Them girls eh...
Michelle : I have one path romancing her and staying loyal and she's responding in kind, but I have other pushing her perversion stat up so she's open to suggestions (ie, Connor/Tatianna) and doesn't mind me bonking others
Martina : I have one where I'm trying to be a good guy which is fruitless so far and getting >35 satisfaction is impossible (but that's what the console is for

) and only one more on the slave route (which she deserves and enjoys)
Ashley : I have one save dedicated to a solo route (looks like wedding bells are in my future) and others with her perversion stat pushed up when available - flirting with Kim for example. Wouldn't dream of a tandem with Yvette as it would hurt when they realize and I'd rather the MC retain his masculinity
Yvette : Solo save only
Tatianna : Solo (stated I wasn't into swinging, ruining the "tatiannaconnor" stat when chance arises and a couple of Michelle and Yanmei swinging paths
Yanmei : Solo (hell no Terrence) and fuck buddy paths (got the the end of Day 96 so far and no signs of her going to Terrence either (make sure I visit at least once a week)
Zoe : Solo path but still having fun with her whilst being on the porn manager path and seeing other - and she's okay with it until she finds out I guess.
Roberta: Solo path but also have one where I'm buttering up Vanessa as well - search "s 77 robertasex.rpy" for "vanessafuck" and you'll see why.
Otherwise, apart from trying some other solo paths to see what happens I'm banding girls with common interests together - like the models for example.