I understand.
As stated in the post over on my profile though, the thing that made me fall out of love with the games was feeling like I needed to put content out every month, things felt rushed and unrefined, and I wasn't happy with that. This time I'll be working at my own pace and making everything to the quality that I'm happy with putting out
That's understandable & honestly, that's why I ALWAYS advise aspiring creators to make sure you FINISH at LEAST your first game before you even post the 0.1 of it, That way, in the gaps between releases of the already completed project, you can take your time working on the next project & only have to worry about bug fixes and such or minor changes to the one currently being released. That way, you're able to consistently deliver while also giving yourself breathing room to work at your own pace.
Anyway, regardless, you do have to understand that
Kame-Sennin's feelings on the matter are much the same as most potential supporters out there when it comes to creators with a track record of game abandonment. So honestly, at least from a support perspective, the best thing you could do for yourself right now is FINISH what you ALREADY started, and THEN move on to something new. If you finish these games first, it will tell the community that you're serious this time & more people might be inclined to support you. Otherwise, people will just assume you're flaky, flighty & will just abandon this new game once you get bored or don't get the desired amount of support, etc...
Now that doesn't mean that you have to spend months grinding them out as originally intended, there's enough content in this game to where you can spend maybe 2 day cycles wrapping everything up. I mean realistically, you're 2/3rds, if not 3/4ths of the way to a completed game here as it is. Just wrap it all up & it can have the completed tag instead of abandoned. Do the same with your first game too & that will net you SIGNIFICANTLY more supporters.
& to be clear, I'm not telling you to do so because I want more of THIS game. No offense, but I'm not really a fan of this one. The MC & half the characters, (the nerdy classmate, the principal, his cousin, etc...) I want to renovate their skull with a cinder block, the rest are hapless victims. The renders are fine, the game mechanics are fine, but the characters & plot are notably sub par, (& THOSE are the things that I personally care about), so I'm perfectly fine with this game remaining as is, I'm just talking from a business sense. Having 2 completed games makes people more inclined to support you, while abandoned games has the polar opposite effect. Frankly, leaving these games abandoned is just financial self sabotage & only further supports the speculation that your new game will just wind up as just another incomplete game on the pile.