I'm quite a big snob when it comes to stories in games and I barely care about them in most of these games, but I have to say New Antioch has amazing pacing, world-building and character development so far. Most importantly there aren't tons of exposition dumps and it relies on the player's intelligence to read between the lines before eventually revealing things. It's well-made. The only weakness in my eyes was the pacing and direction in the sex scenes. until the main ch5 scene, which was superb.
That's why I believe the deliberate cliffhanger at the end to be also another narrative choice to hook players in. I really hope it's not going to disappoint me like most games tend to do, but so far I have to say this is one of the premier quality stories in any games I've played on this site.
If anyone knows any games that have this level of storytelling, by all means, recommend them to me. I'm shocked at how little support this game has.
ps. Goddamn! Luciana's renders are divine in some shots.