This game seems impossible to actually follow a route / routes. It has WAY too many characters that intertwine into each other. It needs a walkthrough something fierce.
Well follow your gut, and do what makes sense ( though for me that usually lands me in trouble, in real life)
There are a couple of girls that you can screw around with ( both figuratively and literally), with no consequences, at least so far.
Others are involved in relationships, so it will take time to develop.
For Yvette and Ashley: romance/girlfriend route. If you cheat on them, sooner or later, they'll find out ( and probably break MC in half)
Andrea: similar, ( at least later) it could bite you in the ass if you mess with Madelyn
Melissa or Michelle: also probably girlfriend/romance route, have to choose one or the other
The rest, is still kind of too early to tell, but so far you can play however you want with no consequences.