
Jan 4, 2019
ok, i'm REALLY not liking the fact that some of the things that should very clearly be choices are randomized through the cards.

the festival of flowers is a particularly big offender to this, as theirs several competitions, some of which use skills i haven't had time to train at all.
and its RANDOMIZED instead of choosing the competition that features the skills that you know...SKILLED AT, you get one at random
through the cards
with no prior knowledge that this is going to happen.

this just irks me, what kind of thought process leads to this? who would actively participate in a field that they KNOW they are woefully unprepared for?


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
the game saves to 2 locations:
NakedAmbition-0.0-pc\game\saves and C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\NakeAmbition-1561938254

in order to save and load manually just copy the 2 sets of save files somewhere else to save and copy them back to the save directories to load.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
Well, actually it looks very similar to Princess Maker and Long Love the Princess. But, like, I enjoy both of those games. If someone wants to make a game that's just Princess Maker but with more porn and some minor changes to mechanics, I'm down. They were ripe for being used as inspiration. If you're gonna steal, steal well.


Dec 20, 2017
kind of hurts me seeing the princess fucking shit up and i just cant do anything, i just miss save game jesus and like i just dont know what to do fuck me


New Member
Jan 26, 2020
An interesting thing ya got here but the randomness threw me off when replaying, really wanna see more from this.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
I like the throwback graphics and animation. The story overall seems pretty good too, but the bad luck with card draws feels kinda bad. But my main concern is that having a bad day with repeatedly failing tests will hurt in the long run.
In order to do a roguelike right, even the failure states must be thoroughly entertaining, like a game of Arkham Horror. That is if we define 'failure' as defeat. A tragedy with a bad end ought to be as good as any ordinary happy ending.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
ok, i'm REALLY not liking the fact that some of the things that should very clearly be choices are randomized through the cards.

the festival of flowers is a particularly big offender to this, as theirs several competitions, some of which use skills i haven't had time to train at all.
and its RANDOMIZED instead of choosing the competition that features the skills that you know...SKILLED AT, you get one at random
through the cards
with no prior knowledge that this is going to happen.

this just irks me, what kind of thought process leads to this? who would actively participate in a field that they KNOW they are woefully unprepared for?
Actually it's not as random as you think. If you click on the compass-y thing in the bottom right you will pull up a schedule of who you are meeting that week plus which festivals are happening. If you click on the silhouette button you will pull up a list of all the political figures whose favour you have to gather and which emotions they prize. And when you make your decisions on what skills to learn every week, you can see which skills each of the characters want to see in a ruler.

So once you know what happens during those events and meetings with characters you can already sort of plan for it in advance. The biggest random element are the emotion cards, but even if you fail one it doesn't always mean a bad thing. For example, I might want to see where the story goes when you let the heretics into the country, even though it pisses off the inquisitor.


Jan 4, 2019
Actually it's not as random as you think. If you click on the compass-y thing in the bottom right you will pull up a schedule of who you are meeting that week plus which festivals are happening. If you click on the silhouette button you will pull up a list of all the political figures whose favour you have to gather and which emotions they prize. And when you make your decisions on what skills to learn every week, you can see which skills each of the characters want to see in a ruler.

So once you know what happens during those events and meetings with characters you can already sort of plan for it in advance. The biggest random element are the emotion cards, but even if you fail one it doesn't always mean a bad thing. For example, I might want to see where the story goes when you let the heretics into the country, even though it pisses off the inquisitor.
that is a MAJOR issue, you should not need to go through the game once to know what happens, THEN plan for it.
that is bad design, if you can only plan for something after it has already happened, leaving you having to just GUESS on your first plathrough, then something terribly wrong has just occurred.

i should not have to take notes on stats and events, i already knew about the schedule, but it not only doesn't always help, but sometimes, stats checks don't come in at all.
this shouldn't be a crash course guessing game during your first run through where you have to plan for everything the second time, something needs to be done so you know what to prepare for.

they did this once for the ball, that's it, even then, their were unmentioned checks that showed up that i could not have prepared for unless i randomly decided to deviate from the advice i was given.

the emotion cards come up way too many times, in places they REALLY shouldn't.
And in general,gameplay loop is a train wreck.

i know its stupid to judge a porn game by real game standards, but i don't find that to be an excuse.


Mar 16, 2018
i know its stupid to judge a porn game by real game standards, but i don't find that to be an excuse.
I don't think it's stupid. Porn games should aspire to be good games in general on top of having smut. Hell they should aspire to merge gameplay and lewd together in a way that makes sense and makes doing lewd things or not lewd things an important decision.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Every time I've gone back to try to get it, Amelia is the one to talk after Collette enters the ball. I guess I have to fail the red check right before going into the ball. That's a hard one to do, with a 2.5% of making that fail.
Managed to do it, but it is not implemented yet (it doesn't actually do a check, it just shows the UI indicating you will need 3 red cards to pass the check when one is added) I suspect it will be a possible secret early ending, given that the odds of pulling it off are so abysmally tiny:

50% chance to not pull a yellow when first talking with Adelin x 8% chance to not pull a red before the ball while having 3 reds in your deck x 8% chance to pull all 3 reds while talking with Evette = 0.3% chance of actually pulling it off in a run.

Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
that is a MAJOR issue, you should not need to go through the game once to know what happens, THEN plan for it.
that is bad design, if you can only plan for something after it has already happened, leaving you having to just GUESS on your first plathrough, then something terribly wrong has just occurred.

this shouldn't be a crash course guessing game during your first run through where you have to plan for everything the second time, something needs to be done so you know what to prepare for.
You can't plan for things you don't know exist, this is how all rougelikes work. Meta game knowledge is a key part of getting better at the game. In games like Slay the Spire of Binding of Isaac, the first time you encounter an enemy you're likely to do badly, as you're not aware of their patterns and what they can do. Same thing with Naked Ambition. The first time you see Evette coming up, you don't know what she can do besides vague ideas about what skills she likes and what signs she favors. So you'll probably fail but you'll learn and do better next time.

This game is meant to be played dozens and dozens of times. Once the game is finished even if you're perfect you'll have to play it over 35 times to get all the endings. You play the game, fuck up, play again, get better and fuck up less.


Jan 4, 2019
You can't plan for things you don't know exist, this is how all rougelikes work. Meta game knowledge is a key part of getting better at the game. In games like Slay the Spire of Binding of Isaac, the first time you encounter an enemy you're likely to do badly, as you're not aware of their patterns and what they can do. Same thing with Naked Ambition. The first time you see Evette coming up, you don't know what she can do besides vague ideas about what skills she likes and what signs she favors. So you'll probably fail but you'll learn and do better next time.

This game is meant to be played dozens and dozens of times. Once the game is finished even if you're perfect you'll have to play it over 35 times to get all the endings. You play the game, fuck up, play again, get better and fuck up less.
(just a warning to everyone, a rant is coming, because when it comes to game mechanics, i get heated, since i get sensitive about a field i actively work in and try to perfect, so i suggest you ignore this conversation unless you wan't to watch a game developer in training tell another game developer why game mechanics don't make sense.)

except this isn't something anyone would really consider a rogue-like.
A rogue like can still be overcome on your first try by a skilled player, the first time i picked up binding of issac, i had played plenty of other games like it and managed to get farther than most, it shouldn't be easy, but you shouldn't be slamming your face against a brick wall until the stars magically align, a rogue-like
is skill AS WELL as luck, this is just luck and clairvoyance.

a scheduling trainer game is not a rogue-like, rogue likes also don't have long, drawn out runs, in a rogue like
you die and restart very VERY fast.
you die and are already on a new run, you aren't bothered by the loss and can keep doing new runs without difficulty.

90% of rogue likes don't require a time investment, even FTL, one of the only ones that have runs drag on, doesn't dwell on failure and doesn't make consequences feel permanent.

this, is a trainer game, one that drags on
for a long time
with long lasting consequences

it cannot afford to be randomized, it needs hard rules and the player needs to know what they're dealing with on the first go, besides that, the places where it is randomized are FUCKING insane, things that should be player choices are card-based randomization.
which, again, makes no fucking sense, i will not let that point slide, i am still infuriated by that because it is so incredibly stupid, that it made me quit in frustration because it was so idiotic that the princess can choose to participate in something which she has done no training in.

i did not think a porn game, something people play to RELIVE frustration, could have such dreadful mechanics that it makes me shut the game down to take time to comprehend such poor decision making.

i understand building a game isn't easy, i get it, i made one myself and it was hell for a while, but with how much you have to play test these things, at some point, you need to think 'this event involves several possible paths to participate in, with a good chance that a majority of which does not work in the player's favor because they've been leaning on a small number of skills up to this point
maybe, i should let them choose whatever event involves the skills they've invested in, rather than drawing cards and making the protagonist possibly participate in something the player put no investment into.'
Especially if events are randomized, and these events can come in EARLY into the game.

(P.S, i talk allot of shit, but the game isn't actually terrible, i am just REALLY focusing on the negative parts because its the only way to get the message across, if people don't tear games new assholes, developers will never learn, this became obvious around the time one angry internet man in a fedora influenced the entire gaming industry into being less shit by swearing at it.)


Mar 16, 2018
You can't plan for things you don't know exist, this is how all rougelikes work. Meta game knowledge is a key part of getting better at the game. In games like Slay the Spire of Binding of Isaac, the first time you encounter an enemy you're likely to do badly, as you're not aware of their patterns and what they can do. Same thing with Naked Ambition. The first time you see Evette coming up, you don't know what she can do besides vague ideas about what skills she likes and what signs she favors. So you'll probably fail but you'll learn and do better next time.

This game is meant to be played dozens and dozens of times. Once the game is finished even if you're perfect you'll have to play it over 35 times to get all the endings. You play the game, fuck up, play again, get better and fuck up less.
I've been thinking this over and am late to the rant party, but I think I'm a bit of a softer take.

I think the problem is that people aren't feeling like their meta-knowledge is doing them much good because they have very little ability to apply it with RNG being as strong as it is in the game and the player having very little control over what their Princess does. We are told we should focus on a set of advisors, but we have no control over the schedule we have for meeting with them, which conflicts greatly with fixed events. This problem is compounded by the first three weeks, whilst admittedly doing a fantastic job at showing you how fucked you are for having basically started out from nothing, makes it hell for future planning. No amount of skill or perfect play will matter if your 5 card draw doesn't match with your desire to or not to take a route, the only recovery there is is a "plan b". This is best demonstrated by the rather early game event of the flower festival being based off of some sort of check of cumulative emotions instead of your best skills like a remotely sensible person.

If you make the flower festival (and any other events that make a similar check as a gate to a set of different skill challenges) something that actually responds to the player's skill building choices and give the player the choice of what councilmember they meet that week, I think you'd basically fix the issue. Though some limited way of forcing a sign check to go the way the player wants would be massive help as well. My suggested ways for that would be either be some pool of tokens to force checks with limited/no way(s) of regaining more charges, a fat increase to something like reliance, or outright making the player spend the sign card being checked.

Apollo Seven

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 15, 2018
I don't really agree with anything you wrote, except for the flower festival part. That's actually changing in the next update. I think it's pretty funny for the princess to go drink tea while being trained as a fencing master, but it's obviously not landing. The game isn't for you I guess. Anyway, I'm not here to get into an argument with you. Just telling you what the design is designed to do. It's not really a trainer game, it's a rougelike with a lot of text
Last edited:


Feb 18, 2018
Although I liked it overall, I gotta agree that cards need more interactivity. Maybe limited rerolls per week or maybe more special property cards that always get drawn or transform into different type depending on circumstances or some such. The game simply doesn't have enough card checks and routes for the averages to work out - at the current number of events and paths rngesus can very easily ruin your playthrough by not delivering the cards you've heavily focused on in several key checks that lock out appropriately-themed events.

I mean, even in roguelikes, Game Overs happening regardless of player's actions (rather than because or in spite of them) is usually undesirable. Replayability of the game is when you go back to it to get different outcomes by trying different things, not when you have to do the exact same thing multiple times before it works as intended - that's just unresponsive UI.


Sep 19, 2017

  • Art style is nostalgic of old school pixel art. Personally I love it.
  • Writing style looks pretty good, using proper syntax and such. There are some errors, but not common enough to distract.
  • The writing though shows a few problems. A few things in the introduction break my immersion, specifically some characters don't act natural. Nothing horrible, but it's worth noting.
  • HUGE warning sign. No manual save feature.
  • Gameplay loop feels random, and the lack of saving means no save scum. Meaning if you get bad luck drawing your cards you are fucked.
  • Sex scenes with animations were nice, but the writing for them were hallow. More description of the events of the sex would be nice.
  • Not that many sex scenes but it's early.

Pretty good for what it is. Note this thing NEEDS manual saves. I'm at a 3/5, if you added manual saves this is a strong 4/5. With more sex scenes with more descriptive writing this could move into a 5 territory... Once again only if there are manual saves.
4.30 star(s) 64 Votes