Unity - Completed - Mystwood Manor [v1.1.2] [Faerin]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The good stuff:

    Great renders, great animations in sex scenes. Art is top-notch.

    The gameplay is surprisingly decent too. It's certainly nothing thats been done a thousand times before - its a very decent management sim on top of the h-content.

    And most importantly, the characters are well-written, and have their own character development and personalities.

    H-Scenes are pretty hot.

    The things that need improving:

    A better fast-forward system for content you've already seen. No need to wait out the entire quality bar animation, for example.

    The grind really messes up the pacing of the game. Strongly recommend downloading the cheat mod to improve the experience, or else the game will get quite monotonous for people with limited time.


    Finally, a post-game suggestion - after you clear each character's storylines, I suggest giving each girl some "reward scenes" where you can H them across multiple areas of the mansion. Not just rewatch previous scenes of the gallery, but actual reward scenes where you check on them during the day and fuck each other's brains out during their job shifts.

    The game is already very good in its current form but this would be an addition that would elevate the heat of the game and give us some fun reward scenes to watch while hunting the last few events and collectibles of the game. That extra degree of payoff is one of the things that would elevate the game above some of the best ones in f95.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    + nice model and animation
    + very polished, one of those games that set the standard for other H games
    + complete, again, not many of those around

    - grindy gameplay, and the payoff , whether it's the ero scenes, or story progression, is not worth it imo.

    More on gameplay: you operate a hotel, each guest gives you 2 currencies: one to buy cards, one to upgrade your hotel. The cards are used to buff your stats, but they are pretty boring, since they are all number modifiers (+5% here, +10% there, don't hope for any fun broken combos like in roguelite games). The hotel upgrades do more or less the same thing. The hotel staffs are your love interests. Each girl has 3 stats, which can only be raised by doing the corresponding activity, when there's a guest that partakes in that activity. In order to progress their story, you need to raise all 3 stats to the next level, which can be extra grindy in later levels.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has good H content, unique story, and passable gameplay, but it is just way too grindy. The dev even went out of their way to add cheats which helped a lot, but they either forgot to add cheats to let add skill levels to girls or I'm a dumbass. They also forgot to add cheats to let you unlock events with the girls too.

    At some point you gotta ask yourself: Who is this game for? Like, the H content is GREAT... but it takes to damn long to get to really be rewarding. So why is it even there? Surely it's not there to masturbate to right? Because if it was, surely it would be more conducive to doing so with?.. But no, that IS why it's there, the dev just never stopped and asked themselves that question: "who is this game for", and make a game for that person.

    Honestly the dev's abilities are amazing, both in art, animation, writing, and gameplay. This dev has all the skills needed to make 5 star games, it's just he's used them to create an experience that is lackluster overall, unfortunately. It's hard for me to recommend this game - You can't really use a save because you need to participate in the story to enjoy the content. I suppose the dev did add story mode, but he plasters this big "DO NOT PLAY THIS MODE, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I ADDED IT, YOU'RE LITERALLY A DUMBASS IF YOU PLAY IT" message all over it that really dissuades you from trying it... idk, maybe give it a go and tell the next guy if it's worth it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    My first time ever leaving a review here. I had played Faerin's previous game a while before this and played it as it's new versions came out. For this one, since I could tell it was gonna focus more on the gameplay and less on the "fun" stuff, i wanted to wait till it was final before I gave it a shot. Played through it the past few days and I do gotta say, the dev did stick to their guns that this was gonna be more of a game than a fap fest.

    The gameplay is decent enough for a management sim. Sure there's a bit of a grind but I've definitely dealt with worse. I think my main issue is that some of the later game areas (club and yoga studio come to mind) are sooooo much more expensive in proportion to the rest that kinda took away from the experience until I sat down and focused on grinding some of those out. Maybe I was just unlucky on getting some of the cards that would make it easier (looking at you, Builder).

    Renders are top notch which I was expecting, coming from MotH. Faerin has come a long way with models. Love all the girls, including the smaller bit characters. Wish there were a few more or at least more complex animations but won't fault the dev for it that too much, I know animations aren't their forte. The stills conveyed enough for me, just more of a personal preference thing. I like my moving bits lol.

    I think the thing that held me through the most was the story. I did like trying to figure out the mystery of Mystwood and learning each of the girl's backstories and personalities. Though Catalina did seem a bit weak in comparison to the other girls. Unsure if she was the last addition or it was just the fact it took so long for me to unlock her (see previous gripe about building the damn club), but her story seemed very meh in comparison to the other girls. Her and Annika both seemed a bit shallow and was mostly there for smexy fun times. But I did still like them, just not as much as the other girls.

    The ending was a great wrap up to all the mysteries in Mystwood. The epilogues, however, seemed rather pointless and I would have been more angry at them if I hadn't already spent the time to make sure I had everything before going into the ending so I could just see them back to back. If I had gone into the ending and only saw the first 2 epilogues, then went back and finished grinding out the love (though i was just like 2 or 3 scenes short with Catalina, again, club cost is absurd), Im sure I would have been more frustrated with the third epilogue and how lackluster it seemed.

    Overall I did still thoroughly enjoy this game. Decent enough gameplay to keep me engaged, good story, beautiful girls, though with a few bumps and bruises here and there. Looking forward to Faerin's next project.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Lord of Hentaiz

    + Good Renders

    = Decent Animations
    = Decent Plot/Setting

    - Boring ( gameplay )
    - Boring Character Development ( seducing women via a supernatural wingman becomes grating rather quickly as its the standard for this story )
    - Annoying Scene requirements

    Story mode will probably make this more bearable to play, though I can't will myself to try.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I regret but I couldn't enjoy myself.
    The game at the beginning seems ok, the story is not one of the greatest or better than the previous game but it's not that bad, a little bit. The game has a management that god damn it is a boring and exhausting grind to be played, without cheats I don't think it would even be worth playing. What happens is the following, it is a lot of work to be done to get little reward needed. The girls keep wearing short clothes but you are prevented from seeing them "working", the game doesn't give you the freedom to do that and everything follows through a line script. This is bad enough for any player, you have to do the objectives of each character to unlock a single scene, yes, a single scene that through this scene it is quite fast and you don't enjoy anything at that moment. So there's nothing you can have fun with, for example the MC having other sex scenes with the other girls other than in their rooms. All the sex scenes are across the rooms, there aren't many in other places, there are a few different scenes, in the kitchen, in the sauna, but it's just one or two and not more than three.

    The renders of the girls is something surprising, good but unfortunately the dev didn't know how to better explore the voyeurism and exhibitionism side because it's no use getting the level 5 reward and not being able to see the girls working "naked", by the way, I believed that they would work with shorter clothes and not naked, so for me it was a waste of time to have to grind and if strive to complete each task required during the game. It also makes no sense to think of something like this, could have done something more simplified, but it seems that the goal was a board format gameplay.

    Talking about the gameplay of this game, things didn't work out as the dev intended, you don't feel that things are happening satisfactorily but forcefully, it seems that you as a player don't have the freedom to be free to walk around the locations, to have an interaction with the characters, it's all by script lines, you visit a character in a location, you see a small scene that is added to the gallery and okay, back to managing the game. The scenes I can't help but comment, most of the sex scenes with the girls are repetitive, what I mean is they are practically the same positions. I didn't see the MC fuck a girl in doggystyle for example or fuck a girl standing up, it's only at the end of the game that you have some small scenes that seem to be rewarding, but for all the effort the player has put in, is it worth it?

    I don't want to let the dev down, because your other game that I haven't finished yet is better in many aspects, but I don't want to make comparisons, just say my opinion. I know how hard this can be, but I hope that in the future it will improve and evolve. Mystwood Manor could be a great game, many mechanics in my opinion ended up going wrong, the game is not an open word that should have been with that freedom of every rpg game and the game uses an rng that makes players pull their hair out of rage. I was disappointed, it could have been better.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like porn game that isn't solely focus on the sexual activity; choose the correct answer and just straight bang. I legit liked Resource Management-type game but the twist, that is porn. :D
    You got the sexual content a bit later after you improving your relationship with your employees and their skills.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm a sucker for good UI design and this game is a shining example how to create a nice looking AND functional UI. This is tied to the outstanding art design, the game is just a joy to look at. The visual style is both distinctive and pleasing.

    As for the gameplay, there are good foundations, but there's not enough depth. The game is fairly rigid when it comes to interactions with your staff and the hotel guests, which leads to a rather dull gameplay loop. Once you've figured it out, it's just the same stuff over and over again.

    The renders are very good, my only nitpick here is that some of the facial expressions look uncanny. But overall, the 3D work is solid. The story is quite intriguing, even though it starts with one of the worst tropes (daddy dies). Progression is completely linear, you unlock new events by meeting certain requirements. There are no branching paths, which is fine, but a bit boring. The main plot revolves around a mystery, I like it. The relationships with the characters could be a bit deeper, though.

    When it comes to upgrades and cards, there's also room for improvement. The staff traits are a great idea, but there aren't enough unique types of them. Most of them are small buffs. The whole guest mechanic could use trimming - especially the "pick the correct food" dialogue is silly and unnecessary.

    I love management games in general and I think that there aren't enough good ones out there. This game here shows lots of promise for the dev's future projects. He's got some serious talent. Even though I have criticized quite a few things, I really enjoyed playing the game!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, good gameplay even tho i don't really like management stuff i still enjoy the game. The only lacking is well repeatable content, once you basically corrupt all the girl, the game stop there and back to managing your hotel/manor, which is kinda boring on that state. Overall it's a good game definitely recommend to play the game and support the dev.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I am writing this evaluation on the fly.

    I have just finished the game and I have completed all the achievements.

    This game is an example to follow. Good models, decent animation, good progression, not too much grind (to a point), the story is dense without becoming incomprehensible. The characters make us want to go further in their stories and the dialogues are good! This game is a complete success for me.

    Only and small weak point, the animations. They are much better than the one of "Man of the hous" but they are not the best we have seen. The loops are often badly cut, and some animations are just recicled between two characters.

    That said... That doesn't take away from the fact that I had fun, and I had fun playing this game! I hope the developer will release a new masterclass like this one.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    His games aren't perfect but Faerin deserves full marks for making large games with beautiful women in a timely manner. Production values and polish of this game is pretty impressive and the fact he completed it in under 3 years while there's games on here that have been in development for twice as long and have only half the content is actually incredible.

    Faerin seems to favor sanboxy games that require you to put a lot of time in to unlock your lewd scenes. Some people like it, like me, others hate it. Fortunately, if you want to skip all that Man of the House had a built in cheat system and Mystwood has a storymode that trivilizes the gameplay aspect.

    Despite it's flaws, when it comes to western erotic games Faerin's games are definately amongst the greats. And once more I cannot overstate how incredible it is to have a developer that churns out these large projects out in a relatively short timeframe with a high degree of polish.

    TLDR : Good game, great porn and actually finished. One of the few games on here actually worth paying for.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders are really good, animations are fluid, all art in general is really great.
    Story is not a work of art but all that 'whodunnit' thing is well-handled.
    Women are sexy and all feel different.
    There isn't so much romance as I expected. What makes you get mom and sis for example is the lust that the fog couses. Not saying lust-based-get-the-girl story is bad but optinal romance-focused story would've been also good.
    Management part is fun but there is too much grinding. Story being not too great and lack of the variety of the lewd scenes does not make up the time you spend on grinding.
    It's a game definitely worth playing! Just needs a little patience.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be a reivew with bias, since I am a sucker for Faerin's games, eventhough I hate sandboxes in general.
    Story and characters are great, game mechanics really well done. The whole game is a gem. Visuals are even better than in the previous game. Yes,the grind is there, but it wouldn't be a Faerin game without it.
    My only critique are the sex scenes and this is something, that many devs fail at;
    Do secenes where reverse cowgirl or cowgril is impelmeneted, and viewed from the front or any pose, where the womans body is visible. Missionary where the guy completely covers the womans body is a huge issue. Sadly this is the case with one of the best women in this game as well. Luckily Amber, Annika got their good scenes, but Julia, Laura and Catalina were a huge letdown, Kay as well, but she was saved by the anal scene. Other than that this is a really good game and since the only critisized part is a personal preference of mine, I still give it five stars.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    For the scene, the model is sexy and beautiful. However, the scene is just too short. Always encounter the situation that when you get hard about the picture and the sex scene is overed.
    Another thing is that the gameplay is a bit boring. The experience of managing the manor was too emphasized. I may expect more interaction with the guest or the people from the town. Not just everyone becoming the worker and stay in the manor and wait for the MC to fuck. I would say this game is abit borer than the pervious one.
    But the game is not finish yet. I am looking forwards to play more side-story or cookies.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    There were some things that annoyed me like the constant panning shots and one room being locked until you progressed really far with one character which kind of defeated the purpose of progressing with the character before you got to see the outfit changes. I also don't like the model for the mom, just really gross to look at but of course the mom is always forced on you. A few other things but doesn't take away from the overall rating too much.
    You can tell a lot of work went into this and the renders (except for the weird forehead wrinkles and the mom) drastically improved from the dev's last game. Still, I think I liked the dev's last game better. It just had a certain "vibe" to it. Living in a penthouse in a city and upgrading yourself rather than managing a hotel.
    However, the story was actually interesting and well thought out with an actual ending. I just feel like at some point managing the hotel got in the way of enjoying the story and characters (or sometimes vice versa) rather than both elements working together.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Top game!
    As always, Monroe makes just unbelievable good games. Especially I like games with elements of management, which is definitely in this game. I'm really excited about the further progress and will be updated.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2553135

    Overall, a game with good gameplay and renders, but the story and characters are drastically lacking.

    The gameplay was fun. It was simple but still had some planning involved.
    Renders are good.

    The character's story is lacking. You talk to them -> meet them in a dream -> repeat most of the time. Their relationships do not build up in anyway.
    Needs to have more things to do. Cannot talk to employees or guests, and sex scenes are not repeatable in-game.
    More sex scenes (there is little for each character).
    Story is fine for a porn game, but it should really have been used more in a character's story.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are ready to invest a lot of time for few amazing then keep going. If not, stop it here.

    This game is a mix between management style games and porn games and to be honest, it is doing a good job at both. After some initials complains, the game was split in a pure porn game and a normal game, as envision by the developer. I only had patience to finish the porn game, minimum grinding and cheats activated and it took me around 6h, I can only image how longer
    it will take to play it properly.
    From the console page you know that it will be a great game. Very stilish choise, competing with real games out there. The music is chill and the room decoration is good. The renders and animations of sex is spot on.
    What I would have like to see more middle and late game is the chance to have a random sexy encounter with one of the girls, just to keep you pushing. It would have been nice if after you finished the main route of a girl you could have a random sex with her.

    The story is not very complex, but still engaging and lovely to follow. There were few elements that keep me engaged and wiling to unvail the mistery of Mystwood Manor. While playing there are also some funny moments, for example Micky and the way he start repairing some rooms. What the game does not really explain is why the fog make all the girls more hornier...
    A minus for me is the short ending and the lack of depth, compared to the developer previous game, here you grind, grind, grind to went to a blend ending where all girls want your dick in their pussy. Maybe I just wanted to give it to one or two !!?

    The interest girls get in MC is justified by the "naughty things the fog is doing". While most of them are somehow believable, as it is the case of Amber and Riley, I have to admit that the evolution of mother arc is a disapointment. The renders are good and the beauty of the girls is outstanding. The forehead is something that looks a bit weird and could be improved
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I am sure the game isn't for everyone with the grinding aspect of it.
    But, if you like this type of game, it is top quality.
    The quality of the programming and the UI is very high, the renders are great, animations very good.
    Quality wise, I don't think you can get much better than this. Gameplay and story, is subjective and it depends what you like and not like.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Mystwood Manor is a solid game. You are basically a manager of a hotel with hot women mixed with a little mystery in the story. The game features solid management mechanics and sex scenes.

    The only thing that holds the game back is the story. The story is satifactory for a porn game but it is on the lighter side. I also felt that the relationships you have with the girls do not intertwine with the game mechanics or the story with any relevancy or impact. This mistep is what holds it back from a 5 star title.

    Overall, the art and animations are good. And players that like management style games will thoroughly enjoy this title and it will please others as well. Mystwood Manor is another triumph for Faerin. Well done.