It is an actual game! Yay! Not a VN, but a game with gameplay! Original gameplay. Challenging gameplay. You actually can lose in a game - what an achievement! For only that this game getting 4 stars. Its a management simulator, where you need to balance your employee to fulfill demands of your customers. Easy premises, a lot of fun time playing it.
Great design: thought through, with attention to details, animations, a good sound (except for girl moanings - these must be cut of). Truly enjoyable look for such game.
Characters are basic, including mother and sister, nothing special. As for story - it needs a skip button. This is the BIGGEST flaw of this game - skip button for every cutscene is essential, its game-making 101.
Second biggest flaw - is generally text. Writing style is poor; dialogs are ok, but sex-scene text is just bad. The amount of "Holy crap!" and "Man, its so hot!" exceeds all allowed quotas.
Sex scenes are generally dead, mostly cause of mimic-less dolls - models and robotic animations and moanings. But their biggest problem is that they are unneeded for the game itself, and can be easily cut of, without loosing anything.
Sex stuff -wise, I mostly enjoyed, how their uniform were becoming sluttier with every level, because it was actually my achievement: I leveled them up - so now they look sluttier. But as for cut scenes (events) - then I suddenly got replaced with this "Holy CRAP!" - doofus MC , and have no voice for what was happening. No pose choosing, no options - nothing. That's just bad game design.
But, all in all, this game is good, especially by modern day porn-game standards, and it would be hard to find another one like it.