4.30 star(s) 91 Votes


Aug 24, 2019
nobody is bashing the dev, nor whining. i don't understand why peoples giving their opinions on the game make you react that strongly. secondly why would joining patreon be your answer? the dev is literally on this forum, peoples can talk to him here.
Plus not everyone has money to just throw around, and I am more than willing to wait for the updates to come out to the public and I give opinions on the public version.


Feb 6, 2023
Le Stag
When is the final version planned for? I'm not asking about the next release, just the final version, or eventually a complete season. Is it a matter of half a year, a year or years?
How many chapters/acts/episodes are planned in total? What's the current percentage of completion? Are we halfway there or is this just the beginning?
Is there a long-term roadmap? If not, maybe you could consider creating one on Trello or similar site?
Is this game planned as a complete work at all or is it more of a never-ending story? Have you thought about possible ending scenarios (you don't have to reveal them - I'm just asking if you already have a vision of them) or are you focusing on the upcoming releases for now?
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4.30 star(s) 91 Votes