
Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I can see there seems to be some people still confused as to how a medieval, male dominated society works. If you wish to play Nephilim with your 2024 morals of a modern day earth, you're free to do so, but expecting it to apply in the lore and story taking place here is downright silly.

There is no such thing as male cheating in Nephilim. A man single or married can take multiple wifes, mistresses, lovers, concubines or whatever else suits him and some women accept it as its the way its always been for them, some of the women may not like it but will still accept it as that's how their society works.

If you're on multiple girls path, the girls will not be yapping on and on about them all being in love with the player in front of each other as they feel that will just cause tension and jealousy. Sometimes a couple of the girls will address their feelings with each other but it will be far from the norm as they mostly prefer to just not think about it.

You can call it cheating, man-whoring, harem, call it pluto if that makes you happy, but that's the how the setting for Nephilim's human society works. If you wish to stay loyal to one girl, do so. If you wish to enjoy the company of all the heroines, do so.

/rant over
That's not a very good argument, Buu. First, because you should expect your players to bring their 2024 morals to the story. We're playing it 2024, right? If you want us to apply a different lens to the events in game, it's up to you to establish that perspective within the game itself, not in a rant on a third-party forum. We've had plenty of time to show that polygamy and affairs are commonplace or that women recognize their lot as second class, but I can't recall any instances of that.

If anything, the impressions we get are the opposite. Kelly's mom was eager to defy her husband so that Kelly could live her own life. King Bennen has only a single (female) heir and (AFAWK) never took additional concubines/wives to supplement that, nor does he consider taking a second wife as an alternate means of securing the kingdom. Queen Merida pontificates at great length how disappointed she was when her 'fairy tale' marriage turns out to be less than romantic, which strongly implies love and devotion are the ideals people espouse publicly - even if reality falls short of the ideal.

Second, on every other subject, the behavior of almost every character in the game is thoroughly modern. Women may join - and even lead - guilds without issue. The King is eager to dispense with formalities when meeting with the MC. No one bats an eye when the Queen entertains a male stranger in her bedchamber. That isn't how medieval society worked, either. Combine these discrepancies with literal magic and non-human races and I frankly see no reason why we would guess society in Nephilim isn't just as egalitarian as our own, to say nothing of it being dramatically less so.

Basically, if you want the MC to play the field without coming of as a cad, you need to do a better job establishing the norm.


Game Developer
Jun 30, 2022
That's not a very good argument, Buu. First, because you should expect your players to bring their 2024 morals to the story. We're playing it 2024, right? If you want us to apply a different lens to the events in game, it's up to you to establish that perspective within the game itself, not in a rant on a third-party forum. We've had plenty of time to show that polygamy and affairs are commonplace or that women recognize their lot as second class, but I can't recall any instances of that.

If anything, the impressions we get are the opposite. Kelly's mom was eager to defy her husband so that Kelly could live her own life. King Bennen has only a single (female) heir and (AFAWK) never took additional concubines/wives to supplement that, nor does he consider taking a second wife as an alternate means of securing the kingdom. Queen Merida pontificates at great length how disappointed she was when her 'fairy tale' marriage turns out to be less than romantic, which strongly implies love and devotion are the ideals people espouse publicly - even if reality falls short of the ideal.

Second, on every other subject, the behavior of almost every character in the game is thoroughly modern. Women may join - and even lead - guilds without issue. The King is eager to dispense with formalities when meeting with the MC. No one bats an eye when the Queen entertains a male stranger in her bedchamber. That isn't how medieval society worked, either. Combine these discrepancies with literal magic and non-human races and I frankly see no reason why we would guess society in Nephilim isn't just as egalitarian as our own, to say nothing of it being dramatically less so.

Basically, if you want the MC to play the field without coming of as a cad, you need to do a better job establishing the norm.
I wholeheartedly disagree. I guess we'll have to leave it at that.


Aug 18, 2020
I wholeheartedly disagree. I guess we'll have to leave it at that.
[/QUOTE Someone seems to have not noticed this is not a medieval game, but a fantasy game. Don't really seem to remember anything about Nephilim's, Fairy's or people openly using magic in my reading of history. Liking what you are doing and guess fantasy morals apply which are decided by you as the developer. If it was truly medieval half the cast would be burnt at the stake.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2021
That's not a very good argument, Buu. First, because you should expect your players to bring their 2024 morals to the story. We're playing it 2024, right? If you want us to apply a different lens to the events in game, it's up to you to establish that perspective within the game itself, not in a rant on a third-party forum. We've had plenty of time to show that polygamy and affairs are commonplace or that women recognize their lot as second class, but I can't recall any instances of that.

If anything, the impressions we get are the opposite. Kelly's mom was eager to defy her husband so that Kelly could live her own life. King Bennen has only a single (female) heir and (AFAWK) never took additional concubines/wives to supplement that, nor does he consider taking a second wife as an alternate means of securing the kingdom. Queen Merida pontificates at great length how disappointed she was when her 'fairy tale' marriage turns out to be less than romantic, which strongly implies love and devotion are the ideals people espouse publicly - even if reality falls short of the ideal.

Second, on every other subject, the behavior of almost every character in the game is thoroughly modern. Women may join - and even lead - guilds without issue. The King is eager to dispense with formalities when meeting with the MC. No one bats an eye when the Queen entertains a male stranger in her bedchamber. That isn't how medieval society worked, either. Combine these discrepancies with literal magic and non-human races and I frankly see no reason why we would guess society in Nephilim isn't just as egalitarian as our own, to say nothing of it being dramatically less so.

Basically, if you want the MC to play the field without coming of as a cad, you need to do a better job establishing the norm.
Based take. And i agree with all of it. On top of that, directly after you pick the Harem option during the talk with Borri, you lose a trust point with him and he explicitly tells you that "Entertaining multiple women never ends well" and to "follow your heart to find the one for you cuz that´s the most pure and intense emotion you´ll ever feel ".

That doesn´t sound like polygamy is the norm in this universe, but whatever :rolleyes: The dev "wholeheartedly disagrees" without a counter argument so all the points you brought up have to be wrong :whistle::coffee:

Whatever.... still like the game even with those logic errors :devilish:


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
This is how I see the whole harem thing or whatever is im somewhere in the middle where I agree both with Buu and the people that have an issue with it. As I do think it should of been showcased alot earlier in the story as Eliza's dialogue / her thougths does feel like it kind of go against the whole it's normal for men to have more than one partner in their society. As well as it does feel a bit weird for the MC to sleep around with how in love he is with Eliza and some of the things he says to her. As well what Borri tells the MC if you pick the harem option.

The thing is those are her thoughts but she doesn't know the MC is sleeping around. Which is why I think Buu is planning and having Alice and Eliza have some kind of conversation. To show how she is fine with it and isn't a big deal and doesn't mind sharing despite that was her thoughts with Selena. I think why Eliza never showed any concern with Alice even tho she should of worried about Alice more than Selena if this was a modern society . Simply because Alice was a childhood friend and always acted kind and innocent and not coming onto the MC while clearly Alice is in love with him which I assume Eliza could tell. While Selena came onto the MC strong before ever getting to know her or the MC and she just never liked the way she acted.

As well we only have a small sample size to compare to. Only one where Eliza is jealous and one she is not until the pirates show back up or someone else comes into play it's hard for me to say Eliza has a problem with sharing or not and it goes against what were told what the norm is for their society until we do. As I think even in such a society probably normal to not like or feel jealous of 1 or 2 partners here and there. As well Eliza never did or said anything to Selena or the MC on how she doesnt want to share or is jealous. Since I think actions matter more than personal thoughts cause it's easy to have personal thoughts that go against something but still accept it with your actions.

Anyways that's my thoughts on the whole thing. I see issues but I don't see enough of an issue to disagree with what Buu as told us either.
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Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
This is how I see the whole harem thing or whatever is im somewhere in the middle where I agree both with Buu and the people that have an issue with it. As I do think it should of been showcased alot earlier in the story as Eliza's dialogue / her thougths does feel like it kind of go against the whole it's normal for men to have more than one partner in their society. As well as it does feel a bit weird for the MC to sleep around with how in love he is with Eliza and some of the things he says to her. As well what Borri tells the MC if you pick the harem option.

The thing is those are her thoughts but she doesn't know the MC is sleeping around. Which is why I think Buu is planning and having Alice and Eliza have some kind of conversation. To show how she is fine with it and isn't a big deal and doesn't mind sharing despite that was her thoughts with Selena. I think why Eliza never showed any concern with Alice even tho she should of worried about Alice more than Selena if this was a modern society . Simply because Alice was a childhood friend and always acted kind and innocent and not coming onto the MC while clearly Alice is in love with him which I assume Eliza could tell. While Selena came onto the MC strong before ever getting to know her or the MC and she just never liked the way she acted.

As well we only have a small sample size to compare to. Only one where Eliza is jealous and one she is not until the pirates show back up or someone else comes into play it's hard for me to say Eliza has a problem with sharing or not and it goes against what were told what the norm is for their society until we do. As I think even in such a society probably normal to not like or feel jealous of 1 or 2 partners here and there. As well Eliza never did or said anything to Selena or the MC on how she doesnt want to share or is jealous. Since I think actions matter more than personal thoughts cause it's easy to have personal thoughts that go against something but still accept it with your actions.

Anyways that's my thoughts on the whole thing. I see issues but I don't see enough of an issue to disagree with what Buu as told us either.
Good points Dessolos as always.

For me, the MC is a Nephilim, and as a Nephilim, he doesn't necessarily act or think like 'normal' people. Its a fantasy world so BUU can build it the way he likes it, it doesn't have to suit 24th century norms or even medieval norms, that is the beauty of fantasy worlds and the danger of fantasy worlds. Its a fine line. Its BUU's world and he is building it with his vision. Readers don't have to like it and we are free to walk away as I nearly did with the Eliza-vampire thing. I didn't want to see one of my fav characters become a heartless killer. It wasn't for me, but now we have a choice.

In saying that, I'm not a fan of cheating in most scenarios. The MC being a Nephilim who does act differently, will have to come face to face with how the 'normal' world works and/or how Eliza sees their relationship, that is yet to come in the game. So for now, the MC is doing his thing and I'm interested to see how that plays out.
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Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2021
I'm betting not a single LI will give up her place in the harem for any reason whatsoever - unless MC sends her packin'. Any takers?


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2022
That's not a very good argument, Buu. First, because you should expect your players to bring their 2024 morals to the story. We're playing it 2024, right? If you want us to apply a different lens to the events in game, it's up to you to establish that perspective within the game itself, not in a rant on a third-party forum. We've had plenty of time to show that polygamy and affairs are commonplace or that women recognize their lot as second class, but I can't recall any instances of that.

If anything, the impressions we get are the opposite. Kelly's mom was eager to defy her husband so that Kelly could live her own life. King Bennen has only a single (female) heir and (AFAWK) never took additional concubines/wives to supplement that, nor does he consider taking a second wife as an alternate means of securing the kingdom. Queen Merida pontificates at great length how disappointed she was when her 'fairy tale' marriage turns out to be less than romantic, which strongly implies love and devotion are the ideals people espouse publicly - even if reality falls short of the ideal.

Second, on every other subject, the behavior of almost every character in the game is thoroughly modern. Women may join - and even lead - guilds without issue. The King is eager to dispense with formalities when meeting with the MC. No one bats an eye when the Queen entertains a male stranger in her bedchamber. That isn't how medieval society worked, either. Combine these discrepancies with literal magic and non-human races and I frankly see no reason why we would guess society in Nephilim isn't just as egalitarian as our own, to say nothing of it being dramatically less so.

Basically, if you want the MC to play the field without coming of as a cad, you need to do a better job establishing the norm.
I agree with everything but Bennen, im pretty sure he's gay? Thats the only reason i can see why he only had sex with his wife once for specificly one heir :WeSmart:
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
As well we only have a small sample size to compare to. Only one where Eliza is jealous and one she is not until the pirates show back up or someone else comes into play it's hard for me to say Eliza has a problem with sharing or not
To be fair... Eliza was jealous of a couple other girls. One statement she made was pretty telling...
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I agree with everything but Bennen, im pretty sure he's gay? Thats the only reason i can see why he only had sex with his wife once for specificly one heir :WeSmart:
I thought the queen admitted that.. Their marriage was just a cover for him being gay. I'd have to go back and replay that scene to be sure.


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
yeah that's my favorite way to play nice and calm then scorched Earth when it comes to Eliza lol.
Anybody else on Light path feeling like they may have to break rank and pick the Dark choice when it comes to Taron?

I don't think I've hated a VN character this much since Acting Lessons.


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
I'm betting not a single LI will give up her place in the harem for any reason whatsoever - unless MC sends her packin'. Any takers?
No way I'm betting against that! Even sending them packing will probably still feel like a harem based on the way Kira's courtship played out.

I agree with everything but Bennen, im pretty sure he's gay? Thats the only reason i can see why he only had sex with his wife once for specificly one heir :WeSmart:
Yeah, the game is pretty clear Bennen was desperate to quash rumors about his homosexuality. But my point is that I still find that explanation inconsistent with the world Buu alleges. How effective a beard can a single wife (who produced a single female heir) be if promiscuity is the accepted birthright of all men (much less a king)? I'd think it would take something more akin to Christian Bale-as-Bruce Wayne antics to ward off suspicion in such a hyper-masculine world.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Good points Dessolos as always.

For me, the MC is a Nephilim, and as a Nephilim, he doesn't necessarily act or think like 'normal' people. Its a fantasy world so BUU can build it the way he likes it, it doesn't have to suit 24th century norms or even medieval norms, that is the beauty of fantasy worlds and the danger of fantasy worlds. Its a fine line. Its BUU's world and he is building it with his vision. Readers don't have to like it and we are free to walk away as I nearly did with the Eliza-vampire thing. I didn't want to see one of my fav characters become a heartless killer. It wasn't for me, but now we have a choice.

In saying that, I'm not a fan of cheating in most scenarios. The MC being a Nephilim who does act differently, will have to come face to face with how the 'normal' world works and/or how Eliza sees their relationship, that is yet to come in the game. So for now, the MC is doing his thing and I'm interested to see how that plays out.
I'll tell you how it ends Grumpy the girls find out about the mc banging all of them and after an update or two they are all fine with it that's how harems work.
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Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
I'll tell you how it ends Grumpy the girls find out about the mc banging all of them and after an update or two they are all fine with it that's how harems work.
True, but I'm still interested in the journey to get there. Its the journey not the destination my perverted friend.
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Jun 18, 2022
I love romance, but don't you think you're overdoing it a bit? They're making love all the time, like teenage new lovers.
They even made love the whole time since version 3.0.


Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
Nope, the more wholesome moments - the merrier:sneaky:
same here I could play an entire AVN from start to finish if there was no sex if it was wholesome as fuck. There are some games out there I love all the wholesome moments to the point I could careless about anything else but that with those character even tho I do want my MC to have sex eventually cause of their slow burn nature.
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Apr 13, 2023
finished 0.4.1, and it was very good. I was one of those that HATED what happened to Eliza... so much so that I almost did not download this update. However the dev said he was going to give Eliza a choice with the barmaid... so I played and yep there is a choice now. And through the story Eliza is still the sweet girl I really like, and by the end of the update I feel pretty good about the direction now.

So thanks dev for not ruining one of the best female characters. And on another note.... I hope the Harem thing works out because my MC has been fucking every girl :)

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