1) For the first one it looks like the variable "catherinechatlara" is missing from "Z Definir Variables 57 Catherine-V1.rpy". I appended the following at the end of the file and the error disappeared. It would only otherwise be set on Day 65 if you asked Catherine about Adele and the option to talk about Gary & Lara came up as well:
default catherinechatlara = 0
2) You can fix the "yanmeisex2" one by editing "02 day 70.rpy" (and "02 day 68.rpy") to replace "yanmeisex2" with "yanmeisex02"
In both cases I used Notepad++. I won't upload the files as I'm sure
HoneyGames will be doing so at some point via a bug-fix or release anyway
If the fix you're referring to is the "638752_day686970_martinastats.rar" attachment for post #2006 on page 101 then "yanmeisex2" still persists in the files for both Day 68 & 70. The fix for "catherinechatlara" in "Z Definir Variables 57 Catherine-V1.rpy" isn't in there (if I'm correct of course
