This game that I have already played with the old version 1.2 is a delusion to me:
There are too much characters to follow and this makes the story very confused and impossible to play
There is great think in this game... it make me know that there is an Episode 1 called Follower
Follower is very good game and I like it so much because the numbers of characters in the follower story is perfect.
I do not know why the dev added so many new characters this cause great disappoint to me.
I suggest to start a new game that must be the continuation of the follower.... "Follower EP2" would a great game specially if the most important character that is Kristen will remain as the main female characters.
I just do not like this game for the reason that all female are very ugly if compared with Kristen.. the only interesting point in the NEW CORAL CITY are the scenes with Kristen the other girl are really boring so i have to skip all scenes except the Kristen ones.
I hope that in the future "real updates" Kristen will be back on a main role (because this version was already done more than 1 year ago) I will check on this thread to see the 1.3, 1.4 and future REAL updates and I hope they will come soon after waiting for so long.
Adding characters is always an error in the TV series... and never can be done with that enormous numbers of stupid females... in some case one new character is good if it is a strong man antagonist of the MC, but adding so many new females without any reason is an error that can be never done by good story writers.
Kristen is the much strong and important female character in this game... and the dev seems to be ashamed of her and terrified by her powerful female character.
I hate to break this to you but Irene was the main girl in Follower, Kristen was a side chick who was used to corrupt Irene.
The guy is a photographer for a model agency who works with a fashion magazine. There is going to be a lot of women.
Most of the characters aren't actually new but from previous games.
In most patreon polls Kristen doesn't rank that highly, Irene and Martina usually get high on the polls as well as Michelle. You are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is not fact and
HoneyGames is more likely to listen to his patreon's rather than just somebody on this forum especially as your entire post is nothing more than a whine over how you want more Kristen content, personally I would like to be fucking Andrea, Irene and Tatianna by now and for most of the game,as well as the return of Loreli from TKOB but we can't always get what we want.