Unity - Completed - Mystwood Manor [v1.1.2] [Faerin]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, the idea of manage the hotel while you search the mystery of the land and get to know the girls is great. this game make you to follow every story line.
    Also i think that the story lines can be better more detailed and more interaction with the girls, and also some interaction between stuff members could also work, to make the game play longer.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is great, love the writing too. However, I'm only giving this 4 stars because the gameplay is super grindy. Not that it's a bad thing to have in a game, but it really slows the gameplay down. Especially in this case where it could take in-game days for me to get the ending I want. Other than that, not bad.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I had not played the game since very early on and I thought it seemed well made, with a lot of potential, but with no content so decided to wait.

    Fast forward to game being completed, this is honestly worst grind fest I've played in a really long time.
    And there is little to nothing to do while you grind, with almost no rewards along the way. you have to wait to near the end of the game for sexy time, and the grind to get to the end was way too long and boring.

    Also the game/bank wouldn't even tell you how much money you need to pay off debt, it's $200,000 I think, which was HOURS of grinding, after having finished literally everything else in the game, and that was with cheats, i can't imagine what it would be without cheats, days?

    When you get to the end and unlock things like night time visits, you notice very quickly that the animated snipets are repeated between characters. What I mean is they replace a female in the scene, with a different one in the same scene, and rerender with the same camera angles, same pose same everything. And I said snipets cuz the are short AF.
    Really felt like they didn't want any porn in the game , but put it in cuz they had to.

    That said the graphics and animations are done well
    But feels like the focus was only really on the UI which is pretty good, on par with mobile games.
    One part of the UI that is not great is the "frame" that is unremovable I think it was ok looking for the first hour but then I just wanted to turn it off. As well I use and OLED screen, I don't like static elements on screen for 40+ hrs, I don't wanna burn my screen out.

    The game had/has potential, but I wonder if anyone on the developement team has tried to play it from begining to end in one go. It's not a fun grind, and I like some grind in my games, but this is next level boring.

    I didn't play story mode, but I would suggest skipping the "game" mode and try story mode to see if it's any better.

    Really disapointed with how this ended up as I thought this was going to be a good fun game, when I fisrt tried it, but it's not.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at version 1.0.2

    TL;DR: It's an okay game, worth of at least one playthrough; using cheats is highly advised.

    My Overall Score: 6.5/10


    Story: It starts with a decent story, nothing wow worthy but decent nonetheless, however as you move more and more towards the end of the game, and specially mid-game, the story and the writing turn weaker and weaker.

    Gameplay: Grind... lots and lots of boring grind, even using cheats it was still grindy, and that's not something easy to implement. there are certain caps on a few resources that made even using cheats to be somewhat grindy.

    The gameplay itself is a form of management/quiz type of thing, nothing interesting.

    Also another thing to note is that this game is pretty much just 'click to go to the next scene' type of thing, there are very few dialogue options and they don't matter at all anyway, so it's a very linear game. the only flexibility it gives you is the option to choose what girl to pursue, however that also has it's limits, because at certain points it expects you to have leveled up some girls to proceed with another girl's story.

    Also for some reason there is no notification or alert when a girl is ready to be leveled up, which was really annoying, often times one of the girls was ready to be leveled and I didn't know and just kept playing for sometime until I noticed it.

    The amount of H-Scenes is moderate, not very few, but also not a lot of them. and they kinda start getting repetitive, specially the 'repeatable' scenes, some of them are literally the same scene and just the girls are replaced in the same animation/setting.

    Girls/Assets: Probably the strongest feature of this game is it's hot characters, but that's about it. they kinda have their own personalities and such but the writing is executed poorly and your progressions with them eventually end up disappointing.

    There are animations, but don't expect anything amazing.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed MotH and held high hopes for this title, coming from the same dev. Disappointing, is putting it mildly.

    MADDENING grind, with no end in sight.
    Gawdawfully few sex scenes and they are hidden behind FAR too much grind.
    What sex there is, is a clear case of "too little, too late".
    You're supposed to be a Hotel Manager, but you can not decide when to hire whom. The employees to be, are brought forth by the story, in succession, depending on what you have so far unlocked. Your 1st non-family employee, Riley, comes with 2 of 3 skills that you cant even use when you hire her. (And hire her you must, for your sis and mom cant take up ALL the slack by themselves)

    The story, contrary to many others, was the only thing that really held my interest. Still, even that develops too slowly.

    All in all...too little progression, requiring too much time to achieve, and giving far too little reward.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly really disappointed with this game. I had high hopes as I enjoyed Man of the House a lot, but the grind in this game is unreal. There are HOURS spent doing the same tasks over and over again, just to see a few brief scenes. In the beginning the gameplay was interesting, but it after a few hours it wears out its welcome and just becomes a hassle. The art is good for the most part, but there are a few facial expressions that are just bad, and really needed another pass. The game appears to be a sandbox when you first start, but you quickly realize there is actually very little to do in each area. Hell, one of the first areas you can explore has no purpose at all until you have the final girl, about 6 hours into the game, and even then it's only used for one scene and nothing else ever happens there.

    Honestly just a poor showing, and I can't recommend this game to anyone unless you really enjoy the hotel management loop
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Mystwood Manor [1.0.2 completed] is a grip in the toilet!
    Sounds harsh, but the overal average rating of 4 stars for the time being is neither reasonable nor deserved - at least not for adult gaming standards.

    I really liked the previous game of this dev (Man of The House), which already was grindy and had its flaws, but Mystwood Manor is a total lackluster concerning adult content. The game mechanics are super tedious and grindy and there are hardly any rewarding sex scenes. To put it straightforward: as an adult game this one is a disaster.

    The story is rather average, a little bit of mystery is added into the mix, but overall it's not really worth bothering and failed to keep me interested. Overall the story didn't catch me a single time, while wasting several hours playing this, bevore I've decided to quit for good.

    In addition the more and more revealing outfit game mechanic also failed to catch me, because of the heavy grind and that it had no impact on the rest of the game like different hotel guest reactions. The first few outfit level changes are barely noticable anyway - maybe some teenage boys find this arousing, but for me this mechanic was boring and a unneccessary grindfest. Certainly a few intermediate steps should have been skipped.

    The cast is somewhat diverse, but I really don't get it why a young adult, one of your employees has got grey/silver hair? It's a silly design decision and adds no realism at all to this character. Some girls are hot, others not so much, but that's a matter of personal taste. The mc looks better than the one of his previous game, though. Unfortunately some facial expressions looked really odd. Daz3d offers a large variety of facial expressions for its genesis models, but some really look unnatural and strange. Don't know, why many of the most unrealistic expression sets were used in Mystwood. There are less extreme and therefore better ones to use in daz3d.

    Furthermore the management aspects in general were alright, but way too grindy (employees xp & levels, fame points, guest levels, money, room upgrades and not to forget the points you'll need for the witch and her tarot cards). Nobody plays this game for its hotel management aspects anyway.

    I didn't play the story mode, maybe I should have... The "game mode" is the one how this game is intended to be played according to the dev. I did so and it really sucked for me, because it turned out to be a waste of time!

    Therefore I really can't recommend this game, which is a real downgrade compared to the previous one. If you have got plenty of time and low expectations for rewarding or hot sex scenes (like playing for approximately 5 hours before the first meagre handjob starts), give it a go, otherwise don't bother downloading it. Even with cheats it takes several hours to unlock at least the blowjobs. Shortly after unlocking the latter, I've lost interest and wasn't willing to invest any more time, so I've quit and really didn't regret it.

    The few animations I've seen were either boring softcore bs or like the handjobs and blowjobs redundant. In general the animations are rather short and simple.

    Hopefully Faerin will learn from his grave mistakes he made with this game and do much better with his next game. At least Man of The House has proven that he theoretically can create good games, although Mystwood Manor as his most recent game is a failure.

    Edit: In the meantime I've got a 100 % completion save of another board member. Thanks for that. After checking out, the content I've missed, I'm even more convinced, that Mystwood Manor isn't worth your time. Sex scenes are all copy paste and happen way too late considering the invested hours of gameplay. Unlocking nakedness for your employees has got no effect at all other than optical ones - no guest will react or comment on them working naked, which is just disappointing.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I really like Man of the House (and it's my first adult game) but this game I feel like it's a lot of step back comparing to MoH. While it's true both game require a lot of Grinding but MM is very slow in term of adult content.

    At first, I start to play without cheat before I give up around 6 hours mark. I throw a lot of cheat afterwards and found the first sex scene around 8 hours in which is pretty long. Speaking of slow, the progress is very tedious as well before you are going to unlock the next progress. you need this, you need that and some of them you can't cheat your way out as well.

    The girls are nice, I really like render and stuff however the relationship building is very weak. Nothing really stand-out and I probably going to forgot about them later on.

    Hotel Management part is kinda okay but it's getting boring really fast. Answer the question over and over again is not fun.

    I do like the story though, I enjoy the mystery around MM.

    All in all it's an okay game but I feel like it could be much better. for instance reduce among of grinding.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    the best i can give this is 3/5 stars,
    by now everyone and his dog have pointed out what is so overly great about this, but it really isn't for me.

    the story is ok. not making waves and like the dialogue, hardly taxing on the mind. could have been better.

    but the big let-downs for me, are all in the art. one girl is cross-eyed permanently, the slow glances up when viewing a girl are tedious in the extreme, and the scenes slowing down when switching screens is also tedious. add to this the lack lustre endings and quite average story and dialogue, and this becomes a very average game hardly any different from the previous offering by the same dev..

    there is just nothing to hook you beyond good renders which soon become a bit boring. mechanics are solid but wasted on this project.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    It hurts me to give this two stars. I like the dev and had high hopes. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not here for games, I'm here for long form non gonzo porn. But I'm here for porn.

    I don't care for "gameplay", I don't want "gameplay" a no choice novel is, IMHO, always better than a sandbox. Heck, anything is. But you get my point. I wanna see fucking, but I want glue. A story to tie in the fucking.

    This game has a story. I'm not going to say it's good. But it's not terrible. The gameplay is way too much for me, but it's not stupid. It's well enough done.

    The game is grindy AF, but not in a stupid way. I play a lot of twisty games (wink wink) where there's a lot of sandboxing, and clicking, and stupid stuff that needs a guide and is unplayable without one. But at least there is a metric fuck ton of sex.

    This? Almost no penetration. Just saw a rip of 200x40 - ish pictures. Not even 1/18 of that is penetration. There's a lot of strocking, blowing, posing, whatevering. But there's virtually no penetration.

    Again, not gonna lie, the game was kinda hot at first. Buuuuut I was just spending hours and hours and not getting much from it. After watching the CG rip, reading some other comments, I can easily deduce that, in fact, yes. The game is devoid of sex. Maybe 2-3 penetration scenes per character for maybe 100 hours of grinding.

    NO - THANK - YOU!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like outfit progression you're gonna love this game cause there's a lot of it! One thing I felt was missing was some shorts scenes for upgrading an outfit, like characters working in them and the guests' reaction as they get more and more revealing. But that's the only complaint I have! A good variety of characters with different personalities so there's something for everybody. Very fun game overall, had a blast playing it!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game forced me for my first ever rating and probably the last. One of the best games I ever played! Very good gameplay and mechanics, nice and clean renders and pretty good animations. Story was good as well, nothing superb, but kept me interested. 4,8* ez.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Man of the House is one of the better games in here, so trying Mystwood Manor was a no-brainer.

    Overall it's a very decent game, but rather mediocre adult game.
    The story, gameplay and characters are good (I'd say it features some of the best models out there). But when it comes to actual interactions and scenes - it's just not enough.

    Feels like a lot of wasted potential here as this could've been easily one of the best games on the site if it had more scenes, more positions, acts, and overall variety.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    V1.01 complete

    Game will take hours. Took me several days.
    It's similar to CIVILIZATION where each turn is managed.

    Very well made, with interesting story and a lot of sex. Personal gripe is that the girls were too easy, even if it makes sense why. The taboo, forbidden kink was lost.

    Reducing the number of characters would have made them more distinct. Same trope over and over: damsel in distress eventually awards MC with sex for saving them.

    Definitely worth playing, even if it doesn't quite make my top games list.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This is my humble opinion regarding this game.
    First of all, pros and cons:
    · Top tier character model design
    · Intituive and fancy UI
    · Interesting story
    · Character's outfit keep changing as their lust progresses
    Contrary to what people say about the game's grind, I found it entertaining.

    · Character's relationship building lacked of interactions between the MC and them
    · Lack of sex scenes, lack of angles in the sex scenes, lack of sex positions, lack of foreplay, lack of variations of sex scenes in general
    · Practically the entire map and its locations were wasted, all the character's events take place inside the mansion which becomes somewhat redundant.
    I understand that the whole game revolves around the mansion, but they could have made much better use of the town's locations.
    · Lack of interaction between the guests and the characters regarding they outfits changes, I mean, they practically wear cleavage showing their boobs and nips, pantyless skirts and the guests don't react to that? come on!
    · Again, lack of sex scenes.
    · Story's end feels rushed

    Anyway, I liked the game, its card system, the characters and their costume changes, but I finish the game thinking that it could have been much better.
    Still it is a high quality game and I thank faerin for bringing us this game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3195513

    It's an addictive game. The gameplay is somewhat similar to MOHs, but the interface is new.

    What I liked:
    1. beautiful models (Laura is my favorite).
    2. the game management interface. It's new and did not reach its full potential yet, but it's quite nice when you get the hang of it. I think it could be used in many games.
    3. the game looks polished and beautiful and most of the time you know what to do.
    What I don't like:
    1. the way the grind combined with the interface affects the pacing of the game. At some point you are discovering something at each turn, then the discovery path ends, and then you're left with lots of dry grinding.
    2. a lot of unexplored potential for the female models. The game could have gone one or two extra years easily.
    3. the times you don't know what to do, because there are some hidden events not present in the interface guide
    4. lots of locations are almost eventless.
    Thinks I don't care about at all: the story, the characters' personal history and psychological profile.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    TL/DR Mystwood Manor had all the ingredients to be a high quality dynamic game with kinks that I enjoy- but wiffed it so hard on execution of their sandbox/pacing that I ended up getting bored really quickly.

    Great female character models.
    Somewhat Novel Management System
    Fun system for upgrading your characters.
    Somewhat decent meta-plot featuring some fantasy Noir concepts.
    Beautiful UI.

    ~So, so much empty sandbox. Tons of locations to explore that were only used for a single event.
    ~Annoyingly repetitive grind in the character development with not enough plot events breaking it up to keep an interesting pacing.
    ~Minimal relationship building in a game where that should be the narrative focus
    ~Clunky repetitive game-play.
    ~No indicator to show you had fully explored a location
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I went in pretty hyped seeing that this was by the dev of Man of the House, but I ended up being disappointed for the reasons touched on in other reviews. At its core the main gameplay is classic hotel management sim stuff and the core execution of this gameplay loop works well - you have distinct girls and guests with distinct personalities, and you make choices that have them build their skills and that gradually awards additional scenes.

    The problem though is not simply that the game is grindy, but it is both grindy and unrewarding. A common pitfall of games like this is that they backload the sex scenes because you're unlocking the same relationship tiers with all the girls at once as you move through the game. Man of the House managed to avoid this issue by having a variety of scenes with each girl and making some girls give up sex earlier in their routes, but this game makes no such effort and you're going to be playing for many hours before you get your first hint of a sex scene. And from there there's a very slow drip of content. Like, I love games that have girls gradually get lewder costumes as the relationship develops, but grinding for a couple hours for the same outfit with the top button being unbuttoned is just not much of a "reward".

    And ultimately when you do unlock the sex scenes they're... usually short, bland, and uninspiring. Man of the House had its own severe grind issues but at least it felt like you were managing relationships with the girls rather than just playing a management sim with an increasingly horny staff. Also there are the telltale hints of incomplete systems... lots of locations in the game that are barely used, the skeleton of an item/personality management system that seems neat (tarot cards are done well) but isn't that impactful, and not much "late game" content that you see in harems where you have more corruption/harem content. Overall it just feels very... underbaked, I guess, like the game has a solid core but it should've gone through a few more design iterations before being considered complete.

    tl;dr version -

    + Good core management system with some neat supporting systems, albeit nothing super original here
    + Decent but not stellar artwork, good animation quality
    + Good hint system to prevent blocked progress
    - Simple relationships with bland girls that are developed pretty slowly in very generic scenes
    - Backloading of sexual content in the late game
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    - Great and unique model designs.
    - Decent storyline.
    - Decent characters.
    - Great gameplay mechanics.

    - Gets bit grindy in between in story mode.
    - Not enough sex scenes, as some of the night scenes of girls are repeated multiple times.
    - Drags bit too long in storymode gameplay (10~15 hrs).
    - Application stops responding multiple times while playing video but can be dealt easily by turning it OFF.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't say is this game my fav, but it's definitely gets in my top 20 for sure. Interesting storyline and characters, good renders and animations. Even the sandbox part was pretty entertaining (but got a little boring at the lategame and it is one and only downside imo). As stated earlier, you can fix it with cheatmode.
    To be mentioned, dev(s) didn't slack and made decent updates on regular basis