Note that the chances of something happening to her is correlated to her stats/current hp. Basically whenever she is low hp she will asnwer u she got her butt kicked/is hurt, will search for item to heal or stop at a recovering room. Any time she sleeps, her hp slowly goes back up ti'll max. For nothing to happen, just make sure to keep her hp at cap so she never stops and let the guy do anything. If u are just for the ntr(what is the theme and objetive of this game), use a cheat from MZ/manager to lower her hp effectively forcing her to use the rooms. Also put high end cams on all rooms and watch events as she is slowly corrupted and taken in the city with higher amount of events happening on dungeon. If u protect her well on dungeons and answer her whenever she "calls" u with a interest or a !, then she will be kept for MC ti'll the end, and u won't get many scenes anyway.
You kill 95% or more of the chance of events happening just by changing her overall stats to max, so she never needs sleep/gets low enough hp to decide doing it. So, if she never stops in any room, guy won't ever start events and only NTR chances are as i said, outside when u don't answer her calls/rush to her spot.