Ren'Py - Mythic Manor [v0.21] [Jikei]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.17

    Pros -
    Great Characters ( writing, diversity, and good looking ) even the side characters are very good.
    Neat setting.
    Great sex scenes and poses
    Has some of my favorite fetishes ( Milf, Impregnation, and Lactation )

    Meh -
    Has some scenes where the girls pee, not a fan but I can look pass it.
    The MC is meh look wise, you don't see him very often but still meh.
    Money is a bit of a grind to get

    Cons -
    Fanora. Don't like her.

    TLDR -
    Love it, Love all the characters minus Fanora, Love the setting. Great Game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely fantastic! It plays like a dating sim where you level up each character's relationship level by hanging out with them (seeing their scenes). Scenes have choices in them, but they more often than not just change the dialogue instead of affecting anything, which isn't a bad thing because you can get some really funny dialogue. You also can work to get money, work out at the gym, fish, etc.

    In terms of the characters, I really like Honey Select models so I found all of them to be gorgeous. They also have their own unique personalities and I love all of them, so much so that it's hard to pick my favorite! All of the main relationships have a bit of a slow build before getting to the sex, which I didn't mind at all, because I got to know these characters and wanted to romance them. There is lots of character development in here and I want to see even more, particularly for Nefari and Velle, as well as more backstories. Most of the sex scenes are animated and there's an in-game gallery that lets you rewatch everything, which is always a plus.

    There are tons of scenes so far: It took me around 15 hours to finish all of the content that is in the game right now (version 0.10.1). The focus so far seems to be for the main cast of characters because the side girls barely have any content and are pretty much just there. There's a bit of a grind to get money early on, but you can plan each game day easily enough to, for example, get some money in the morning and do a scene later on, or get a scene in the morning, work in the afternoon, and get another scene at night.

    Anywho, I had a ton of fun with this game and I hope the dev keeps up the great work!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed 0.10.1

    Really liked this game. Mythic Manor presents interesting characters, awesome scenes, great story/events as well as super intuitive UI. I actually picked up Mythic Manor because it reminded me of one the first games I played from F95Zone and it did not disappoint at all. Jikei seems to have the idea right here with focus on a manageable cast size with minor characters on the side to add variety and other kinks!

    Straight off the bat, Honey Select. Divisive yes. I love it yes! Beautiful girls here yes!! Hot H-scenes yes!!! One of the things that really put Mythic Manor apart from other games was just how well done the girls are. The main cast features girls of varying shapes and sizes as well as distinctive visuals to tell them apart. There is the imperfection of HS on display sometimes (shininess) but aside from that the models are just gorgeous. The H-scenes are really nice and really engaging and I hope to see more quality like this in the future. One of the highlights of the game. Some of the environments aren’t very appealing but it’s serviceable.

    Gameplay feels sandbox-y, play at your own pace and story events occur at your own pace too. Boiling it down to its core, the game is point and click with some dialogue choices which really don’t have a significant impact on future events. Navigation is really easy with the overworld map and the UI super intuitive, simply perfect for a game like this. One of the things I really want to point out is the Character Relationships Screen: it’s perfect, I didn’t even know I wanted something like this in a harem game but now I want it in all my games. It lists all the girls you have a relationship with along with some useful information about them and clicking on each girl reveals hints to advance their story is any can be made. I’ve never played a game with this feature and maybe it’s quite commonplace (I just wanted to praise it).

    The storyline for each character is also just as good. Each character comes to live under the same roof for different reasons and as you get to know them better you begin to learn why. Each character has a charm point which instantly grabs you and brings you along for the ride, such as Naira’s meekness, Velle’s assertiveness or Fanora’s cheerfulness. Their appearances combined with their personality really bring the characters to life and you can relate to them to a certain degree. Really amazing story telling.

    • Beautiful renders and excellent H-scenes, ANIMATIONS!
    • Simple and easy to pick up gameplay
    • Large cast of charming and adorable characters with great storylines
    • Scene gallery!
    • Character Relationships Screen
    • Environment feels lifeless
    • Label on girl’s doors so we can tell who lives where at a glance
    • Some areas are implemented without any events, please don’t tease us like this!
    • Keep up the awesome work Jikei!
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Doctor Fluffypants

    Easily one of the best you can find here in all aspects.Definitely worth playing.
    -Long amount of gameplay and you dont get bored even once ! (At least it was like that for me)
    -Beautiful and adorable characters that every single of them has unique personalities (I love Fanora and Naira most they re so precious <3)
    -Open world gameplay and even more is coming so we can say it ll get even better !
    -Hints made the gameplay easier so you wont get stuck somewhere dont worry
    -The characters dont suddenly jump onto your lap you gotta earn it but it s not like grinding there s so much fun spending time with them
    -You can shape MC to your liking well there s still some content yet to come so it s not that much but yeah your choices can matter
    -Great storytelling i dont remember finding a grammar error either !
    -Like i said there s still content yet to come so you cant examine every place or spend time with some other characters but being patient is important yeah !
    - More minigames !
  5. 5.00 star(s)



    +Alluring characters and designs
    +Good storytelling. You have the main girls' stories that are captivating, and then you have the side girls' stories which are very interesting
    +Good soundtracks
    +Most adult scenes are animated albeit some are 2-5fps animations.
    +Gameplay is well balanced
    +If you're looking for a well-deserved awaited wank, after investing time in story/characters playing, this game is for you


    You need a walkthrough to play the game. Some objectives need precise requirements to trigger
    -MC is like an old bread. Very stale and dry
    -If you're looking for a quick wank, this game isn't for you

    9/10 Main girls GTFO! Jade is best girl!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    * Great models
    * Gallery Mode
    * No grinding
    * Huge variety of fetishes(even stuff like pet play, breeding, breast expansion, lactation etc.)
    * Regular updates
    * Extra stuff like voyeur cams, wallpapers etc.

    * If you are looking for story this is not your game
    * You may need a walkthrough
    * It's about monster girls but there are only a handful of scenes of them in nonhuman form
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game for peeps who are into vanilla stuff.
    -All the girls are pretty good (Nefari best tho)
    -The leveling up system is also nice
    -Although the renders were not that great at the start as the game progressed it improved a lot 10/10 for that.
    -well, the story is not the best but it works.
    -would love to see more girls tho.
    -The only downside i can see is that the choice dont have any effect on the events they just don't matter at all.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    it could be better if the developer exploited the depth of the characters like their personality, past events and their love with MC. In the other hand,the graphic is amazing, though it is from honey select. The female characters are very lovely, I'm in love with them, especially Naira at first sight. Recommend for those who don't like NTR, because there is no NTR :D
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Characters have no depth and what they do have is mosly revolves in making them sexual objects.
    The choices have no consequences, act like smart assed bully or romantic and you get exactly same result.
    You can't defy or reject except by trying to avoid triggers and even then you will need to trigger a lot anyway as the triggers block triggers for other girls arcs. You can't put anyone in their place or make them accountable and quite honestly having to sit back while Velle molests, bullies and rapes Harem and MC. It is nothing but terribly written NTR. There is no way you would cover for her especially when MC has taken on Guardian role, regardless if you want to or not, for Fanora and Naira.
    The Character arcs are simple enough with a hint system that adequate though interface is clumsy and all over place. On other hand the quests are cumbersome, blocked repeatedly by time triggers and have very little reward progress at this stage....take over a month to open a safe only to got a locked PC, another locked chest, a broken pair binoculars and two pictures to look at, again finally open PC and its got nothing and two locked folders that still getting developed, fix binoculars nd just few dull scenes behind undeveloped content, second safe not developed. The story and quests so far behind the girls arcs I doubt there is ny real development strategy in place .

    The game has potential but as is with really only the girls arcs having any real progress while story is not getting developed (three months and not one person mentioned anything about Greg or his sudden departure, no one missing him or glad hes gone, not one event on your role as security monitor even though you start with external cam) but you have two side arcs with minor characters of cow and a dog getting thrown in that have not added anything, Its disorganised chaos with development run to whims rather than plans.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a fun game, enjoyable characters with a few different personality types represented. The girls are unique looking as well, one has a booty, a few are large breasted, a pair are younger with more moderate curves.

    A quality walkthrough is kept up to date for those that want it, there's a good in game gallery. An in game hint system too for those that didn't want the walkthrough.

    There's frequent enough updates it doesn't seem to be a money sponge, this is one that might finish someday down the road.

    A few small issues. The renders aren't the best (they are good though), I love the lactation concept I just wish it was executed a bit better. The weekend events aren't repeatable even though you have to make branching choices on them, everything else is 'See it all in one playthrough' (although in the gallery you may be able to go back and try the other). That's all minor things though.

    I definitely recommend this to play as harem games go.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has awesome models, with great renders and sex scenes. The girls are all very well thought out and have nice dialogue. The idea behind it is also very good, and it is currently receiving constant updates. 5/5
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, lots of content, girls are endearing. Waiting for more. Later animations are much better than the early ones.

    Yeah, the plot is somewhat linear at times but who wants to be flipping to a walkthrough constantly while they have their dick in hand?

    What kind of mythic is he?!?!?! I must know!
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Sigh, i really wanted to like this game, but it's just too boring.
    There is no progress or development anywhere in this game, no plot either, no gameplay, just nothing.

    1. That's the whole gameplay:
    -find a girl
    -you get a scene/wrong time, find her in the next time block
    2. Characters are total sluts from the beggining, i wouldn't mind it if not the fact that it takes away all the progression from the game.
    3. There is no plot in any shape or form, not even an illusion of it.
    4. YOUR CHOICES ARE COMPLETLY MEANINGLESS, they just slightly extend a scene.

    MC is painfully retarded and dosn't have his own will so you need to wait until a girl literally jumps on him for anything to happen.
    First 15-20 levels of affection are a filler, where you are told that the girl (it is basically the same for all of them) is a nympho but she is shy/she is your mom friend/she is inexperienced/some other excuse so she wont fuck with you on day 1.
    After level 15-20:
    Girl:"I'm shy/inexperienced/other excuse"
    MC:"Don't be /it doesn't bother me"
    Girl:"OMG i love you lets fuck"

    On the possitive side, the renders are good i guess?

    Edit: A year later there is a negative change and two positive positive changes:
    Negative - now there are 30 levels of affection, as before we had "i love you, fuck me" at level 20, the next 10 levels is just fucking around with nothing major happening. We get some background info about girls and that's all.
    Positive #1 - we get 10 more levels of fucking around and some background info about girls
    Positive #2 - side girls have some events now, their stories so far are short, but more interesting - basic premise is the same though, girls are sluts and act as if MC is the only man that visited this town in last 5 years, but are afraid that MC doesn't like sluts, meanwhile MC is too passive to make any move at all.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, it has a lot of different girls with different personalities. Each route is pretty fun to go through, but it is almost impossible to complete without using a walkthrough. Some of the events for each girl is a bit convoluted to do. It would also be pretty cool if in the completed game that a gallery is added.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    + Good variety of characters
    + Good amount of content

    - Very linear
    - No real incentive for exploration other than finding that one girl you currently have to meet at a different spot
    - From most what I've seen, rather vanilla. Don't take my word for it tho.
    - MC leveling feels irrelevant for the most part
    - Decisions are irrelevant from what I've seen.

    While most points listed are negative, it is a decent game tho.
    However, for the most part it plays like a linear visual novel without too much story branching, which I find rather boring.

    If you don't care about that aspect, the game is worth your time.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay : 5/5 sandbox mode. Can go back if you scroll. You trigger event when you solve the quest. Need points and money to progress.
    Story : 5/5 funny storyline.
    Girls : 5/5 specially Velle !
    Graphics : 3/5 lot of animations, but kind of bad compared to what we can see today. The only down side.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful storytelling.
    Easy to fall in love with the characters. They are really well written and fleshed out. Beautiful character designs. Esther is probably the sexiest character I have seen in these types of games.
    Lots of choices to make. Lots of avenues to go down.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Not sure why I hadn't reviewed this yet, been following this game since it's initial release...anyway, here goes.


    - great visuals
    - character development is strong, and emotions are played on pretty well
    - stories are rather linear, but nonetheless stimulating
    - no ntr
    - if you like harem games, this might be good for you


    - some bugs (very minor)
    - some stuff still incomplete (as of 0.9) so it's rather strange
    - not many options for diversification of routes (for protagonist)

    verdict: great game, play it, don't just take it from me
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    What can i say, this game is awesome interacting with the characters, the character designs and the story are in my opinion really fun i always say to myself that it would be great if this was the full game but i understand it takes time and money to make games that is a fact. My question to you people reading this review is, have you played it yet and did you enjoy it. instead of reading this review why don't you make your own opinion of the game
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Cool game. The lack of content is obvious and there aren't a lot of things to interact with. Hope they keep adding content, this one has a bright future ahead if the developers do that. Otherwise, you may just skipit for now.