory statements when looking up more about him I made my original post.
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Excluding pirates, there are two ways of thinking about a pledge to a developer:

1) An donation to the artist to allow him to (hopefully) create more and new works that you enjoy
2) Payment for delivery of work in some defined time period

I am of the first category. I now live on my own, in my own life and with my own issues. Recognizing that, I give freely to some people who provide me entertainment. It is not given with the expectation or demand set by some arbitrary schedule. I understand they, like me, have things "not always go as planned".

For those in the second category, for this particular creator, one could look at the past performance as testament to continued delivery of product and certainly nothing, not even months stretching into 6 or 8 weeks, suggest any design by the developer to quit his creation.

I can offer no further examples of why you may wish to support this game and, as such, I will retire from this discussion.

Good wishes, whatever your decisions.
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Deleted member 59977


Thanks for your input. I belong to the second category. I made the post because I saw contradictions and so I was curious if anyone else here knew about what was going on. The intention behind my posts was not accusatory I was just curious about what was going on and whether or not it is safe to pledge.

In any case I have decided wait for an update or two before I pledge. I don't think there is anything more to be gained from this discussion and so I will retire from here too.

Best wishes and thanks again for your feedback.
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Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017

Thanks for your input. I belong to the second category. I made the post because I saw contradictions and so I was curious if anyone else here knew about what was going on. The intention behind my posts was not accusatory I was just curious about what was going on and whether or not it is safe to pledge.

In any case I have decided wait for an update or two before I pledge. I don't think there is anything more to be gained from this discussion and so I will retire from here too.

Best wishes and thanks again for your feedback.
Send him a message and ask him. I'm curious as to what he says, so please let us know.
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