Unity - Completed - Mystwood Manor [v1.1.2] [Faerin]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Mystwood Manor is kind of a mixed genre game. Basically it's a hotel management game combined with visual novel and some sandbox elements.

    + Really nice but unfortunately short plot with some Twin Peaks vibe in it. We have mysteries, bit of crime story, paranormal activities... Game lore even explains why all the girls are so horny and willing to have sex with MC (something most games skip).
    + Beautiful and sexy girls shown on good quality pictures and animations with close-up shots. Someone may even complain that they're almost too perfect and cute to the point where it's unreal.
    + Nice background music. Rest of audio is also ok even if all the girls use exactly same set of few moans.
    + Really well made interface, graphics and all management stuff. Game is simple but still can be bit challenging and at the same time not too grindy. There are even cheats and limited pure story mode for lazy ones. UI is animated and whole system works smoothly without bugs or crashes. This is solid peace of game when it comes to quality aspect.
    + Different game languages and 3 possible endings.

    - We have only one yet important issue here... Why such a detailed and really good made game have such limited content when it comes to interactions with girls? Yea sure we have a lots of scenes with each one but 2/3 of them are simple and short chatting. There's so much wasted potential. Like every time of day we have opportunity to explore whole bunch of locations or check crew/visitors. And 90% of this actions are placeholders with no effect - something happens only if certain action is required to progress through one of story chains. Instead there could be some random events, quickies in work places, spying/touching/creeping on night time, more interactive bed scenes with choices. But... No. While adult content has very good quality it's sadly limited to rather short kinetic novel chains and few repeatable pop-ups. All we can do is see them again in gallery mode.

    So is this a good game? Well let's put this together. Game is progressed through separate kinetic novel story chains (nice and well made but short). Some are interactions with certain characters other are MC doing his exploring or investigations. But in order to access certain story points some things should be done like being at the right place on the right time and meeting requirements from hotel development or other story chains. Most of the time however game focuses purely on hotel running.

    So... If you are looking for nice and simple hotel management simulator with mystery and sexy-romance plot additions this is really great game to play. But if you want fap game with lots of sex scenes all the time better look for something different. Personally I can recomend it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't really want to do a very deep review, others have done it already.

    Just wanted to leave my mark because I loved the game. I loved the obvious passion it was developped with, I loved the girls, the story, the pace (rarer and rarer quality), the gameplay.

    I loved the corruption and transformation of the girls, I loved the way we could choose their outfits and the progression of these outfits.

    It's just a great adult game all around, gameplay is engaging and fun and there's really not much things I would have to have seen modified.

    Solid AF and great hopes for the next game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really more of a 4.5/5, but since we can't do half stars decided to round up.

    The management/gameplay aspect is actually moderately fun, though there is a "Story" mode if you want to skip all that noise (or just make use of the cheats instead, since some bonus smut is only available in the Normal mode).

    Plot is fine, renders are good, and a decent variety of personalities among the characters. If the concept and genre tags are appealing at all to you, this will probably be worth your time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a lot to love in this game, honestly one of the greatest in the genre.

    Short review: Amazing CGs, interesting premise/gameplay, shallow corruption, hope you like grinding, buckle up for a long tutorial.

    I just 100%d this game today, and I honestly don't feel my time was wasted. There's plenty of aspects that this game absolutely nails, far beyond what pure happenstance would accomplish. This is made by someone who knew what they were doing and had a vision to finish it just as strong as it began.

    Praise --

    I found this by looking at corruption sims, and boy does this deliver. You begin running a hotel with scant few harem members to help, and they're not particularly interested in the MC. Circumstances change this over time, along with clever use of fantasy elements.

    The girls are a treat to look at, with very little to complain about in the looks department. Each of them has their own "brand" that they inhabit, which do cross over from time to time. The guests that visit your hotel are also fun to look at, either as humorous charicatures or additional eye candy. A lot of care was taken to visually set this game apart, and it shows. The models are well done, well lit, and mostly well posed. There's also something to be said for the menus all being meticulously designed and animated, too.

    Managing the hotel is an interesting game mechanic. Choosing when to bench certain girls or making sure you don't bite off more than you can chew with higher level patrons is a must, which helps to make the pacing of the game more believable.

    Middle of the road --

    The game has sections of town you can visit and interact with, but for the most part it's on a quest by quest basis. Don't expect a free world to explore, until the very end of the game when there's a scavenger hunt. I didn't come expecting that, so I wasn't miffed by it.

    Sound is pretty hit or miss. I can see the creator wanted to fully flesh out the soundscape of the menus, but that lead to a lot of repeated sound effects. It is what it is.

    Room for Improvement --

    This game wants you to spend a lot of time on it to get to the endings. I understand that. I unfortunately reached a point where there was no challenge left in managing the sim and was using an autoclicker just to speed up scenes. All the menus and animations are very pretty, but one day cycle can be anywhere from 10 seconds at best, to 2 minutes at worst. By the time the calendar hits day 60, you'll be hunting for ways to speed things up*.

    As is the case for most of these adult games, each girl hits a wall of attraction where they're just begging for excuses to sleep with you. I get it as a culmination of moving forward with each girl, but there's no teasing or mystery once you've slept with any of the girls. They're happy to be yours at the drop of a dime with no conjecture or confusion or way to heighten the experience. I really dislike when sex becomes a checklist and this game unfortunately doesn't avoid that issue.

    The tarot card mechanic sucks, to put it plainly. There's an implication that using more destiny points will give better chances for higher rarity cards, but it turns out all the rewards are tiered. You can't get level 3 cards with a level 1 offering, nor can you get a level 1 card with a level 3 offering. It doesn't feel great, especially in hindsight that rerolls for the best cards are so plentiful and the bonuses so minor.

    Conclusion --

    Do recommend to anyone who is second guessing. Just because there are some ways that this game could be improved doesn't keep it from being one of the best I've ever played. Props to the dev!

    *Pro tip: Turn off all menu animations and hit the skip button twice to move through interactions at double speed.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    still playing the game ( in progress ) but so far
    + deep management gameplay ( that is purposeful )
    + amazing so amazing render and graphics
    + amazing storyline and attractive models ( specially the mother )
    + finally a game with a mother that looks really old and attractive ( both )
    + nice atmosphere of the game ( really attracted me )
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked that it merged a VN style game with a hotel management one. They do offer a story mode if you want to just stick to the VN however they also offer cheats in the regular game mode. Those cheats will make it super easy.

    Variation in models.
    Good dialogue.
    High quality renders.
    Good animations.
    Very good story.
    Very easy to follow along in what to do next.
    Somewhat diverse characters.
    Good ramp up to difficulties/ challenges.

    IMO I don't like that you're forced a bit into Incest.
    More variation in music would've been nice, whenever there would be a night scene the same song is played. But the song is weird when you're getting sexy time with one of your girls.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good attempt at merging management with a sort-of-VN. Recommend trying it out.

    I appreciated the nice variation in the character models, which is a contrast to many other games.

    The render quality is quite high, and the model quality is as well. Animations were fairly good too.

    I found that the beginning of the game had relatively few events, perhaps it's because you have to manually unlock the next "stage" for each character. I forgot about this and so everything was management. The management part itself is fairly well thought out, although it does get unbalanced to some extent towards the end. And at the same time I had loads of events pouring in. It sometimes feels like two completely separate games.

    The storyline is decent, and dialogue is pretty well written. There are some weird times where certain acts are available at night when you haven't done it in the story yet.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. The renders look amazing and the animated scenes were a nice touch. The plot was also interesting and fun to follow. The hotel management system was also incredibly made. I did not encounter any sorts of bugs or irritations throughout it. Faerins first game was also a gem and it is nice to see that the standards continue in this game as well. The game did get a bit time-consuming when raising the VIP levels of the guests but that adds to the challenge. I'm looking forward to his next project. 10/10.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 8/10
    Imagery: 9/10
    Kinks: 6/10
    Overall: 8/10

    All work and no sex makes Jack a dull lad.

    Thanks to your old man biting the big one in a very suspicious circumstance, and then visiting you in a dream, you are now the sole proprietor of a up and coming hotel for the rich, famous, and extravagant. Famous authors, pompous celeberties, sexy widows, and more. You hire on both friends and family, including your hot mom, your bratty sister, her slutty best friend, a quirky mechanic, a Chinese bodyguard, and a sultry nurse among others.

    Managing your hotel is really easy, you set hired help to a specific room, new guests will have an event where you need to correctly guess what they want (previous guests skip the event), upgrade rooms with cash or expand the hotel when you reach certain levels prestige. The upgrades and expansions are hilarious, with a 4th wall breaking handyman doing all the work.

    As you work events will open for both guests and employees, you can check them out to earn side-story stuff, leading to sexy time moments or humor. There's something haunting and strange about the place too, so it can also be a little creepy too. Seeing to guests and making them happy will also earn you a unique currency to spend on gatcha, earning perks you can assign to the staff and yourself. Even here, gatcha continues to follow me.

    As your hotel becomes more grand and you entertain more and more important guests, you'll progress the story, which can be dark, sexy, and a bit of a blue balls move. Kinda wanted to bang the old lady who runs the ritzy hotel, big GILF energy right there and you'd think she'd be grateful for the help we eventually give. Now depending on how many of your employees you have maxed out in the relationship category, you can unlock different endings. Of course the only ending for an ultra chad like me, was the harem ending, banging all your hot female staff and creating a new generation to argue who will inherit the hotel later on.

    Overall, great renders, fun story, very teasing (to a blue balling level), interesting game mechanics, but felt more like a game than a good jerk opportunity.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    was excited to play since the dev made man of the house, but looks like he focused on things that dont really matter (for me), the girls are pretty the hotel is cool but i'm not playing to run a hotel, where is the romance? corruption? taboo? you interact with a lot of girls but all of them is just casual sex, you spy and flirt and them... boom handjob, julia is obviously supposed to be your mom she is conflicted about sexual toughts for you but after sometime she don't see any problems in having sex , also guests like karen, what is the point? just wasting time because there is no content with her
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The story was better than I expected. The gameplay was excellent, and the management aspect was well done. A bit grindy, but not too much. The renders and animations are excellent, and the scenes are not too over the top, which is fine. Music and sounds are also great. It is a great now at its current, supposedly completed state, but if the developer ever decides to add more scenes, costumes, idle animations, character interactions, and more voice acting, it would definitely be one of, if not, the best.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Mystwood Manor [v1.1.0 Hotfix] [Faerin]
    A beautiful game!

    Does the game have any negative factors? Yes! But I can turn a blind eye (not two) to how much I enjoyed it.

    Characters: Unfortunately it is understood that the last unlockable characters are inferior to the first ones.
    Let's say that from Julia to Laura the characters are excellent, they have remained well in my mind.
    Mediocre Annika and Hana. I remember the game, but after a few weeks after finishing the game, these 2 characters are not etched in my memory. Doing other runs, these 2 characters come back to my mind though.
    Then there's the one from the Club, impossible to remember, every time it unlocks you wonder who it she.

    Cards and skills not all useful. At first I thought unlocking each character's third equip slot would be helpful, but it's the most useless feature in the game.

    The game has good management, perhaps a little too much grind for the completionists (all cards, all skills maxed, all objects, rooms maxed, etc.). Ok, there are integrated cheats, which is certainly a good thing, but without it, the game remains very repetitive.

    The story is nice, with just the right amount of mystery.
    The scenes are few, but very beautiful (not all, some close-ups of certain faces are creepy, a defect that I also found in "Man of the house").

    Having said that, I recommend the game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I want to give this 4.9 stars, but in this full star system it deserves 5. One of the best games I've played on here. I was getting sick of the VN style "click and read" games where there is little to no actual gameplay. While this game isn't perfect, it's a very very polished and working game that I think anyone can enjoy even without the lewd content.

    - As I said, the gameplay was very smooth and polished and worked flawlessly for me. I would probably play this game even without the lewd content honestly, it was very addicting.

    -The models are gorgeous and diverse.

    -The story is interesting, with a mythology and mystery that keeps you guessing

    -The grinding was appropriately difficult (played in normal mode) and didn't feel overwhelming. You can work smarter and get more rewards as you learn how to be more efficient.

    -There are cheats available all along the way and you can really tailor the game to whatever you feel like doing

    -Lewd scenes are pretty hot. A little static for my taste without very much in the way of options or interaction...but they are very nicely rendered.

    -THE TEETH. The girls are too beautiful to have those mouths full of ridiculous chompers. Way overboard on the teeth rendering.

    -Non-repeatable sexual encounters. This is a harem game, I want to be able to interact with my harem once I've unlocked that girl's "level." As it stands, you're given the option to visit one girl per night after unlocking her and you are given a pretty static and, if I'm being totally honest, boring sexual encounter. The scenes during gameplay that happen naturally are much hotter than the late-night visits that you're left with after running your story with each girl.

    -There was one frustrating thing for me...there is a certain event (maybe more than one, but I only found one) that is only available at a certain time in the game. It doesn't affect the outcome but still...if you're a little OCD about games like me and are searching for that elusive 100% completion (not that this game tracks it) I was really disappointed that I couldn't go back and complete that event...especially since you can "downgrade" your hotel guests. I thought I'd be able to re-trigger the event but sadly, I was not able.

    -The storyline is a little bit too spoon-fed for my taste. Every new event is marked as such, so you never have any reason to explore. Seems like a missed opportunity to just roam. There are multiple locations on the map but you never really need to visit them unless they have the "new event" notification on them.

    Executive Summary:
    Great game. Top 3 for me. It was addicting, interesting, hot, and fun. What more do you want? Huh? What more??
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    (Disclaimer: I played on normal mode so I can't speak to the story mode experience)

    I wanted to give Mystwood Manor 5 stars. It has some of the best character models in an adult game you'll see, the writing is original and entertaining, and I enjoyed the hotel management gameplay. However, Mystwood Manor is held back by its grind and lack of sexual content.

    All eight main girls in this game have their own look, They all have different body proportions and ethnicities that will appeal to a large amount of people. The plot is good enough, however it is another game where your father leaves behind a mystery for you to figure out. Mystwood Manor at least makes figuring out this plot somewhat interesting. It does, however, have a test at the end so if you didn't pay attention to the plot it could lead to some frustration.

    I will say I did enjoy the hotel management gameplay overall, although I think it definitely gets repetitive. It could be greatly improved by simply lowering the amount of points you need to upgrade your hotel. It's simple enough that I think anyone can play through it successfully. There's a lot of ways the game tries to help you make it easier too with tarot cards, abilities, and items. It does make for a very long and drawn out game though. This leads me into my main problem with the game. There just isn't enough sexual content to justify the amount of time you put into it. All the love interests have a good amount of scenes but they aren't repeatable. The gallery only contains snapshots of certain events and doesn't let you replay the sex scenes. Also, since this isn't a Ren'py game you can't just save during the scene to come back to it later. The night time scenes that you can repeat are just animations, which are high quality, but there's no dialogue to go with them. The game could be greatly improved just by adding dialogue to these scenes. Also if you're going to have a ton of build up to late game content, then put enough at the end to make it worth the grind.

    My other complaint with the game is the RNG aspect of it. When playing in story mode there are certain areas you have to explore and hope that RNJesus is on your side. It took me 10+ tries to find one item that you have to fish for near the end of the game. It's just a waste of time. This is frustrating because the creator should just increase the rate of getting this specific item (Bronze Spider) if it is needed to progress. There's also a bonus scene for getting every tarot card which would be a drag even with cheats.

    I would recommend Mystwood Manor if you have a lot of free time to go through all of it. I think the game is very good, although the creator should have just focused more on the adult content over the gameplay and/or at least added more repeatable scenes outside of the events. Honestly it could still be fixed with a complete gallery and some slight improvements to the management system.

    TLDR - Good gameplay and content, needs more sex scenes and ways to replay them. Overall fun but time consuming.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all I want to say... this game is just awesome. One of the best games on this platform.

    Characters 10/10
    Graphic 10/10
    Engine 10/10
    Game play 10/10
    Story 8/10

    Of course I wish this game would go longer. I finished it 100% in two sessions because it's just so addicting.

    What I would wish for would be some kind of DLC with more content, e.g. more employees, rooms, events with guests. The potential for something like this is definitely there.

    I love the different characters and that they don't all look the same.

    What I would improve, however, would be the division of the sex scenes. In the first 70% there is peeping and possibly a hand job and in the last 30% concentrated sex, which made me a bit overwhelmed and I couldn't fully enjoy it.

    It would help to have a slutty girl early in the game that you can start having fun with. I had those hopes with Riley, but unfortunately it wasn't the case.

    The system itself is great with the characters and the activation principle. However, not everything should go in parallel at the same time.

    Definitely a masterpiece in my opinion. I'm a little sad now that I'm through. I hope for new content from Faerin. I can barely wait for it. :)
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game, especially due to it being rather unique in this sphere.

    Models and animations are good, story and dialogue are okay, nothing too spectacular.

    The H-Scenes are animated smoothly, which is nice. I think the pacing is a bit off, at the beginning, you barely get any scenes and from a certain point, you basically unlock one scene after another, which is fine, but I personally like it more, if it's sprinkled throughout the whole game. Not just the mid- to endgame (but this is a more subjective opinion).

    The thing why it's only 4 stars is mainly the repetitiveness. I understand the focus are the sec-scenes, but the game becomes repetitive rather quickly.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the mechanics of the game. The hotel management plus the handling of the staff. I liked it that you can also just cheat for faster sexy times.

    Art is amazing, gameplay is great, the characters are also very unique and non-stereotypical mostly.

    Great game!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    "Mystwood Manor" is a really good game. One of the best i played since a long time... and it's completed ! something that happens so rarely (or after so many years) for these kind of games that it's worth celebrating.

    The most positive point that come to my mind are the graphics and girls : Graphics are great and the girls are all really hot.... each with their own different physic and style. I particulary felt for Laura... but it's obviously subjective (this Laura.. what a bombshell).
    The animations are a bit short (too short... often a single classic "comes and goes") but more worked than usual in terms of keyframing and movement.

    An other very good point is that the story and ambiance are good too. I liked the gameplay even if it's a bit repetitive (but which of these games are not ?).
    It's definitively one of the top tier games here as i really had pleasure playing it.

    On the negative side... with so much effort put in girls graphics, clothes and animations... I wish there were more scenes (or longer ones).
    I tend to think that most gamers will have a favorite girl and fetish.. an you'll probably be disappointed in that regard. For exemple, if you fall for Laura as a nurse (like me)... there is only 1 scene with her. Same for Laura as pool girl. No scene with Amber as maid...ect...ect...

    I think it's a common "problem" in sex-games with too much diversity : Some of these feature 12 or 15 girls... and if you greatly prefer one to the others, you'll end up disappointed to have only one short scene with your favorite one.

    That been said... it's a good game.
    Good work and i'll wait to see what next will do this creator.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    First thing first I should probably start with the fact that this is a biased score and that my opinion is...let's face it kinda worthless.

    This review is not objective in any way and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Now why am I starting this with useless dribble when I gave it 5 stars. Well if it was a different game from a different author it wouldn't have been worth 5 so that's why.

    Man of the House is one my of favorite games of all time and probably the only porn game I've ever replayed more than once. And this feels like the order in which the games came out was reversed. If this was Faerin's first game and MotH was the next project I would be able to understand some of the things that happened here. Unfortunately that's not the case and that makes this project...a disappointment.

    Now for the why.
    Gameplay. Nothing wrong here on the contrary I liked some of the systems implemented quite a lot. The tarrot cards the equipment slots the management stuff were all fine and I never really felt like I hate the time I am spending on it (that said I did play with the cheat mod) some of the UI stuff was a bit annoying like not being able to save in some screens and having to manually claim the next tier of each character felt kinda weird. But overall I would say that this was an improvement and that I liked the fact that I had to play the game to get the scenes. As it should be in case of a porn GAME.

    Characters. Now here comes the problem. I'll start with the good stuff which is the protagonist even though he still felt a bit wimpy in some cases and he was needlessly short (bit of a manlet :)) but otherwise decent looking and semi-decently behaving male protagonist with a dick that fits a porn game not the pinky finger some of the other protagonists rock (twist :/). Female characters though...not so great. First thing first and this is just my opinion I obviously have no idea what the general paying customer wants...but I am slowly getting tired of the absolutely perfect female models most porn games use these days. Perfect waistline gravity defying huge breasts (don't get me wrong I love big and small but uh...when they look and move like a piece of plastic stuck on the body it's just...not very erotic) characters supposedly in their 40s with no wrinkles no blemishes nothing it just feels wrong...and here I am going to be hypocritical considering the fact that even though I'd like to see a bit more...realism in the bodies of the female characters I'd like to see way less realism in their behaviour. I don't like loose used goods in my porn games. Obviously it's a whole different thing when the game/novel/manga bends over backwards to make every single female character a virgin that has never seen nor touched a male being before the protagonist. But I really don't want the real world equivalents of instagram attention whores with 50 orbiters on each finger in my escapism. So yeah would've appreciated a bit more of...naivety/innocence and a bit wider age range. The fact that Lady Emily has no scenes is an absolute travesty. Same with Karen who was the only female character that seemed to have a not so perfect body type and yet no scenes with her. Missed opportunity. Outside of that yeah the faces of some of the characters from 1st person PoV were...scary to say the least. The teeth... The progression of each character was pretty much the same compared to the huge variety that MotH had it felt sad. Same with the actual sex scenes there was a bit of masturbation then oral then vaginal and 2 whole scenes of anal from which 1 was textbased only since you couldn't even see the penetration. No range of fetishes and pretty much no difference in the personalities of the women. And the repeatable scenes were literally 3 super short loops and that was it. Again huge difference compared to the MotH. So yeah huge letdown compared to the previous game. The side characters had a few more differences and a bit more potential but unfortunately their "questlines" were rather short and the female side characters that got a scene were again...the same resulting personality the same perfect body without a single fault.

    Story. I don't know. I did not read it. I got the general premise I read some of the dialogues but outside of that...I just did not feel like it was worth it. The english was good don't get me wrong and it wasn't...completely empty. But again I have to compare it to the previous game that I played through multiple times and READ through multiple times. No free-roam after the ending was again something that was just straight up missing.

    Overall...I am still rating it with 5 stars. Because compared to the utter garbage some of the developers scam their not so bright patreon supporters with for a decade straight this is still a great game. Just not what I expected from a developer that made the best game I've played from this site. I really hope the next project will be great and I see no reason why it shouldn't be since Faerin has always been a decent person communicating properly and delivering content worth supporting. I wish Faerin the best and hope he is doing great and that my shitty review won't make him feel bad.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game but girls' frontal shots are extremely creepy and that ruins many scenes. In addition I didn't like the repeatability of girls's corruption progress. It always has the very same route. How I hated Annika's route where there were 3 or 4 almost equal scenes in sauna again ruined by creepy not only fronal but also wet shots. Same with Catalina's yoga sessions, but she at least was sexy there. The final Tier of relationships was disappointing too. Only Julia, Hana and Kay have a completely unique event at the end. In addition there's no MC's character growth: as he was staring at girl's boobs or ass at the beginning of the story being a 17y.o. virgin, same he is staring at them having fucked half of the staff near the end of the game remaining a 17yo virgin in mind.
    Overall, this game has a great teasing start(though may seem too slow for smb), great intrigue at the middle but also large disappointment at the end, not that it's that bad but because of the lost potential to be a 5-star masterpiece.
    Beginninng 5/5
    Middle part 5/5
    Final part 4/5 because of lost potential