Unity - Completed - Mystwood Manor [v1.1.2] [Faerin]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The Good:
    - The graphics are ok. I don't remember seeing those models anywhere else.
    - The hint system (once you understand the implementation) is very good.

    The Meh:
    - Story. It's not terrible, but whenever any sort of magic is used, there need to be rules for what the magic can do, what its limitations are and what dangers it poses for the user. As it stands now, magic does whatever is needed to move the story along.

    The Bad:
    - Grind. I played the "Normal" mode and its insane - each employee has three jobs they can do, plus their energy bar. The stats rise for each job are excruciatingly slow, while the energy drops like they're fat asthmatics working in a coal mine. On top of that, there is the hotel’s reputation level – this is a very rough math, but I believe you’d need to successfully complete 100+ guest visits to max it out. My advice – don’t even start the game without the cheat-mod.
    - While annoying in the beginning, guest interactions gets absurd in later stages. For example, in the kitchen a level 1 guest can ask for soup and you’ll be given three options from which to choose – soup, salad, steak. A level 5 guest can ask for Swedish breakfast or English diner and you need to guess WTF are they talking about. This is utterly pointless and is only used to artificially inflate the playing time.
    - After finishing a girl’s quest – they’re done. You could repeat any of their scenes from “Progress” menu, but the is no way to interact with them during the day.
    - RNG. There is at least one quest that can be missed if you progress the story too far, without stumbling on a specific location.
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  2. 1.00 star(s)


    There is no special story and the incest story is near a hentai manga..
    No evolving story. Sex with his mother is totly senseless. The way from a mother to a mother who want sex with her son is nowhere to find.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    it's very hard to explain how much this game beautifully is
    since he's previously game man of the house he's been showing
    a lot of improvements
    and as about this game this game is just really incredible
    I and personally I highly recommend it for all of you guys
    -the dialogs are beautiful and funny the story is full of feelings and adventures
    -the characters are very sexy hot beautiful they are
    I hop every one playng this game to not judge quality and fast
    play and enjoy the most incredible beautiful game I played ever

  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I feel like this game does more good things than bad. I like most girls and there are some hot sex scenes though most are a little too short for my taste. And as of v0.9.2, none of them are repeatable which sucks (though you can 'remember' them in sort of a dream).
    Image quality is good, although the GUI isn't responsive enough, there's a small delay between pressing a button and getting the result.
    The hint system for progressing is very clear which isn't the norm in all games, sadly.
    Story is fairly interesting, it's about a supernatural mystery.
    I also partially enjoyed the hotel management part (played on normal difficulty), although I gave in and used several times the very handy cheat option because it would probably take about 50 hours to unlock everything without it.
    Overall, I had a mostly good time so I'll buy the game on Steam, like I did the previous one. The game would have been a 5 star if the girls' stories and interaction had been more developed, but it's already too late.
    And many thanks for the lovely Hana! :)
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It seems this game is caught between trying to be a management sim and a porn game and it is just "ok" at both. The manegement mechanics are too simplistic to be engaging (though I imagine the higher difficulties will change that), and the scenes are fine but the characters aren't fleshed out enough for the player to feel invested in them. This is the biggest problem imo, there is some supernatural shit happening that makes everyone horny which means that every scene is basically just girls throwing themselves at you and no time is given to make you care about them in the first place.

    I kinda get why given so much time is spent on the management sim, that if you were to slow down the pace to include more characterization a lot of people would complain about blue balls, but honestly I'd rather have that then a bunch of cardboard characters I don't care about.

    That being said the models and scenes are good, and I actually like the gameplay, even if it does wear out its welcome near the end.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The only way to unlock everything is through playing the game on normal mode and doing a treasure hunt, and normal mode is a cock. Even story mode is tedious. The porn is great, but making progress in this game is horrendous.

    "I want meat" followed by you choosing to give the customer a burger... Delete it immediately. Serving the guests adds no fun to the game and just wastes time.

    There should be a way to skip time with a single click INSTANTLY, even if it means passing up on an opportunity. No more choosing what to do for that time, seeing someone do something, "a few hours later" into watching a clock move. Either stop doing all of that EVERY time block or that or stop having time-specific events.

    The idea seems cool. The story seems okay. The porn looks good. The execution is awful.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is super overhyped for what it provides.

    I do not like most of the gameplay entails, as it is way too grindy for my tastes, and all of the hardwork you put in it does not necessarily reward you.

    There are definitely better games out there for sure that provide more value.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It is an actual game! Yay! Not a VN, but a game with gameplay! Original gameplay. Challenging gameplay. You actually can lose in a game - what an achievement! For only that this game getting 4 stars. Its a management simulator, where you need to balance your employee to fulfill demands of your customers. Easy premises, a lot of fun time playing it.

    Great design: thought through, with attention to details, animations, a good sound (except for girl moanings - these must be cut of). Truly enjoyable look for such game.

    Characters are basic, including mother and sister, nothing special. As for story - it needs a skip button. This is the BIGGEST flaw of this game - skip button for every cutscene is essential, its game-making 101.

    Second biggest flaw - is generally text. Writing style is poor; dialogs are ok, but sex-scene text is just bad. The amount of "Holy crap!" and "Man, its so hot!" exceeds all allowed quotas.

    Sex scenes are generally dead, mostly cause of mimic-less dolls - models and robotic animations and moanings. But their biggest problem is that they are unneeded for the game itself, and can be easily cut of, without loosing anything.

    Sex stuff -wise, I mostly enjoyed, how their uniform were becoming sluttier with every level, because it was actually my achievement: I leveled them up - so now they look sluttier. But as for cut scenes (events) - then I suddenly got replaced with this "Holy CRAP!" - doofus MC , and have no voice for what was happening. No pose choosing, no options - nothing. That's just bad game design.

    But, all in all, this game is good, especially by modern day porn-game standards, and it would be hard to find another one like it.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: A sandbox clicker, with money and time management. I felt the normal difficulty was too grindy, but the other difficulty completely cuts the gameplay. I wish there was a middle ground. In the sex scenes, there are a few instances where the player must increase the speed in order to continue. This bothers me since it’s so few times.

    Writing: Interesting enough, not the greatest ever though.

    Art: Decent quality models, with nice backgrounds.

    Audio: Music, sound effects, and voiced moans.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As others have say, the main issue would be that the game is too long so far. In the other hand, the characters are developed, and I find it rather well written.
    The characters are subtle, the story interesting, and the game fun to play (not GTAV fun, but still, no grind). There is a lot of content, proper animations.

    Overall, very well executed so far.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Demonic Presence

    I love the paranormal aspect of the game and if this story was just a straight VN I probably would like it even more. It's clear this Dev wants you to really dedicate time and effort into playing this game. There's stalling going on in this game, maybe more than it should. My biggest gripe is this management stuff, I'm too old and impatient for stuff like this, again, I would prefer if this was a VN but it's not, I don't have anything against sandboxes because some are good and others are very bad. On the bright side the characters are fun to look at and perhaps worth the wait.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    First thing I should mention: these might be some of the best quality sex animations I've seen from games on this site. The actual maneuvers are pretty basic, but the quality of the models, the facial expressions, the lighting, etc. are really quite spectacular.

    The characters are nice and likable for the most part (there were times where Amber and Riley were rather despicable), so while the story is pretty basic, it is generally enjoyable, especially with the generally kind and friendly nature of the characters (also, Hana has a lot of badass moments).

    The actual hotel management doesn't really blend with the story very well, so if you are interested in a rather simple hotel management game, you can choose a mode that includes it, and you can use the cheat options to help tweak gameplay away from some of the potentially bothersome elements of gameplay. And if you just want an interesting story with beautiful and likable characters, you can just play the story mode.

    This game really has gotten better with time, and is a lot less awkward gameplay-wise than "Man of the House". If you like the screenshots of this game, you might want to try this game out.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Mystwood Manor v0.9.0.5b

    Mystwood Manor provides a HUGE amount of management, specifically hotel management and needs you to strategize on how to run the hotel as efficiently and flawlessly as possible, so if you're here looking for a quick wank then this really ain't it since you'll be sitting there being blue-balled for some time.

    TLDR: Be ready to invest many hours into this, Many hot women, very well animated sex scenes & fancy pace slider, Good UI, Repetitive gameplay but rather interesting & competitive. Lewd and non lewd scenes are replayable in the progress tab on each person. I believe I've played possibly 15-20 hours and I'm at day 300.

    The game has you grinding a lot in the beginning making it a pretty slow start till you start seeing lewd scenes, once you get to the 2nd or 3rd lewd scene they'll start flooding in like crazy. Even though they'll start coming in like crazy, you'll still have to work your ass off but possibly worth it for the scenes?
    Scenes that are present at the moment are somewhat bland and generic but I bet this will change in the near future as there's some changes in sex the further the story goes.
    The lewd scenes are also very well animated and look very good! Speaking of the women, all of them are sexy, different from each other and have got very different personalities.

    A really important thing for me is the story and the game starts off strong with a well told one but fades away very quickly and only progresses into management and lewd scenes.

    You can replay all the lewd and normal scenes in the progress tab on each person by clicking on the circle you want to view.
    Though a really nice thing about the UI in scenes is that there's a slider where you can change the pace freely and depending on who's scene it is, it can affect when they cum and possibly more. One last complaint I've got about the UI is that when you go to save your game you only have about 12 slots and should be expanded into pages, and also be able to rename the saves.

    I've so far played up to 300days to see if there was anything more and nothing for now but the gameplay was very interesting since you had different hotel levels where the customers got more demanding and expected more from you, which gives you a challenge since you gotta get upgrades, etc.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Hotel simulator with a few scenes here and there. Cliche scenario where every breathing woman around you is magically horny. It is a good simulator but not really an adult game. Scenes are structured like as if it is about structure and order. It gets real boring real fast. Models are nice but they are just soulless paperdolls. 2 stars for the simulator part, 1 for the anticlimactic scenes.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    As a pretext, I count Man of the House in my top three porn games of all time. Every couple months I go back and play through it just to evoke a comfy feeling--the same way I do with other turbo-comfy games like Amalur or Maj'Eyal.

    I waited until the game was mature enough before diving in, and honestly I'm super disappointed. I don't mind grinding in AVNs the same way I don't mind sandboxes. I think when done right (like Man of the House) it can be extremely compelling because you freely choose when to do things and with whom.

    Here, however, the erotic scenes are vastly displaced from the actual gameplay. The management layer is 99% of your time, and erotic scenes are dependent on which girl is placed where, when. Even then, if you have multiple alerts on pending activities you can miss things, then have to do all over again to get what you missed the next day. On paper that's fine, but in reality it means you'll be repeating so many mundane trivialities all the time and when you finally remember which girl is supposed to placed where, the ensuing erotic scene is just tedious.

    It's worse because every scene and menu fades to another. You can mash your LMB all you want, but you'll be waiting a second or two every time; tangentially that seems like nothing but if you're furiously trying to find out what happens next it just adds more and more time between you wanting something and you receiving it. To find out the next thing a scene requires, you have to go the layout, click the girl menu, click the girl you want, click to her profile, select the activity section of her profile, then read what is needed. Every. Single. Time. Combine it with what I said before and it's just wasted time. If this were a published game I'd rail on and on about how the publisher was interfering with developer's vision to require padding out so reviewers would be like "yeah this took me nine thousand hours to complete." But it's not. What the fuck is the point of all this padding? It's literally wasted time.

    As for the management aspect of the game, which is the real meat, at first it's fun. Perhaps the first two hours or more I was excited because I figured this was a real AVN with solid extra-porn gameplay. But then on hour three I realized I hadn't actually even seen a tiddie. I didn't even know what the MC's dick looked like (no homo). In Man of the House, you could spy through a keyhole like ten minutes into the game and see nudity. But here it takes fooooreeever. Then it comes to the hotel's guests. Most of them are pretty good, but there's only a handful. Probably five hours in, I realized it didn't matter how badly treated they were, they would ALWAYS return. I just put an inexperienced girl in a slot to unlock her next scene, and even if she failed with the guest I would get my tiddie. Around hour six I started using the cheat menu for money and such, but it didn't make a dent in the grind. You will always have the same handful of guests on repeat, no matter if they stormed off without paying.

    Improvements? Add at least fifty guests, most of whom would not return after xx number of times leaving. Since it's Unity, it's simple as fuck to generate them randomly (I know this because I've played around in this engine before, and even free plugins offer such a feature). I don't care if they have the same portraits, as long as their name and needs were generated it would at least add some playability to the game. Then, I'd put some MotH-style sandboxiness in. After each turn, I'd allow a free-roam of the hotel (and town), so you could, for example, spy on a girl, or catch a girl in an event that wasn't relegated to that godawful menu system.

    Anyway I didn't give this one star because, as I said, MotH is one of my favorites. Also, the production values here are at least ten times better than that game; the women look fantastic, even though I'm really tired of the whole "she's a MILF, that means she automatically requires a bush" trope, and the plot is a bit more plausible.

    I'd wait for 1.0 to dive in, but even then if the dev doesn't make serious player-engagement changes this is going to be boring as shit.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is excellent
    + Addictive gameplay and management
    + Warm and well-made character models
    + great dialogs
    + Should add more interactions with the girls, as well as scenes with non-hotel girls
    + Very well done sex scenes
    + Addictive Card System
    + excellent plot
    - I hate Diego and Miguel, I want to kick them forever from the hotel
    - No intentions with the girls, after they finish their progression there is nothing else to do
    - No clothing system to fuck them in all uniforms
    - Very difficult to please certain guests even with everything maxed out
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.8.2b

    Looking at this game from the management side of things, it's actually pretty enjoyable if you like management games. Probably the best I've played on this site. Your basic day to day cycle is assigning staff to certain rooms based on what rooms the guests are using during their stay. Each girl has their own skills, meaning only certain girls can be assigned to certain rooms. You want to reach a certain threshold of guest satisfaction to keep them happy and make money. That's the basics of it anyway. There are a lot more systems at play that give it a bit of RNG and player freedom to try out different stuff and keep it from getting stale. It could use more of that still, but I know more stuff is in development regarding that, so not a huge issue.

    The spot where this loses a star for me is the character development, or rather the lack of it. If you're someone who doesn't really care about things like that and are just happy to play a lewd management game, then this probably isn't an issue for you. As you level up both your hotel and girls, you unlock more events with them. Instead of really getting to know them as characters and have deeper stories and such, the plots pretty much boil down to "the weird mist is making everyone horny" and they have sex with the MC because of it. Some employees are better than others about it, but it's still a negative for me.

    The main story itself is fine enough, even interesting, but the rather bland MC and lack of real character in most of the employees is a bummer for me. But again it's more of a management game than anything, so not everyone is going to feel like I do. I don't expect as much as a standard VN, but a bit more substance for lack of a better would be nice.

    The sex scenes themselves are fine enough. Not amazing, but not bad either. I think the animations are a little stiff, and it could do with some more angles or positions changes in scenes. I do like the character models though, and the renders are good too.

    One thing I want to give praise for is that as the girls level up, they unlock lewder outfits which I think is fun and hot. Small thing, but I'm glad it's in the game. There's a lot of smaller details like this that really brings up the quality of the game.

    It's a pretty solid lewd management game overall though. Despite the criticisms I have, I still got a good amount of time and enjoyment out of it. Give it a go if it seems like your thing. Fair warning that there is grind before you get to the really lewd stuff, if that's a problem for you.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, I waited so long to play this game, and it was totally worth it. Review is for V0.8.2.

    I usually hate Unity games, but if anyone could make it work. it was definitely Faerin. Mystwood Manor isn't just a usual adult game that makes you grind for content, it's a full hotel management game that comes with the perks of lewd scenes.

    It might have felt abit blueball-ish if I had played the earlier versions where there wasn't enough content for the "grind". But playing this version feels rewarding because I'm enjoying the "grind" and there's proper scenes at the end of it.

    The girls have different charms and body shapes which is great, scenes are sexy as hell too. Might be better if they implement repeatable scenes when deploying certain girls in certain locations and certain times, since it's similar to sandboxes in a way.

    The sad thing is most parameters seems to be maxed out already, and the scenes have come along in a way that makes it seem like the game is ending soon. Which sucks, because I certainly want to keep playing, even if the hotel is fully up and running, I hope more scenes get implemented because there's so much potential to continue. I could be happily wrong and the game might still have more to come though.

    Another masterpiece from Faerin, and he/she/they definitely outdid him/her/themselves this time!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v.0.8.2b. I found this game difficult to play in the beginning, but once you get to understand what is going on its a good game. The MC's mother acts as as giving hints, and if you follow those it helps a lot. The renders are good quality, and the story becomes interesting, and keeps you wanting to play to progress each character. The game is a bit grindy but tolerable. I have played a lot worse. I was glad there is a cheat mode to increase cash, however it does not need to be so lavish. The game is certainly worth playing.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The game starts out kind of slow, but once you get the first lewd scene, they start coming faster. So I'd say it is medium grinding.
    Running the hotel is actually fun to do.
    The only thing I don't like is having to Google what the guests want when they go to rooms. Like what drink has Whiskey in it or which massage is Hawaiian. Other than that, solid game.