I mostly agree with this and I may just postpone putting any review up for awhile - just to give Buu a chance to get back on track. The concept for the story is good. The elements of the story that are good is MC's relationship with Eliza, MC and Eliza (together) seeking revenge against Taron, and MC's semi-secret origin (who/what he is). And that's all, any deviation from those elements and the game gets weaker. A bit of comic relief or a small side quest is fine but Buu seems to be spending more and more time away from the only elements of the story that work.
If I wrote the review right now, the art would be a strong A-/B+ ... somewhere in there. The story would be a D - good concept but weak execution and the Characters would be a C (thanks to Eliza ... without whom ... D ... possibly an F) .. which would put the overall score at about a C - which is going to impress no one, so maybe I just hold off and see if it gets better later next year? IDK